St. Paul's Discourse to Felix. Preached before the KING, Febr 15, 1729-30. Acts xxiv. part of 24th and 25th Verses. He fent for Paul, and heard Him concerning the Faith in Chrift: And as He reasoned of Of Consistency in all our Arguments about Preached before the KING, March 5, 1731-2. SERMΟΝ Χ. Of Perfecution on Account of Religion. R о м. xiv. 4. Of Zeal not according to Knowledge. Rом. х. 2. pag. 207. SER- SERMΟΝ ΧΙΙ. No Servant can ferve two Masters: for either He will hate the one, and love the other; or elfe He will hold to the one, and despise the The Extremes of Riches and Poverty. Give me neither Poverty, nor Riches; feed me with Food convenient for me. Left I be full, and deny Thee, and fay, Who is the Then faid Jefus unto Him, Go, and do Thou likewife. Now, no Chastening for the present, feemeth to be joyous, but grievous : nevertheless, after- thereby. pag. 339. |