The altar services1824 |
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againſt alfo Almighty alſo Amen Anfwer Apoftles aſked becauſe befeech thee behold Bishop bleffed blood caft Chrift our Lord Collect cometh Communion death defire didft difciples Epiftle everlaſting faid unto faith unto fake falvation fame Father fave faying feen fend fent ferve feven fhalt fhew fhould fins firft firſt fleſh fome fuch fuffer Ghoſt give glory goodneſs Gospel grace hand hath hearts heaven himſelf holy Communion Holy Ghoft honour houſe Ifrael Jerufalem Jews King kingdom liveth Lord Jefus Chrift Matth mercy Minifter moft moſt Name Nicene Creed pafs paſs peace Pfal Pilate pleaſe thee praiſe pray Prayer Priest promiſe prophets receive righteouſneſs ſaid Saviour ſay ſhall ſheep ſpeak Spirit thee to hear themſelves ther theſe things thine thofe thoſe thy fervants thy holy underſtanding unto thee Verily I fay whatſoever whofe Word world without end ye fhall yourſelves