List of readings and renderings preferred by the English Committee. CLASSES OF PASSAGES. I. In the title of the Gospel insert "S." (i. e. Saint); and to the heading of the pages of the Gospels prefix "S.". II. In the title of the Pauline Epistles (except those to the Galatians, Titus, and Philemon) Insert "the Apostle"; in the title of the Epistle to the Hebrews insert "of Paul the Apostle "; in the title of the Epistles of James, Peter, 1 John, and Jude insert the word "General"; and let the title of the Revelation run "The Revelation of S. John the Divine". III. Wherever "Holy Spirit" occurs, substitute "Holy Ghost", except in Mark iii. 29; Luke ii. 25, 26; iv.1; x. 21; xi. 13; xii. 10, 12; John i. 33; xiv. 26; Acts ii. 4; vi. 5; 1 Cor. xii. 3; Eph. i. 13; iv. 30; 1 Thess. iv. 8; Jude 20. IV. Substitute "by" for "through" in Matt. ii. 5, 17, 23; iii. 3; iv. 14; viii; 17; xii. 17; xiii. 35; xxi. 4; xxiv. 15; xxvii. 9; Luke xviii. 31, Acts ii. 16; xxviii. 25; Rom. i. 2. V. Substitute "tempt", temptation" "temptations", for "try", "trial", "trials", in Matt. iv. 7; xvi. 1 ; xix. 3; xxii. 18, 35; Mark viii. 11; x. 2; xii. 15; Luke iv. 12, x. 25; xi. 16; xxii. 28; John viii. 6; Acts v. 9; xv. 10; 1 Cor. x. 9; Heb. iii. 8, 9; 1 Pet. i. 6. VI. Use "which" of persons as well as "who" or "that" "be" as well as "are" in the present indicative; "wot" or "wist" as well as "know" or "knew", and "hale" for " drag". VII. Substitute for "demon ("demons") the word "devil ("devils"); and for "demoniac" or "possessed with a demon ("demons") substitute "possessed with a devil" ("devils "). VIII. After "baptize" let the marg. "Or, with" and the text "in" exchange places. IX. Against the word "covenant" add the marginal note "Or, testament" in Matt. xxvi. 28; Luke xxii. 20; 1 Cor. xi. 25; 2 Cor. iii. 6, 14; Gal. iii. 15, 17; Heb. vii. 22; viii. 6, 8, 9, 10; ix. 4, 20; x. 16; xii. 24; Rev. xi. 19. X. Omit the marg. "Or, steadfastness", wherever it is placed against the word " patience" as a rendering of ὑπομενή. ΧΙ. Let ἀσσάριον Matt. x. 29; Luke xii. 6, be translated "farthing"; and δηνάριον Matt. xviii. 28; xx. 2, 9, 10, 13; xxii. 19; Mark vi. 37; xii. 15; xiv. 5; Luke vii. 41; x. 35; xx. 24; John vi. 7; xії. 5; Rev. vi. 6, " penny ". XII. Omit the marginal rendering "Or, God and the Father" in Rom. xv. 6; 2 Cor. i. 3; xi. 31; Eph. i. 3; Col. i. 3; 1 Pet. i. 3. Omit the marg. "Or, God and our Father" in Gal. i. 4; Phil. iv. 20; 1 Thess. i. 3; iii. 11.13; Jas. i. 27. Omit the marg, "Or, God and his Father" in Rev. i. 6. XIII. The use of "fulfil" is not to be confined to those cases in which it denotes "accomplish", "bring to pass", or the like. MATTHEW, II. 2 Against "worship" omit marg.8 III. 7 Against " to his baptism" omit marg. 1 1 10 For "the axe lieth at" read "is the axe laid unto". So in Luke iii. 9. VI. 11 Against "our daily bread" in marg. omit "Or, our needful bread". So in Luke xi. 3. 27 For "the measure of his life" read "his stature" with marg. 1 "Or, age". VIII. 4 For "go" o" read "g Mark. i. 44. 'go thy [your] way." So in Matt. xxvii. 65; IX. 6, 8 For "authority" read "power", and put "authority" into the margin. So in Mark ii. 10; Luke v. 24 X. 39 Against "life" add marg. "Or, soul". So in Matt. xvi. 25; Mark viii. 35; Luke ix. 24; xvii. 33; John xii. 25. XII. 23 For "Can this be the son of David?" read "Is this the son of David?" [Comp. John iv. 29.] 31 Against "unto men" add marg. "Some ancient authorities read unto you men". XIX. 14 For "to such belongeth" read "of such is", and omit marg. "Or, of such is". So in Mark x. 14; Luke xviii. 16. XX. 1 For "that was" read "that is". XXII. 23 For marg. 5 instead of "Many ancient authorities", etc., read "Gr. saying". XXIII. 9 For "Father even he who is in heaven", read "Father, which is in heaven". 23 For "justice" read "judgment". So in Luke xi. 42. XXVI. 29 For "I shall not drink" read "I will not drink." So in Mark xiv. 25; Luke xxii. 16, 18. XXVII. 27 Let "Prætorium" and "palace" exchange places. So in John xviii. 28, 33; xix. 9. MARK. II. 4, 9, 11, 12 Against "bed" omit marg. 10. So in Mark vi. 55; John ν. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; Acts v. 15 (against "couches" in the text); ix. 33. VII. 4 For "bathe" read "wash". [Comp. Luke xi. 38.] X. 13 For "were bringing" read "brought". So in Luke xviii. 15. 32 Against "and they that followed" add marg. "Or, but some as they followed were afraid." 