| 1850 - 638 pages
...Improved Edition of Brande's Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art, corrected to the Present Time. A Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art ; comprising...Derivation and Definition of all the Terms in General Use. Edited by WT Brande, FRSL & E. ; assisted by Dr. J. Cauvin. A New and thoroughly Revised Edition (1850),... | |
| 1841 - 712 pages
...Edited by the Rev. JOHN CUUMINO, MA Imperial Svo, 2*. G. Virtue. 5. Part* I. II. and III. A Dictionarjj of Science, Literature, and Art. Comprising the history,...derivation and definition of all the terms in general use. Illustrated by engravings on wood. General Editor, WT DBANDE, FKSL and E , &c. Being the Twelfth of... | |
| George Lindley - 1831 - 674 pages
...Athletic, Scientific, and Recreative, of Boy 12mo. with many Engravings on Wood, 8s. 6d. boards BRANDE. -A DICTIONARY OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE, AND ART; comprising...Derivation and Definition of all the Terms in General Use. Edited by WT BRANDE, FRSL St E. ; assisted by JOSKPH CAOVIN, Esq. The various departments are by Gentlemen... | |
| Mary Martha Sherwood - 1834 - 450 pages
...Professor EH COURTENAY. With Plates. 8vo, Sheep extra, $2 25. Brando's Encyclopedia of Science, &c. A Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art : comprising...Derivation and Definition of all the Terms in general Use. Edited by WT BRANDE, FRSL and E., assisted by JOSEPH CACVIN, Esq. The various Departments by eminent... | |
| J. S. Bayldon - 1834 - 286 pages
...of Boyhood and Youth. 20th Edition, square 12mo. with many Engravings on Wood, 6s. boards. BRANDE.-A DICTIONARY OF SCIENCE LITERATURE, AND ART; comprising...Branch of Human Knowledge; with the Derivation and Definitionof all the Terms iu GeneialUse Kdited by WT BRANDE, FRSL & E. ; assisted by JOSKPH CAUVIN,... | |
| 1856 - 1156 pages
...pharmacy. By James C. Booth, assisted by Campbell Morfit. Philadelphia, 1850. Brande, 10G18, & 10768, 0. A dictionary of science, literature and art; comprising...scientific principles of every branch of human knowledge. Edited by WT Brande, FRS London, 1842. Carpenter, 7573, & 7680, D. Popular cyclopaedia of natural science,... | |
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...SCIENCE, LITERATURE, AND ART; Comprising the History, Deseription, and Seientific Principles of erery Branch of Human Knowledge ; with the Derivation and Definition of all the Terms in general use. Edited by WT Brande, FRSL and E.; assisted by Joseph Canvin, Esq. The varions departments ore by Gentlemen... | |
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...Treatise on the bte&m-Kngine." Third Kdition, revited and corrected, Foolscap Svo. 6*. cloth. BRANDE.— A DICTIONARY OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE, AND ART: Comprising...Derivation and Definition of all the Terms in general use. Edited hv WT Brandt, FRSL and E.: assisted hy Dr. J. Canvin. A new and thoroughly revised Edition,... | |
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...Boyhood and Youth. 20th Edition, square 12rao. with many Engravings on Wood, 6s. boards. BRANDE.-A DICTIONARY OF SCIENCE LITERATURE, AND ART; comprising...Derivation and Definition of all the Terms in General Use. Edited by WT BRANDE, FRSL & E. ; assisted by JOSKPH CAUVIN, Esq. The various departments are by Gentlemen... | |
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...anoint its lips, and teach its faltering voice to ilow ill deep and sweet hosannas." Лп Encyclopaedia of Science, Literature, and Art : comprising the History,...with the Derivation and Definition of all the Terms ¿71 nse. Illustrated by Engravings on Wood. General Editor, WT BRANDE, FRSL & £., &c , &c. New York... | |
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