5 Our thoughts are lost in rev'rend awe; 6 O may I bear some humble part HYMN 86. С. М. WATTS. The Glad Tidings of Salvation. Luke i. 72, 73, 74. Heb. iii. 13. Acts x. 42. SALVATION! O the joyful sound! pleasure to our ears; A sov'reign balm for ev'ry wound, 2 Bury'd in sorrow and in sin, 3 Salvation! -let the echo flv The spacious earth around; Conspire to raise the sound. WATTS. HYMN. 87. Hallelujah Metre. God's love eternal and unchangeable. Ps. xlii. 11. Işa. liv. 9, 10. 2 Tit. iii. 5. MY distrustful heart! How small thy faith appears; But greater, Lord, thou art Than all my doubts and fears. Did Jesus once upon me shine? Unchangeable his will, Though dark may be my frame; His loving heart is still Eternally the same : 3 4 My soul through many changes goes; Thou, Lord, wilt carry on, HYMN 88. L. M. The Loving Kindness of the Lord Jesus. Ps. xxxvi. 7, 8, 9. lxiii. 3. Ixxvi. 15. A WAKE, my soul, in joyful lays, And sing thy great Redeemer's praise; He justly claims a song from me. 3 Though num'rous hosts of mighty foes, 4 When trouble, like a gloomy cloud, 5 Soon shall I pass the gloomy vale, 6 Then let me mount and soar away, HYMN 89. L. M. RIPPON'S Coll. The Hope which is the Anchor of the Soul. 1 Pet. i. 13. Psa. lxxxiv. 12. Rom. vii.24, 25. Heb. vi. 19. O GOD, my Sun, thy blissful rays Irradiate, warm, and guide my heart; How dark, how mournful are my days, 2 Scarce through the shades, a glimpse of day 3 O let me not despairing mourn, 4 O, for the bright, the joyful day, Beneath the Sun's refulgent eye, HYMN 90. L. M. RIPPON'S Coll. Hoping. Micah. vii. 8, 9. Psa. xliii. 5. Prov. xiii. 12. Rom. iv. W 18, 19, 20. HY sinks my weak, desponding mind? Why heaves my heart the anxious sigh? Can sov'reign goodness be unkind? Am I not safe if God be nigh? 2 He holds all nature in his hand : 3 'Tis he supports this fainting frame. The wond'rous glories of his name How wide they spread! how bright they shine! 4 Infinite wisdom! boundless power ! Unchanging faithfulness and love! Here let me trust while I adore, Nor from my refuge e'er remove. MRS. STEELE HYMN 91. S. M. Rejoicing in the Hope set before us. James. v. 11. Ps. cxxxi. 3. Hab. iii. 17, 18. 2 N JOW let our voices join Ye pilgrims, in Jehovah's ways, How strait the path appears, 3 But flow'rs of paradise 4 Which sparkle through the skies. Praise. Ps vii. 17. xiii. 6. cxxxv. 3. CHILDREN of the heavenly King, 2 Ye are trav'lling home to God, 3 O, ye banish'd seed, be glad ! 4 Shout, ye little flock, and bless'd, 5 Fear not, brethren, joyful stand 6 Lord, obediently we go, ) HYMN 93. С. М. CENNICK. Christ precious to them that believe. Gal. iv. 26. Rom. x. 11. 1 Peter. ii. 7. JESUS! I love thy charming name, music to mine ear; Fain would I sound it out so loud, 2 Yes, thou art precious to my soul, 3 All my capacious powers can wish, |