THE Eclectic Review, VOL. V. PART 1. FROM JANUARY, TO JUNE, 1809, INCLUSIVE. Φιλοσοφίαν δε ου την Στωικην λεγω, ουδε την Πλατωνικην, η την Επικουρείου LONDON: Printed for LONGMAN, HURST, REES, AND ORME, PATER NOSTER-ROW. THE ECLECTIC REVIEW, For JANUARY, 1809. Art. I. Sermons, on several Subjects, by the late Rev. William Paley, D. D. Subdean of Lincoln, and Rector of Bishopswearmouth. 8vo. pp. 548. Price 10s. 6d. Longman and Co. 1808. WE regard this book in the light of an invitation to at tend the funeral of one of the most powerful advocates that ever defended the best cause. And if our regret were to be in proportion either to the value of the life which has terminated, or to the consideration of how many instances of such talent so happily applied may be expected hereafter, it would be scarcely less deep than that which we feel for the loss of our most valued friends. But the regret is not required to correspond to this latter consideration; because the Christian world does not absolutely need a numerous succession of such men. It has been the enviable lot of here and there a favoured individual, to do some one important thing so well, that it shall never need to be done again: and we regard Dr. Paley's writings on the Evidences of Christianity as of so signally decisive a character, that we could be content to let them stand as the essence and the close of the great argument, on the part of its believers; and should feel no despondency or chagrin, if we could be prophetically certified that such an efficient Christian reasoner would never henceforward arise. We should consider the grand fortress of proof as now raised and finished,-the intellectual capitol of that empire which is destined to leave the widest boundaries attained by the Roman very far behind. It would seem that the infidels, notwithstanding their perseverance in their fatal perversity, do yet nearly coincide in this opinion of Dr. Paley's writings; as none of them have presumed to attempt a formal refutation. They are willing to enjoy their ingenuity of cavilling and misrepresenting, their exemption from the restraints of religion, and their transient impunity, under the ignominious and alarming conVOL V. B |