The Trustees, past Presidents of the Association, the President and Vice-Presidents for the year, the President and Vice-Presidents Elect, past and present General Treasurers and General Secretaries, past Assistant General Secretaries, and the Local Treasurers and Local Secretaries for the ensuing Annual Meeting. TRUSTEES (PERMANENT). The Right Hon. Lord RAYLEIGH, O.M., M.A., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., F.R.A.S 1. The objects of the British Association for the Advance- Objects. ment of Science are: To give a stronger impulse and a more systematic direction to scientific inquiry; to promote the intercourse of those who cultivate Science in different parts of the British Empire with one another and with foreign. philosophers; to obtain more general attention for the objects of Science and the removal of any disadvantages of a public kind which impede its progress. The Association contemplates no invasion of the ground occupied by other Institutions. 2. The Association shall consist of Members, Associates, Constitution. and Honorary Corresponding Members. The governing body of the Association shall be a General Committee, constituted as hereinafter set forth; and its affairs shall be directed by a Council and conducted by General Officers appointed by that Committee. 3. The Association shall meet annually, for one week or Annual longer, and at such other times as the General Committee Meetings. may appoint. The place of each Annual Meeting shall be determined by the General Committee not less than two years in advance; and the arrangements for these meetings shall be entrusted to the Officers of the Association. CHAPTER II. The General Committee. 1. The General Committee shall be constituted of the Constitution. following persons :— (i) Permanent Members— (a) Past and present Members of the Council, and past and present Presidents of the Sections. Admission. Meetings. Functions. (6) Members who, by the publication of works or papers, have furthered the advancement of knowledge in any of those departments which are assigned to the Sections of the Association. (ii) Temporary Members (a) Vice-Presidents and Secretaries of the Sections. 2. The decision of the Council on the qualifications and claims of any Member of the Association to be placed on the General Committee shall be final. (i) Claims for admission as a Permanent Member must be lodged with the Assistant Secretary at least one month before the Annual Meeting. (ii) Claims for admission as a Temporary Member may be sent to the Assistant Secretary at any time before or during the Annual Meeting. 3. The General Committee shall meet twice at least during every Annual Meeting. In the interval between two Annual Meetings, it shall be competent for the Council at any time. to summon a meeting of the General Committee. 4. The General Committee shall (i) Receive and consider the Report of the Council. (ii) Elect a Committee of Recommendations. (iii) Receive and consider the Report of the Committee of Recommendations. (iv) Determine the place of the Annual Meeting not less (v) Determine the date of the next Annual Meeting. (vii) Elect Ordinary Members of Council. (viii) Appoint General Officers. (ix) Appoint Auditors. (x) Elect the Officers of the Conference of Delegates. (xi) Receive any notice of motion for the next Annual Meeting. CHAPTER III. Committee of Recommendations. 1. * The ex officio Members of the Committee of Recom- Constitution. mendations are the President and Vice-Presidents of the Association, the President of each Section at the Annual Meeting, the President of the Conference of Delegates, the General Secretaries, the General Treasurer, the Trustees, and the Presidents of the Association in former years. An Ordinary Member of the Committee for each Section shall be nominated by the Committee of that Section. If the President of a Section be unable to attend a meeting of the Committee of Recommendations, the Sectional Committee may appoint a Vice-President, or some other member of the Committee, to attend in his place, due notice of such appointment being sent to the Assistant Secretary. 2. Every recommendation made under Chapter IV. and Functions. every resolution on a scientific subject, which may be submitted to the Association by any Sectional Committee, or by the Conference of Delegates, or otherwise than by the Council of the Association, shall be submitted to the Committee of Recommendations. If the Committee of Recommendations approve such recommendation, they shall transmit it to the General Committee; and no recommendation shall be considered by the General Committee that is not so transmitted. Every recommendation adopted by the General Committee shall, if it involve action on the part of the Association, be transmitted to the Council; and the Council shall take such action as may be needful to give effect to it, and shall report to the General Committee not later than the next Annual Meeting. Every proposal for establishing a new Section or SubSection, for altering the title of a Section, or for any other change in the constitutional forms or fundamental rules of the Association, shall be referred to the Committee of Recommendations for their consideration and report. 3. The Committee of Recommendations shall assemble, Procedure for the despatch of business, on the Monday of the Annual Meeting, and, if necessary, on the following day. Their Report must be submitted to the General Committee on the last day of the Annual Meeting. * Amended by the General Committee at Winnipeg, 1909, and Manchester, 1915. Procedure. Constitution. Proposals by Tenure. Reports. CHAPTER IV. Research Committees. 1. Every proposal for special research, or for a grant of money in aid of special research, which is made in any Section, shall be considered by the Committee of that Section; and, if such proposal be approved, it shall be referred to the Committee of Recommendations. In consequence of any such proposal, a Sectional Committee may recommend the appointment of a Research Committee, composed of Members of the Association, to conduct research or administer a grant in aid of research, and in any case to report thereon to the Association; and the Committee of Recommendations may include such recommendation in their report to the General Committee. 2. Every appointment of a Research Committee shall be proposed at a meeting of the Sectional Committee and adopted at a subsequent meeting. The Sectional Committee shall settle the terms of reference and suitable Members to serve on it, which must be as small as is consistent with its efficient working; and shall nominate a Chairman and a Secretary. Such Research Committee, if appointed, shall have power to add to their numbers. 3. The Sectional Committee shall state in their recommendation whether a grant of money be desired for the purposes of any Research Committee, and shall estimate the amount required. All proposals sanctioned by a Sectional Committee shall be forwarded by the Recorder to the Assistant Secretary not later than noon on the Monday of the Annual Meeting for presentation to the Committee of Recommendations. 4. Research Committees are appointed for one year only. If the work of a Research Committee cannot be completed in that year, application may be made through a Sectional Committee at the next Annual Meeting for reappointment, with or without a grant-or a further grant-of money. 5. Every Research Committee shall present a Report, whether interim or final, at the Annual Meeting next after that at which it was appointed or reappointed. Interim Reports, whether intended for publication or not, must be submitted in writing. Each Sectional Committee shall ascertain whether a Report has been made by each Research Committee appointed on their recommendation, and shall report to the Committee of Recommendations on or before the Monday of the Annual Meeting. |