| 1611 - 360 pages
...I had mercy on thee. Therefore thy gates shall be open continually; [298 ;j They shall not be shut day nor night; That men may bring unto thee the forces...brought. For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; Yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted. The glory of Lebanon shall come... | |
| John Austin - 1706 - 660 pages
...my Favour I had Mercy on thee. Therefore thy Gates (hall be open continuaDy \ they (hall not be (hut Day nor Night. That Men may bring unto thee the Forces of the Gentiles j and that their Kings may be brought unto thee. For the Nation, and Kingdom that will not ferve thee... | |
| Sir John Floyer - 1713 - 376 pages
...brightnefs of thy rifmg. Ver. 1 1 . Therefore thy Gates (ball be open continually, they [hall not be {hut day nor night, that men may bring unto thee the Forces,...the. Gentiles, and that their Kings may be brought. Ver. 1 2. For the Nation and Kingdom that will notferve thee /hall perifi. Ver. 19. "The Sun fiall... | |
| Joseph Perry (of Thorpe.) - 1721 - 574 pages
...Gates Jhall be open continually, they fiall not be Jlnit Day nor Night, that Men may bring unto tbee the Forces of the Gentiles, and that their Kings may be brought, By theOdf« being open is fignifled the free Reception andwondeiful Flocking }n that there will be... | |
| Joseph Eyre - 1771 - 194 pages
...thee, but in my favour have I had mercy on 11 thee. Therefore thy gates fhall be open continually, they fhall not be fhut day nor night, that men may bring unto thee the forces [wealth] of the Gen12 tiles, and that their kings may be brought. For the nation or kingdom that will... | |
| 1788 - 598 pages
...thee, but in my favour have I had mercy on thee. 11 Therefore thy gates fhall be open continually, they fhall not be fhut day nor night, that men may bring...the Gentiles, and that their kings may be brought. 12 For the nation and kingdom that will not ferve thee, mall perifh: yea, thofe nations fhall be utterly... | |
| Thomas Taylor - 1789 - 364 pages
...favour have I had meny ut tbn.~-Iter<furf thy gates JhM be Upei continually : they Jhall not he Jhut day nor night, that men may bring unto thee the forces of th; G;niil:s, and that their kings may he brought*. 10. AND to fhew that fhall not be a Iranllent vilit,... | |
| Joseph Priestley - 1794 - 448 pages
...but in my favour have I ' had mercy on thee. Therefore thy gates * fhall be open continually, they fhall not * be fhut day nor night, that men may * bring unto thee the forces' (wealth) * of * the Gentiles, and that their kings may be * brought. For the nation or kingdom * that... | |
| George Stanley Faber - 1801 - 374 pages
...favour have I had mercy •" on thee. Therefore thy gates fhall be " open continually ; they flrall not be fhut " day nor night ; that men may bring " unto thee the forces of the Gentiles, Q 4 " and • , HOR.E MOSAICS. • SECT. " and that their kings may be brought in. " Thou fhalt alfo... | |
| Alexander Fraser - 1802 - 498 pages
...reprefentation of the Old-Teftament prophets. " Therefore thy gates fhall be open continual" ly, they fhall not be fhut day nor night, that " men may bring...that their kings may be brought. " For the nation and the kingdom that will not " ferve thee, fhall perifh : yea, thofe nations ** fhall be utterly wafted.-r-The... | |
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