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HYMN 137. L. M.

Public Worship. Ps. lxv.

FOR thee, O

God, our constant praise

In Zion waits, thy chosen seat ;
Our promised altars there we'll raise,
And all our zealous vows complete.
2 O thou, who to our humble prayer
Didst always bend thy list'ning ear,
To thee shall all mankind repair,
And at thy gracious throne appear.

3 Our sins, though numberless, in vain
To stop thy flowing mercy try;
For thou wilt purge the guilty stain,
And wash away the crimson dye.
4 Blest is the man, who near thee plac'd
Within thy sacred dwelling lives;
Whilst we at humbler distance taste
The vast delight thy worship gives.


HYMN 138. С. М.

Fruitful Seasons. Ps. lxv.

OD is the Lord, the heav'nly King,
Who makes the earth his care :

Visits the pastures ev'ry spring,
And bids the grass appear.

2 The clouds, like rivers rais'd on high,
Pour out, at thy command,
Their wat'ry blessings from the sky,
To cheer the thirsty land.
3 The soften'd ridges of the field
Permit the corn to spring;
The vallies rich provision yield,
The grateful lab'rers sing.
4 The little hills on ev'ry side
Rejoice at falling show'rs;
The meadows, dress'd in all their pride,
Perfume the air with flow'rs.


5 The barren clods, refresh'd with rain,
Promise a joyful crop ;

The fields, with verdure fill'd, again
Revive the reaper's hope.

6 The various mouths thy goodness crowns,
How bounteous are thy ways!
The bleating flocks spread o'er the downs,
And shepherds shout thy praise.



HYMN 139. S. M.

Universal Praise. Ps. lxvii.

O bless thy chosen race,
mercy, Lord, incline;

And cause the brightness of thy face
On all thy church to shine.
That so thy gracious way
May through the world be known;
Whilst distant lands their homage pay,
And thy salvation own.

3 Let all the nations join


To celebrate thy fame;

Let the whole world, O Lord, combine

To praise thy glorious name.

O let them shout and sing,

In humble pious mirth;

For thou, the righteous Judge and King,
Shalt govern all the earth.

HYMN 140. L. M.


The pleasure of Public Worship. Ps. lxxxiv.


GREAT God, attend, while Zion sings
The joy that from thy presence springs;
To spend one day with thee on earth,
Exceeds a thousand days of mirth.

2 The sparrow chooses where to rest,
And for her young provides a nest;
But will my God to sparrows grant
Those pleasures which his children want?

3 Might I enjoy the meanest place
Within thy house, O God of grace.
Not tents of ease, nor thrones of pow'r,
Should tempt me to desert thy door.

4 God is our Sun, he makes our day;
God is our Shield, he guards our way
From all th' assaults of hell and sin,
From foes without and foes within.

5 All needful grace will God bestow,
And crown that grace with glory too:
He gives us all things, and withholds
No real good from upright souls.

6 Blest are the men, whose steadfast minds
To Zion's gate are still inclin'd:
God is their strength, and through the road
They lean upon their helper God.

7 Cheerful they walk with growing strength,
Till all shall meet in heav'n at length;

Till all before thy face appear,

And join in nobler worship there.


HYMN 141. Hallelujah Metre.

The same.

ORD of the worlds above,


How pleasant and how fair

The dwellings of thy love,
Thine earthly temples are!
To thine abode

My heart aspires, with warm desires,
To see my God.

2 The sparrow for her young,
With pleasure seeks a nest,
And wand'ring swallows long
To find their wonted rest;
With equal zeal,

Lord, I would wait, within thy gate,
And with thee dwell.

3 To spend one sacred day
Where God and saints abide,

Affords diviner joy,
Than thousand days beside;
Where God resorts,

I love it more to keep the door
Than shine in courts.

4 O happy souls that pray
Where God appoints to hear!
O happy men that pay
Their constant service there!
They praise thee still,
And happy they, who find the way
To Zion's hill.

5 They go from strength to strength,
Through this dark vale of tears,
Till each arrives at length,
Till each in heav'n appears.
O glorious seat!

When God our King shall thither bring
Our willing feet !


HYMN 142. С. М.

A blessed Gospel. Ps. lxxxix.


LEST are the souls who hear and know
The gospel's joyful sound;
Peace shall attend the path they go,
And light their steps surround.
2 Their joy shall bear their spirits up,
Through their Redeemer's name;
His promises exalt their hope,
Nor Satan dare condemn.

3 The Lord our glory and defence,
Strength and salvation gives;
Israel, thy King for ever reigns,
Thy God for ever lives.

HYMN 143. С. М.

The Covenant of Grace. Ps. lxxxix.

HEAR what the Lord in

vision said,

And made his mercy knowa:

"Sinners, behold your help is laid
On my beloved Son.



2 Behold the Man my wisdom chose,
Among your mortal race;
His head my holy oil o'erflows,
The Spirit of my grace.

3 High shall he reign on David's throne,
My people's better King;
My arm shall put his rivals down,
And still new subjects bring.
4 My truth shall guard him in his way,
With mercy by his side;
While in my name, through earth and sea,
He shall in triumph ride.

5 Me for his Father and his God
He shall for ever own;
Call me his Rock, his High Abode,
And I'll support my Son.

6 My first-born Son, array'd in grace,
At my right hand shall sit;
Beneath him angels know their place,
And princes at his feet.

7 My cov'nant stands for ever fast,
My promises are strong;
Firm as the heav'n his throne shall last,
His seed endure as long."


HYMN 144. С. М.

The same.

ET (saith the Lord) if David's race,
The children of my Son,
Should break my laws, abuse my gracc,
And tempt my anger down :
2 Their sins I'll visit with the rod,
And make their folly smart;
But never cease to be their God,
Nor from my truth depart.
3 My cov'nant I will not revoke,
But keep my grace in mind;


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