45 Instead of "For the Son of man also" read "For verily the Son of man ". XI. 24 For "receive" read "have received" and omit marg.3 XIV. 3 For "pure nard" read "spikenard", omit marg. 2 "or, liquid nard" and putin its place "Gr. pistic nard, pistic being perhaps a local name. Others take it to mean genuine; others, liquid." So in John xii. 3. LUKE. I. 35 Let the text read "wherefore also that which is to be born shall be called holy, the Son of God"; with marg. "Or, the holy thing which is to be born shall be called the Son of God". 70 For "of old" read "since the world began". So in Acts iii. 21; xv. 18. II. 34 For "and the rising" read "and rising up". 37 For "even unto" read "even for". III. 14 For "Extort from no man" , etc., read "Do violence to no man, neither exact anything wrongfully," and against "exact" add marg. "Or, accuse any one.' 20 For "added this also to them all" read "added yet this above all". IV. 1 For "in the Spirit," read "by the Spirit," adding the marg. "Or, in." VI. 16 For "became a traitor" read "was the traitor". VIII. 3 For "Chuzas" read "Chuza". 29 For "was commanding" read "commanded". IX. 12 For "provisions" read "victuals". 18 For "apart" read "alone". 46 For "was the greatest" read "should be greatest". XI. 38 For "bathed himself" read "washed". [Comp. Mark vii. 4.] XII. 49 For "what do I desire" read "what will I," and omit marg. 1 XIII. 32 Against " I am perfected" omit marg. 4 XV. 16 For "have filled his belly" read "have been filled", omitting marg. 8 XVII. 6 For "had faith" read "have faith", and for "would obey you" read "would have obeyed you". 11 For "along the borders" read "through the midst", and let text and marg. 4 exchange places. XVIII. 5 Against "lest she wear me out" omit marg. 1 7 For "and yet he" read "and he", and omit marg. 3 XIX. 29 For "Olivet" read "the mount of Olives". So in xxi. 37; see Acts i. 12. 42 Against "day" omit marg. 4 "thy day", and against "peace" omit marg. 5 "thy peace". XX. 20 Against "rule" omit marg. 3 XXII. 24 For "was accounted" read "is accounted". 70 For "Ye say it, for I am" read "Ye say that I am," and substitute the text for the margin. XXIII. 2 Against "Christ a king" add marg. "Or, an anointed king". 15 Against "he sent him" omit marg. 2 23 For "urgent" read "instant". 46 Let text and marg. 5 exchange places. XXIV. 30 Read "he took the bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them". 38 For "questionings" read "reasonings". JOHN. I. 3, 10, 17 Substitute the marginal reading for the text. II. 17 For "Zeal for thy house" read "The zeal of thine house". III. 20 For "evil" read "ill". So in v. 29. 488 JOHN III. 29-ACTS XXIII. 35. 29 For "made full" read "fulfilled". So xv. 11; xvi. 24; xvii. 13. VII. 8 For "I go not up" read "I go not up yet", and change the marg. 2 to "Many ancient authorities omit yet". 21, 22 read "ye all marvel. For this cause hath Moses", etc., with 33 Against "a man every whit whole" omit marg. 1 38 For "from within him" read "out of his belly", and omit marg. 1 to marg. 2. So in xiii. 19. 25 Substitute for the present marg. "Or, How is it that I even speak to 26 Against "unto the world" add marg. "Gr. into". 44 For "standeth" read "stood", and add marg. "Some ancient authorities read standeth". 52, 53 For "died" read " is dead" and "are dead". [Comp. vi. 49, 58.] X. 8 Against "before me" omit marg. 3 XII. 43 For "the glory that is of men" read "the glory of men", and for XIV. 1 Let the text and marg. 4 exchange places. 14 Read "If ye shall ask me any thing", add the marg. 4 "Many XVI. 25, 29 For "dark sayings" read "proverbs". XVII. 24 For "I desire" read "I will". XVIII. 37 Read "Thou sayest that I am a king", and add marg. 4 "Or, thou sayest it because I am a king". XXI. 7 Against "naked" omit marg. 1 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. II. 47 For "those that were saved" read "those that were being saved". VIII. 16 For "it was fallen" read "he was fallen". XIII. 18 For "as a nursing-father bare he them" read "suffered he their XIV. 9 Against "made whole" add marg. "Or, saved". XV. 18 For "from of old" read "from the beginning of the world". 23 Read "The apostles and the elder brethren", instead of "The XVII. 22 For "very religious" read "somewhat superstitious" and put "re- ligious" in the margin. XIX. 31 For "Asiarchs" read "chief officers of Asia", putting "Asiarchs" in the margin without explanation. XX. 28 For "the Lord" read "God", omitting marg. 1 XXI. 10 For "some days" read "many days". 35 For "hear thee fully" read "hear thy cause". |