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** Gentlemen and Publishers who have works in the press, will oblige the Conductors of the ECLECTIC REVIEW, by sending information (post paid,) of the subject, extent, and probable price of such works; which they may depend upon being communicated to the public, if consistent with its plan.


Mr. Park's edition of Warton's History of English Poetry is in a state of great forwardThe editor's plan is not only to revise both text and notes, and free the extracts from the charge of inaccuracy to which they have hitherto been subjected, but also tosupply a continuation in furtherauce of Mr. Warton's plan. The very copious Annotations on Warton's Hist

tory by the late learned Antiquary, the Rev. George Ashby, together with the various MS. observations left by that acute critic Mr. Ritson, are in the hands of the present Editor; and so far as the purposes of correction and illustration can be served will be appended to the notes of Mr. War


Mr. C. Bradley, of Wallingford School, has in the press a Series of Questions adapted to Lindley Murray's English Grammar; with Notes, for the use of those who have made some proficiency in the study of the English Language. The plan of this work is similar to that of Morgan's Grammaticæ Quæstiones.

In the press, and may be expected, early in May, Essays addressed to the Jews, on the authority, the scope, and the consummation of the Law and the Prophets; written at the request of the London Missionary Society, by the Rev. Mr. Ewing, of Glasgow. One vol. 12mo.

An Apology for the King's Supremacy, with Memoirs of the Supremacy of the Pope, shewing its Rise, Progress, and Results in different Ages and Nations, so far as relates to civil affairs, is in the press in one 8vo. volume. As it is supposed to proceed from a distinguished character in the church, it is eagerly expected in particular by those of the Romish persuasion.

Two volumes of Sermons of the late Bishop Horsley, are intended to be published by subscription, and to be ready in June next.

Speedily will be published, neatly printed in octavo, a Series of Discourses on the Principles of Religious Belief, as connected with Human Happiness and Improvement. By the Rev. R. Morehead, A. M. of Baliol College, Oxford, Junior Minister of the Episcopal Chapel, Cowgate, Edinburgh.

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The Rev. Wm. Dibdin's first volume of the new edition of Ames's Typographical Antiquities, by Herbert, is gone to press. This will include the whole of "Lewis's Life of Caxton," a scarce book; and an ample account of the books printed by our first venerable typographer, with new and interesting extracts. The notes will embrace a great portion of the bibliographical history of the fifteenth century. Exclusively of the lives of Ames and Herbert, there will be a preliminary dissertation on the early state of printing and engraving in this country, with fac-simile wood cuts. All the large paper copies of this first volume are engaged, and the greater number of the small, of which the impression is a limited one. single copy will be printed on vellum, of a super-royal folio size. This is afterwards to be illuminated and adorned with appropriate ornaments, portraits, flowers, Greek and Etruscan borders, &c.


The Rev. Joseph Wilkinson, of Thetford, is going to publish, by subscription, Select Views in Cumberland, Westmoreland, and part of Scotland; exhibiting the most picturesque situations in these counties, with letter-press descriptions.

Mr. Hilditch proposes to publish by subscription, the History and Antiquities of Tamworth.

Lord Valentia has printed two volumes of his Travels; the whole will appear about May or June next, in 3 quarto volumes.

Dr. Stock of Bristol, has undertaken to write a Life of the late Dr. Beddoes, with the approbation of his family and friends.

Mr. Matthew Murfitt, of Trinity College, Cambridge, is printing an Essay on the Life and Character of Agesilaus, son of Archidamus.

The Rev. C. Wellbeloved, of York, will soon publish Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the late Rev. W. Wood, minister of the chapel at Mill-hill, in Leeds; with the address delivered at his interment, and a sermon on occasion of his death.

Mr. Enfield, author of the Pronouncing

Dictionary of the English Language, has nearly ready for press the first volume of a new Encyclopædia, or Circle of knowledge and science. The work is arranged in a popular way, and is intended as well for the assistance of the youthful mind in its progress through the different stages of scholastic learning, as for the more enlightened lover of science. It is to consist of 25 volumes duodecimo, each containing a complete treatise on some important branch of science.

Mr. Jerningham will shortly publish a work, intitled, The Alexandrian School; being a Narrative of the characters and writings of the first Christian professors in the city of Alexandria.

