her interests, for whom the world itself was DISC. created, and is preserved. Her foundations, as they are to last when the world is ended, so were they laid before it began, as the Scriptures testify, when they tell us, that " we are saved and called according to the " divine purpose and grace given us in " Chrift Jesus before the world began;" when they affure us, that GOD " hath " chosen us from the beginning;" when they style the Gospel " the everlasting co"venant," and 'Christ, "the Lamb flain "from the foundation of the world." Creation was pofterior to the covenant of grace, and the first step in the execution of it. The world was enjoyed but for a little season by man in his state of innocence, and has ever fince sympathized with him in the misery of his fall, but is still preserved as the scene on which the mighty work of his redemption is carrying on, until it be finally accomplished. At that day and hour cometh the end. When the fulness of the Gentiles shall be come in, and all the Ifrael of Gop shall be saved, the heavens shall pass XV. away DISC. away with a great noise, and the elements XV. shall melt with fervent heat; the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burnt up. 1 Nor indeed can we proceed far in the facred history, before we meet with an awful exemplification of this great truth, a stupendous prelude to that final destruction which awaits the world, and to that complete salvation which is then to be wrought for the church. When the earth was defiled by the abominations of it's inhabitants, when the fins of men had burst the fountains of the great deep, and opened the windows of heaven, and called forth a deluge to cleanse her from her corruptions; when neither the riches of the wealthy, nor the power of the mighty, nor the wisdom of the wife could fave them a fingle moment from the hand of death; - then appeared the ineftimable privileges of the faithful, the incomparable pre-eminence of the church. Small and contemptible as the then feemed, being reduced to the holy fa XV. mily in the ark, yet, safe in the protection DISC. of her God, she weathered the storm which laid the world in ruins, and rode in triumph over the wreck of univerfal nature. New heavens, as it were, and a new earth arofe, for her fake, out of the confusion of the old; the covenant was renewed; she was bid to look upon the rainbow, and remember the promise; the morning stars once more sang together, and all the fons of GOD shouted for joy. In the dispersion of the nations from Babel, regard was had to the after difposition of things in the Ifraelitish church; for which reason Mofes begins his song with it. "When the most High divided " to the nations their inheritance, when he " separated the fons of Adam, he fet the " bounds of the people according to the "number of the children of Ifrael." Who can read the lives of those fathers of our faith, the ancient patriarchs, " when "they were but few men in number, yea very DISC. "very few, and strangers in the land," XV. without perceiving how highly they were accounted of in the fight of GOD? " He " suffered no man to do them wrong, yea, " he reproved kings for their fakes; saying, "Touch not mine anointed, and do my " prophets no harm." They were honoured in the kingdoms through which they passed as mighty princes of GOD: when injured, they put to flight through faith the armies of aliens; they were suffered to intercede for finful cities, and such as belonged to the holy family were sent out of the overthrow, when the destruction of those cities, by the enormity of the crimes of the inhabitants, was rendered inevitable: they were made instruments of preserving whole nations alive in the time of dearth, of informing princes concerning the will of heaven, and teaching fenators true wisdom; they were revered by crowned heads, and Pharaoh disdained not to receive a bleffing from Jacob. Egypt, at that time one of the most renowned : : xv. nowned and mighty kingdoms of the earth, DISC. VOL. III. Y repent |