loved, and obeyed in every land, and the Lord's name be praised from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same. Thus glorify thy great name, fulfil thy gracious promises, and let thy kingdom be fully established, through Jesus Christ, our only Redeemer. Amen.
Psalms and Hymns, suited to the Lord's Supper.
Our Lord and his disciples closed the first celebration of this Institution by singing a hymn. We read, when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the Mount of Olives. It is probable that they sung some, if not all of the Psalms, (from the 113th to the 118th) which the Jews were accustomed to sing after the Passover.
As in attending to this holy and delightful exercise, we are only copying the primitive example; and as some select and suitable Psalms and Hymns may assist our devotion, they are here added for that purpose. They are chiefly on subjects directly connected with the different chapters of this Treatise.
MY Saviour! is thy table spread? And does thy cup with love o'erflow? Thither be all thy children led, And let them all thy goodness know. Hail, sacred feast, which Jesus makes! Rich banquet of his flesh and blood ! Thrice happy he, who here partakes That sacred stream, that heav'nly food! Why are its dainties all in vain Before unwilling hearts displayed ? Was not the Lamb for sinners slain ? Are you deny'd the children's bread? O let thy table honour'd be, And furnish'd well with joyful guests! And may each soul salvation see, That here its sacred pledges tastes! Revive thy dying churches, Lord, And bid our drooping graces live; And all that energy afford,
A Saviour's blood alone can give.
JESUS invites his saints To meet around his board: Here pardon'd sinners sit, and hold Communion with their God.
Here we survey that love Which spoke in every breath; Which crown'd each action of his life, And triumph'd in his death.
Here let our pow'rs unite, His glorious name to raise; Pleasure and joy fill every mind, And every voice be praise. And while we share the gifts His gracious hands bestow, Our hearts by Jesu's love inspir'd, With kind affections glow.
FOR mercies, countless as the sands, Which daily I receive, From Jesus my Redeemer's hands, My soul, what canst thou give ? Alas! from such a heart as mine, What can I bring him forth? My best is stain'd and dy'd with sin, My all is nothing worth. Yet this acknowledgment I'll make For all he has bestow'd; Salvation's sacred cup I'll take, And call upon my God. The best returns for one like me, So wretched and so poor, Is from his gifts to draw a plea, And ask him still for more.
PSALM 139.
GOD is a spirit just and wise, He sees our inmost mind:
In vain to heav'n we raise our cries,
And leave our souls behind.
Lord! search my thoughts, and try my ways,
And make my soul sincere;
Then shall I stand before thy face,
And find acceptance there.
BOW'D down beneath th' oppressive load Of deep transgression, O my God, With grief and conscious shame I flee, Guilty and self-condemn'd, to thee, My sins and sorrows at thy feet I spread, before thy mercy-seat; Mercy my suit, mercy my cry; Thy mercy spares, or else I die. My sin is great: its ceaseless smart Pervades and pierces through my heart; Wash me, O God! without, within ; O cleanse and free me from my sin.
O JESUS! full of truth and grace, More full of grace than I of sin : Yet once again I seek thy face, Open thine arms, and take me in. Thou know'st the way to bring me back, My fallen spirit to restore : O, for thy truth and mercy's sake, Forgive, and bid me sin no more. The stone to flesh, O Lord, convert; The veil of sin once more remove: Sprinkle thy blood upon my heart, And melt it by thy dying love. Give to mine eyes refreshing tears, And kindle my relentings now; Fill my whole soul with filial fears, And to thy yoke my spirit bow.
HOW condescending, and how kind, Was God's eternal Son!
Our misery reach'd his heav'nly mind, And pity brought him down.
This was compassion like a God, That when the Saviour knew
The price of pardon was his blood, His pity ne'er withdrew.
Now, though he reigns exalted high,
His love is still as great: Well he remembers Calvary;
Nor lets his saints forget.
Here let our hearts begin to melt, While we his death record; And with our joy for pardon'd guilt, Mourn that we pierc'd the Lord.
AND did the Holy and the Just, The Sovereign of the skies, Stoop down to wretchedness and dust, That guilty worms might rise?
Yes; the Redeemer left his throne, His radiant throne on high: Surprising mercy! love unknown! To suffer, bleed, and die.
He took the dying traitor's place, And suffer'd in his stead; For man, (O miracle of grace !) For man the Saviour bled!
Dear Lord, what heav'nly wonders dwell In thy atoning blood!
By this are sinners snatch'd from hell, And rebels brought to God.
Jesus, my soul adoring bends To love so full, so free; And may I hope that love extends Its sacred power to me?
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