Mr. Lucas is preparing to publish the Travels of Humanius in search of the Temple of Happiness.

Mr. Martin, who has been diligently employed in the study of extraneous fossils for some years, is about to publish, under the patronage of Sir Joseph Banks, a quarto volume of Plates and Descriptions of the Petrifications of Derbyshire. He has also nearly ready for publication, in an octavo volume, an Elementary Introduction to the Knowledge of Extraneous Fossils; being an attempt to establish the study of these bodies on scientific principles.

Speedily will be published, A New and Complete Military Dictionary: including the theory and practice, and also the whole science of the art of war, with numerous engravings. Price 11. 2s. in boards.

A new edition of Quintilian, after the manner of Rollin's Compendium, is printing at Oxford, in an octavo volume, and is nearly ready for publication.

The London Booksellers having completed Holinshed's Chronicle, that of Hall is nearly ready, and Grafton is in the -press.

A member of the university of Oxford has announced for publication, Lindley Murray examined, or an address to classical, French and English teachers; and grammatical errors in Mr. Murray's grammar are pointed out; shewing at the same time the necessity of an English grammar, that will lead to the grammar of any other language, without violating the purity of the English.

He will

Mr. Robertson Buchanan, who lately published an Essay on the Teeth of Wheels, with their application in practice to millwork and other machinery, has a second essay nearly ready for publication, and three more prepared for the press. also speedily publish a second edition of his Essay on Heating Buildings by Steam, which will contain a methodical collection of the facts that have since been ascertained, and have rendered the practice certain and commodious.

The Reports of the preventive Medical Institution at Bristol, which have been some time expected, were left in a certain degree of forwardness by the late Dr. Beddoes; and they will be completed and published, as soon as possible, by Mr. King and Dr. Stock. The former gentleman has been surgeon to the institution from its commencement.

Speedily will be published, A System of Surgery, in 4 vols. 8vo, by James Russel, F.R.S. E. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, one of the surgeons of the Royal Infirmary, and Professor of Clinical Surgery in the University of Edinburgh.

In the press, and soon will be published, A System of Surgery, in 4 vols 8vo. by John Thomson, M. D. one of the surgeons to theRoyal Infirmary, Professor of Surgery to the Royal College of Surgeons, and Regius Professor of Military Surgery in the University of Edinburgh.


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discovery of the island, in the year 1605, till the accession of Lord Seaforth, 1801. By John Poyer, 4to. 11. 11s. 6d. boards.


A Letter to John Haygarth, M. D. F.R.S. London and Edinburgh, &c. from Colin Chisholin. M. D. F. R. S. &c. author of an

Essay on the Pestilential Fever: exhibiting

farther evidence of the infectious nature of

this fatal distemper in Grenada, during 1793, 4, 5, and 6; and in the United States of America from 1793 to 1803; in order to correct the pernicions doctrine promulgated by Dr. Edward Miller, and other American

physicians, relative to this destructive pest.

lence, Svo. 6s.

An Essay on Warm aud Vapour Baths, with hints for a new mode of applying heat and cold, for the cure of diseases and the preservation of health. Illustrated by cases. By E. Kentish, M. D. physician to the British Dispensary, 8vo. 4s. 6d.


Remarks on the Jacobinical Tendency of the Edinburgh Review: in a letter to the Earl of Lonsdale. By R. Wharton, Esq. M. P. 8vo. 6s.

The Introduction to an Examination of the Internal Evidence, respecting the antiquity and authenticity of certain publications, said to have been found in manuscripts at Bristol, written by a learned priest and others in the fifteenth century. By John Sherwen, M. D. Member of the College of Physicians and of the College of Surgeons, and Corresponding Member of the Medieal Society, London. 8vo. 7s.

The Spanish Post Guide, as published at Madrid by order of the Government, translated from the Original in order to be prefixed to the new Edition of Mr. Semple's Journey in Spain, and illustrated by a Map. 2s. 6d.

A Letter to William Mellish, Esq, M. P. on a late Dispute in the Parish of Edmonton, and on the alledged Abuses in Christ's Hospital. By the Rev. Dawson Warren, A. M. Vicar of Edmonton. 1s. 6d.

A Collection of Portraits drawn from the Life. No. L. to be continued quarterly.

