GEORGE the Second, by the Grace of God, King of GreatBritain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To all to whom thefe. Prefents shall come, GREETING. WHEREAS Our Trufty and Well-beloved, WILLIAM AYRE, Efq; hath humbly reprefented unto Us, that he hath been at very great Expence and Labour, in Writing and Compiling a Work entitled, Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Alexander Pope, Efq, in Two Volumes, OcΑ tavo, him Our Royal Privilege, for the fole Printing, Publishing, and Vending, the laid Work, for the Term of Fourteen Years: We, being willing to give all due Encou ragement to Works of this Nature, which tend to the Advancement of Knowledge, are graciously pleas'd to condefcend to his Requeft; and do therefore by these Presents, so far as may be agreeable to the Statute, in that Behalf made and provided, grant unto the faid WILLIAM AYRE, Efq; his Executors, Adminiftrators, and Affigns, Our Royal Licence for the fole Printing, Publifhing, and Vending the aforefaid Work, for the Term of Fourteen Years, to be computed from the Date hereof: Strictly forbidding all Our Subjects, within Our Kingdoms and Dominions, to reprint the fame, either in the like or any other Volume or Volumes whatfoever, without the Confent or Approbation of the faid WILLIAM AYRE, Efq; as they will anfwer the contrary at their Peril. The Mafter, Wardens, and Company of Stationers, are to take Notice, that due Ŏbedience may be render'd to Our Pleasure, herein declared. Given at Our Court at St. James's, the HOLLES NEWCASTLE. OF THE LIFE and WRITINGS Alexander Pope, Efq; Faithfully Collected from Authentic AUTHORS, Original Manu- WITH CRITICAL OBSERVATIONS, Adorned with the HEADS of divers ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONS, VOL. II. By WILLIAM AYRE, Efq; LONDON: Printed by his MAJESTY'S AUTHORITY, M DCC XLV. |