HYMN 166. L. P. М.
Praise for Divine Goodness. Ps. cxlvi.
I' 'LL praise my Maker while I've breath; And when my voice is lost in death, Praise shall employ my nobler powers : My days of praise shall ne'er be past, While life, and thought, and being last, Or immortality endures. 2 Happy the man whose hopes rely On Israel's God; he made the sky, And earth, and seas, with all their train ; His truth forever stands secure! He saves the oppress'd, be feeds the poor,
And none shall find his promise vain. 3 The Lord pours eye-sight on the blind; The Lord supports the fainting mind; He sends the lab'ring conscience peace; He helps the stranger in distress, The widow and the fatherless,
And grants the pris'ner sweet release. 4 I'll praise him while he lends me breath; And when my voice is lost in death,
Praise shall employ my nobler powers: My days of praise shall ne'er be past, While life, and thought, and being last, Or immortality endures.
HYMN 167. L. M. Jesus hath done all things.
TOW shall our souls with pleasure raise, To our dear Lord a song of praise:
We'll sing his love, his goodness tell, Our Saviour hath done all things well. 2 With pitying eyes he view'd our case, And came to save our ruin'd race; He conquer'd sin, and death, and hell; Our Jesus hath done all things well.
3 He undertook to bear our load, And bring us back again to God; To fit us with himself to dwell; Christ Jesus hath done all things well.
4 He will accomplish his design, And all things in himself combine; No more shall ever they rebel; Our Jesus will do all things well.
5 His work, how great! his plan, how vast! But when it all appears at last, It will our highest praise excel ; For Jesus will do all things well.
6 When the creation is restor'd, And God shall be by all ador'd, How loudly will the triumph swell, Our Jesus hath done all things well. 7 Sin, death, and hell, will Christ destroy, • And fill the universe with joy; His love shall then each voice compel, To cry "He hath done all things well."
HYMN 168. Eight, Eight, and Six Metre.
BEGIN, my soul, th' exalted lay,
Let each enraptur'd thought obey, And praise th' Almighty Name ! Lo! heaven and earth, and seas and skies, In one melodious concert rise,
To swell th' inspiring theme.
2 Thou heaven of heavens, his vast abode, Ye clouds, proclaim your Maker God; Ye thunders, speak his power; Lo! on the lightning's rapid wings, In triumph, rides the King of kings, Th' astonish'd worlds adore.
3 Ye deeps, with roaring billows rise, To join the thunder of the skies, Praise him who bids you roll;
His praise in softer notes declare, Each whispering breeze of yielding air, And breathe it to the soul.
4 Wake, all ye soaring throng, and sing; Ye cheerful warblers of the spring, Harmonious anthems raise;
To him who shap'd your finer mould, Who tipp'd your glittering wings with gold, And tun'd your voice to praise.
5 Let man by nobler passions sway'd, The feeling heart, the reas'ning head, In heavenly praise employ; Spread the Creator's name around, Till heaven's wide arch repeat the sound, The general burst of joy.
ET all the earth their voices raise To sing a lofty song of praise, And bless the great Jehovah's name; His glory let the heathen know, His wonders to the nations show,
And all his works of grace proclaim. 2 Great is the Lord, his praise be great, Who sits on high enthron'd in state, To him alone let praise be given; Those gods, the heathen world adore, In vain pretend to sov'reign power,
He only rules who made the heaven. 3 He fram'd the globe, he spread the sky, And all the shining worlds on high,
He reigns complete in glory there; His beams are majesty and light, His glories how divinely bright! His temple how divinely fair!
4 Let heaven be glad, let earth rejoice, Let ocean lift its roaring voice,
Proclaiming loud Jehovah reigns; For joy let fertile valleys sing, And tuneful groves their tribute bring,
To him whose power the world sustains. 5 Come, the great day, the glorious hour, When earth shall own its sov'reign power, And barb'rous nations fear his name; Then shall the universe confess The beauty of his holiness,
And in his courts his grace proclaim.
HYMN 170. С. М.
Praise to God and the Lamb.
C NOME, let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne, Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, But all their joys are one.
2 "Worthy the Lamb that dy'd," they cry, "To be exalted thus;" "Worthy the Lamb," our hearts reply, "For he was slain for us."
3 Jesus is worthy to receive
Honour and power divine; And blessings more than we can give, Be, Lord, forever thine.
4 The whole creation join in one, To bless the sacred name
Of him that sits upon the throne, And to adore the Lamb.
HYMN 171. Eights Metre.
'The New Jerusalem. Rev. xxi. 1.
We soon shall recover our home;
The city of saints shall appear,
The day of eternity come;
From earth we shall quickly remove, And mount to our native abode, The house of our Father above, The palace of angels and God.
2 Our mourning is all at an end, When rais'd by the life-giving word, We see the new city descend, Adorn'd as a bride from her Lord; The city so holy and clean, No sorrow can breathe in the air : No gloom of affliction or sin, No shadow of evil is there!
3 By faith we already behold That lovely Jerusalem here; Her walls are of jasper and gold, As crystal her buildings are clear ; Immoveably founded in grace, She stands, as she ever hath stood, And brightly her Builder displays, And flames with the glory of God.
4 No need of the Sun in that day, Which never is follow'd by night, Where Jesus's beauties display A pure and a permanent light; The Lamb is their light and their sun, And lo! by reflection they shine, With Jesus ineffably one,
And bright in effulgence divine!
HYMN 172. Sevens and Six Metre.
RISE, my soul, and stretch thy wings,
Thy better portion trace;
Rise from transitory things,
Tow'rds heaven thy native place;
Sun, and moon, and stars decay,
Time shall soon this earth remove;
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