11. 1s.

Remarks on Mr. Fox's History of James II. 1s.

Regulation Uniforms of the British Army. No. 1. 10s. 6d.

Letters from the late W. Warburton, D. D. Bishop of Gloucester, to the late R. Hurd, D. D. Bishop of Worcester, from the year 1749 to 1776, left for Publication by

the late Bishop Hurd. 2nd edition. 8vo,


The Harleian Miscellany, a new Edition: with a Supplement and Notes, by Thomas Park, F. S. A. vol. ii. royal 4to 31. 3s.

Plutarch's Lives, translated from the Original Greek with Notes, Critical and His torical, and a Life of Plutarch. By John Langhorne, D. D and William Langhorne, A. M. A new Edition, with Correct ons and

Additions, by the Rev. Francis Wrangham,

M. A. F. R S. 6 vols. 8vo. 31. 3s.

The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer, translated into English Blank Verse, with copious Alterations and Notes, prepared for the Press by the Translator, William Cowper,

Esq. and published with a Preface by his Kinsman, John Johnson, L. L. B. Chaplain to the Bishop of Peterborough. Third Edition, 4 vols. 8vo. 11. 16s. royal paper 21. 8s.

The Works of Jonathan Swift, D. D. Dean of St. Patrick, Dublin. Arranged by Thomas Sheridan, A. M. with Notes, Historical and Critical. A new Edition, corrected and revised, by John Nicholls, F.S.A. A &c. 19 vols. 8vo. 91.

A Complete View of the Gold and Silver Cons of all Nations, with their Names, Assay, Weight, and Sterling Value. By James Ede Goldsmith, 12mo. 10s. 6d.

Flowers of Literature; or, Characteristic Sketches of Human Nature and modern Manners; consisting of Essay's, Anecdotes, Tales, Narratives, curious Stories, &c. chiefly selected from the most celebrated Productions in the Year 1807. 12mo. 6s.

Reliques of Robert Burns; consisting chiefly of Original Letters, Poems, and Critical Observations on Scottish Songs. Collected and published by R. H. Cromek. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

A Dialogue in the Elysian Fields, between the Right Hon. Charles James Fox, and some of his Royal Progenitors. 4to. 2s.

Selections in Portuguese, from various Authors, with English Translations, 5s. 6d.

A Letter to his Royal Highness the Duke of York; or, an Exposition of the Circumstances which led to the Appointment of Sir Hew Dalrymple. By Thomas Hague, 2s.

A Letter to the Governors of Christ's Hospital, being a Refutation of the Invectives and Misrepresentations contained in a Letter from the Rev. Dr. Warren, Vicar of Edmonton, to William Mellish, Esq. M. P. By Robert Waithman. 1s. 6d.

The Compositor's and Pressman's Guide to the Art of Printing. By C. Stower, Printer, royal 12mo. 3s. 6d.

An Essay on the Commercial Habits of the Jews. 3s.

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Anecdotes of Literature and scarce Books.

By the Rev. W. Beloe, Translator of Herodotus, &c. Vol. iii. 8vo. 9s.--The first two Volumes of the Work, price 18s. are in print. Two more Volumes are preparing for Publication. At the end of the fifth will be given a general Index to the whole work. An analytical Inquiry into the Principles of Taste, By Richard Payne Knight, Esq. 4th Edition, 8vo. 8s. 6d.

An Essay on Medals; or, an Introduction to the Knowledge of Ancient and Modern Coins and Medals; especially those of Greece, Rome, and Britain. By John Pinton. Third Edition, with Corrections and Additions, 2 vols. 8vo. 11. 11s. 6d.

The Remonstrant: being a Letter to Mr. William Hale; in Reply to his Address to the Public upon the Injurious Tendency of the London Female Penitentiary. By G. Hodson. 8vo. 1s.

A comparative View of the Plans of Education, as detailed in the Publications of Dr. Bell, and Mr. Lancaster. The Second Edition, with Remarks on Dr. Bell's "Madras School," and Hnts to the Managers and Committees of Charity and Sunday Schools, on the Practicability of extending such Institutions upon Mr. Lancaster's Plan. "Palmam qui meruit ferat." By Joseph Fox. 8vo. 1s. 6d.

