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Common terms and phrases
Abstr acetic acid action alcohol and ether alcoholic solution alkalis ammonia ammonium amount analysis aniline aqueous solution barium benzene boiling bromine calcium carbonic anhydride cent Chem chloric acid chloroform colour colourless composition compound Compt concentrated containing converted copper crystallises crystallises from alcohol crystals decomposed decomposition dilute dissolves distilled ether ethyl evaporated excess experiments ferric chloride formation formed formula grams H₂O heated hot water hydrochloric acid hydrogen chloride hydrogen sulphide hydroxide insoluble iodide iodine light petroleum liquid metallic method mineral mixed mixture molecular mols needles melting nitrate nitric acid nitrogen obtained oxide oxidised oxygen permanganate phenol phenylhydrazine phosphorus plates platinochloride potash potassium powder precipitate prepared prisms reaction readily soluble reduced rend residue separates silver small quantity sodium soluble soluble in alcohol soluble in water sparingly soluble substance sulphate sulphuric acid temperature tion treated tube urine whilst white needles yellow needles yields Zeit zinc
Popular passages
Page 104 - ... salt fuses at 290° with decomposition. Towards acids and solvents, the crystallized compound behaves like that precipitated by potassium iodide ; ammonia and caustic alkalis render it green, and on heating convert it into the corresponding alkaline iodide and metallic mercury. The crystallized iodide is less sensitive to light than the precipitated yellow compound, which rapidly becomes black even in diffused daylight. When mercurous nitrate; solution is treated with bromine under similar conditions,...
Page 756 - ... (3) The bleaching solution must be exceedingly dilute, otherwise the action is so rapid and powerful, that both old and new •writings are removed almost simultaneously. (4) The action must be carefully watched so as not to be too long continued.
Page 222 - ... and insecticides, and in the textile industry as an assist in printing. All water- and acid-soluble compounds of arsenic are poisonous. Arsenious acid, arsenic trioxide, arsenious oxide, arsenious anhydride, or white arsenic, As2O3, is an anhydride which, dissolved in water, reacts as H3AsO3. It is only slightly soluble in cold water but more soluble in hot water, alkalies, alkaline carbonates, alcohol and some dilute acids. It occurs naturally in mineral form and is also recovered from arsenical...
Page 756 - ... as ordinary writing inks, prepared from iron and chromium salts and galls. 2. Writing dried by means of blotting paper is naturally more easily removed than writing which is allowed to dry on the surface of the paper; and light writing is somewhat more easily removed than coarse and heavy writing. 3. The bleaching solution must be exceedingly dilute, otherwise the action is so rapid and powerful that both old and new writings are removed almost simultaneously. 4. The action must be carefully...
Page 171 - Hourly determinations of the quantity of urine and the percentage of urea, extractives and total nitrogen contained therein, have been made by the authors for four consecutive days. The following are the conclusions : — 1. The greatest elimination of water takes place about one hour after a meal ; the greatest elimination of urea three to four hours after. '2. The excretion of water and nitrogen is much less during the night than during the day.
Page 72 - Band xxxiv, p. 78. •(•Quoted from HC Wood's Therapeutics, p. 161. small repeated doses of antimonious oxide are without influence on the excretion of nitrogen, sulphur, and phosphorus, and that hence when taken in non-toxic doses it has no noticeable action on proteid metabolism.* Without doubt, toxic doses do materially affect the nutrition of the body, but with a dog of 13 kilos. weight the administration of repeated doses of antimonious oxide, to the extent of 17 grains in 13 days, led...
Page 616 - Yonng. (Analyst, xiii. 5, 6.) The author confirms the statement of Yoshida as to the occurrence of a minute quantity of aluminium in wheat, and shows that practically the whole of it is associated with the gluten. A sample of the best Vienna flour gave 0'0075 per cent, of aluminium phosphate. The gluten from 250 grams of this flour was dissolved in acetic acid to purify it, and the solution yielded aluminium phosphate amounting to 0-0074 for 100 parts of flour.
Page 11 - ... they would cut the normal isochoric lines at an extremely high temperature. The physical meaning of this behaviour is that, if the temperature of a gas, at constant volume, be raised sufficiently high, the density must equal and then fall below the normal. It is evident that this must be the case. For the pressure of a gas depends on the number of molecules present in unit volume, on the average velocity of each molecule, and on the number of impacts on unit area of the surface of the containing...
Page 489 - In some oysters, which produced these symptoms, I have recently found tyrotoxicon. Milk or other fluid to be tested for this poison should be kept in well stoppered bottles ; for if the fluid be exposed to the air, the tyrotoxicon may decompose in a few hours. The filtrate from the milk or the filtered aqueous extract of cheese should be neutralized with sodium carbonate, then shaken with half its volume of pure ether.
Page 345 - ... as no sulphuretted hydrogen could be detected, we. infer the non-existence of sulphides in the nodule. The total mineral was also analyzed with the following results: Pet cent.