DISCOURSE IX. Bleffed is he that confidereth the Poor 245 Preached before the Lord Mayor, &c. at St. Bride's, on Eafter Tuesday, April DISCOURSE I. THE DUTY OF TAKING NO THOUGHT MATTHEW VI. 34. Take therefore no thought for the morrow; for the morrow fball take thought for the things of itSelf; fufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. W I. HAT? Take no thought, no DISC. thought at all for the morrow? Attend only to the day that is paffing over us, and make no provifion for the future? Are we not to look forward; to fuppofe a continuation of life, and a want of the means which are neceffary to fupport it? Should we fit ftill, with our arms folded, and expect that Providence will supply us with those means, without ufing our own endea VOL. III. B |