Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1833, By S. G. GOODRICH, In the Clerk's office of the District Court of Massachusetts. BOSTON: TUTTLE AND WEEKS PREFACE. THIS work was undertaken in the hope of making an agreeable companion for youth, to be consulted every day in the year. It was not intended for mere children, but for those who had advanced to the age of twelve or fourteen years, or had arrived at that degree of maturity, which would enable them to understand the language, and estimate the value of such counsel, and such entertainment, as might be drawn from the best writers in our language. I wished to put within the reach of all youthful readers an unobtrusive friend; one that would lie upon the shelf, or remain snug in a corner, ready at all times to appear when called for, but never forward to exact attention; one that would mingle pleasure with instruction, and counsel with knowledge; one, that, when friends are absent, and companions away, would speak to them, sometimes as a parent deeply concerned for their welfare, and sometimes as a talkative old man, who likes nothing so well as a good listener. |