GUBKIN (J.). Electrolytic Separation of the Metal on the Free Surface of
the Solution of its Salt
FITZPATRICK (T. C.). Action of the Solvent in Electrolytic Conduction
GRIMALDI (G. P.). Influence of a Magnetic Field on the Thermoelectric
Properties of Bismuth
RIGHI (A.). Rotation of Isothermic Lines of Bismuth placed in a Magnetic
WINKELMANN (A.). Anomalous Dispersion produced by Glowing Vapours
KRÜSS (G.) and L. F. NILSON. Components of Rare Earth yielding Ab-
BAILEY (G. H.). Components of Rare Earths yielding Absorption-spectra
EXNER (F.). Theory of Researches on Contact-electricity
MOSER (J.). Resolution of Electromotive Forces of Galvanic Elements into
their Differences of Potential.
KOOSEN (J. H.). Property of the Alkalis of increasing the E.M.F. of Zinc
TRAUBE (M.). Electrolytic Formation of Hydrogen Peroxide at the
HAMPE (W.). Electrolytic Conduction of Halogen Compounds
LE CHATELIER (H.). Molecular Heats of Gases.
TAMMAN (G.). Influence of Small Amounts of Impurity on the Vapour-
tension of Liquids
MÜLLER-ERZBACH (W.). Dissociation of Crystallised Lead Acetate and
Sodium Thiosulphate
BRAUN (F.). Relation between the Compressibilities of a Solution and of its
Constituent Parts