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The Whole of the Proceedings of the Board of Inquiry, upon the subject of the late campaign in Portugal. By Authority. 8vo. 12s.

Strictures on the Present Government, civil, military, and political, of the British possessions in India; including a view of the recent transactions in that country, which have tended to alienate the affections of the people in a letter from an officer, resident on the spot, to his friend in England. 3s.

Reflections upon the State and Conduct of Fublic Affairs, at the commencement of the year 1809. By an Englishman of the Old School. 8vo. 2s.


Four Discourses, on Subjects relating to the amusement of the Stage: preached at Great St. Mary's Church, Cambridge, on Sunday September the 25th, and Sunday October the 2d, 1808; with copious supplementary notes. By James Plumtre, B. D. 7s.

The Way in which we should go; a sermon, preached in the parish church of St. Botolph, Cambridge, on Sunday, December 11th, 1808, for the benefit of the New School, established on Dr. Bell's and Mr. Lancaster's plan of education. By James Plumtre, B.D. 1s.

A Plain and Serious Address, from a parochial clergyman to his parishioners, at the commencement of the new year. 1s. 6d.

Youth admonished to submit to the Guidance of God. A Sermon, preached at the Chapel, in Fish-Street, Kingston upon Hull, Jan. 8. 1809. By George Payne, A. M. Published at the Request of the Church 8vo. 1s.

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Londina Illustrata; or, a Collection of Plates, consisting of Engravings from original Paintings and Drawings, and Facsimile Copies of Scarce Prints; displaying the State of the British Metropolis, from the Reign of Queen Elizabeth to the Revolution. No. 2. with four plates, viz. 1. The Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, near Smithfield, a Fac-simile Copy from the very scarce Etching by Hollar, in Dugdale's Monasticon.

2. Suffolk House, Charing Cross, from a Drawing by Hollar, in the Pepysian Library, Cambridge. 3. Durham, Salisbury, and Worcester Houses, in the Strand, from a Drawing by the same. 4. York House, adjoining the above, from a Drawing by the same. 1s.

A History of Brecknockshire. Containing the Antiquities, Sepulchral Monuments and Inscriptions, Natural Curiosities, Variation of Soil; Stratification, Mineralogy, a

copious List of rare and other Plants, and the Genealogy and Arms of the Families blazoned; together with the names of the Patrons and Incumbents of all the Parishes and Livings in that County. By Theophilus Jones, Deputy Registrar, &c. The second and concluding Volume, illustrated by numerous plates. royal 4to. 41. 14s. 6d.


Caledonian Sketches, or, a Tour through Scotland, in the year 1807. By Sir John Carr. 4to. with numerous fine views. 21. 2s.


Our account of the Philosophical Transactions for 1808, Part. I, is necessarily postponed to the next number.

We are much gratified by the favourable opinion of the object, tendency, and execution of this publication, expressed by our correspondent Observator from North Britain; as well as by the candour with which he has made his remarks on a critique in our last volume, p. 1089. If he reconsiders the subject to which he adverts, he will find, that the resistances to a vessel in motion will not be invariable, with equal velocities, while the density of the fluid varies, unless the surfaces immersed, as well as the quantities of fluid displaced, be inversely as the densities. And even if this were not the fact, Observator's arguments would not apply to our objections against General Grant's contrivance: because it is not the vessel, but the ball let down through the tube and drawn after it, which experiences the resistance to be measured in the standard experiment; and that resistance will manifestly vary conjointly with the density of the fluid, and with some function of the velocity of the sailing vessel.

In answer to another worthy Correspondent, who signs Ignotus, we would beg to observe, that the general commendation of an author's style does not imply an unqualified approbation of every sentence in his work; and that the various faults of which Ignotus justly complains in the work referred to, are all noticed in our critique, as strongly, we think, every thing considered, as the occasion required.

Dr. Carpenter's Letter has come to hand. He would probably not have thought it so necessary for him to “call upon us” to correct an unintentional mis-statement, had he recollected that the gentleman whom alone it concerned was the only proper person to demand such "an act of justice;" and he might have been still less inclined to interfere, had he first taken the trouble to ascertain whether that gentleman had complained for himself, and whether he had received a private explanation, and whether he was desirous of receiving a public one.

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