2. Not receiving Grants of Money-continued. Subject for Investigation, or Purpose To investigate the Physiological and Psychological Factors in the production of Miners' Nystagmus. The Significance of the Electro-motive Metabolism of Phosphates. The Dissociation of Oxy-Hæmoglobin at High Altitudes. Colour Vision and Colour Blindness. Calorimetric Observations on Man in The Binocular Combination of Kine- Members of Committee Chairman.-Professor J. H. Muirhead. Dr. J. Jameson Evans and Dr. C. S. Chairman.-Professor W. D. Halliburton. Chairman.-Professor W. A. Osborne. Chairman.-Professor E. H. Starling. Chairman.-Professor E. H. Starling. Professor A. W. Porter, Dr. A. D. Waller, Chairman.-Professor J. S. Macdonald. Chairman.-Dr. C. S. Myers. SECTION K.-BOTANY. SECTION L.-EDUCATIONAL SCIENCE. To take notice of, and report upon Chairman.-Professor H. E. Armstrong. Miss Coignan, Principal Griffiths, Dr. Communications ordered to be printed in extenso. Section A.-Mr. G. Hardy: On Prime Numbers. Section B.-Discussion on Smoke Prevention. Section B.-Discussion on Homogeneous Catalysis. Resolutions referred to the Council for consideration, and, if desirable, for action. From Section A. That the Committee of Section A places upon record its high appreciation of the assistance rendered to the investigation of the value of gravity at sea by the Directors of Messrs. Alfred Holt, of Liverpool, during the voyage of the British Association to Australia in 1914. The Association is indebted to them for the generous installation of a special refrigerating chamber for the purpose of this research, and for placing at the disposal of the experimenter (Dr. Duffield) the whole of the resources of the Blue Funnel steamship Ascanius; in this respect the help of Captain Chrimes, Chief Engineer Douglas, and Refrigerating Engineer Latham deserves particular mention. The Association regrets that the outbreak of war prevented full advantage being taken of the facilities so kindly made available by Messrs. Alfred Holt, but it is none the less grateful for their valuable and whole-hearted co-operation. That a copy of the above Resolution be forwarded to Messrs. Alfred Holt. From Section B. To recommend to the Council that the proceedings of Section B, together with the reports of research committees, including any reports on special branches of chemical science, be published separately from the Annual Volume of Reports. At its meeting on September 9, the General Committee unanimously adopted the following resolution, and ordered that it should be forwarded to the Prime Minister, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and the Presidents of the Boards of Education and of Agriculture and Fisheries: That the British Association for the Advancement of Science, believing that the higher education of the nation is of supreme importance in the present crisis of our history, trusts that His Majesty's Government will, by continuing its financial support, maintain the efficiency of teaching and research in the Universities and University Colleges of the United Kingdom. Synopsis of Grants of Money appropriated for Scientific Purposes on behalf of the General Committee at the Manchester Meeting, September 1915. The Names of Members entitled to call on the General Treasurer for Grants are prefixed to the respective Committees. Section A.-Mathematical and Physical Science. *Turner, Professor H. H.-Seismological Observations *Ramsay, Sir W.-Tables of Constants *Hill, Professor M. J. M.-Mathematical Tables *Armstrong, Professor H. E.-Dynamic Isomerism Kipping, Professor F. S.-Aromatic Nitroamines *Hall, Mr. A. D.-Plant Enzymes *Armstrong, Professor H. E.- Eucalypts Armstrong, Professor H. E.-Solubility Phenomena *Masson, Professor Orme.-Influence of Weather Conditions 20 0 0 10 0 0 on Nitrogen Acids in Rainfall and Atmosphere.... *Pope, Professor W. J.-Crystalline Form and Molecular Structure *Chattaway, Dr. F. D.-Non-aromatic Diazonium Salts Dobbie, Sir J. J.-Absorption Spectra, &c. Section C.-Geology. *Cole, Professor Grenville. -Old Red Sandstone Rocks of Kiltorcan *Watts, Professor W. W.-Critical Sections in Palæozoic Rocks *Kendall, Professor P. F.-List of Characteristic Fossils Horne, Dr. J.--Old Red Sandstone Rocks at Rhynie.... Kidston, Dr. R.-Lower Carboniferous Flora at Gullane Section D.-Zoology. *Shipley, Dr. A. E.-Belmullet Whaling Station Section E.-Geography. *Lucas, Sir C. P.-Conditions determining Selection of Sites and Names for Towns. Section F.-Economic Science and Statistics. *Muirhead, Professor J. H.-Fatigue from Economic Stand- Kirkaldy, Professor A. W.-Industrial Unrest Scott, Professor W. R.-Effects of War on Credit, &c. Section G.-Engineering. *Perry, Professor J.-Complex Stress Distributions *Clerk, Dr. Dugald.-Gaseous Explosions Hele-Shaw, Dr. H. S.-Engineering Problems affecting Prosperity of the Country ... Section H.-Anthropology. *Read, Sir C. H.-Age of Stone Circles *Myres, Professor J. L.-Distribution of Bronze Age Imple 5 0 0 Carried forward.................. £793 10 0 * Reappointed. *Smith, Professor G. Elliot.-Physical Characters of Ancient Egyptians.... *Marett, Dr. R. R.-Palæolithic Site in Jersey *Myres, Professor J. L.-Archæological Investigations in Malta ments *Schäfer, Sir E.-Ductless Glands *Sherrington, Professor C. S.-Mammalian Heart Section K.-Botany. *Bower, Professor F. O.-Cinchona Station, Jamaica *Oliver, Professor F. W.-Structure of Fossil Plants *Blackman, Professor F. F.-Heredity Section L.-Education. *Green, Professor J. A.-Museums Corresponding Societies Committee. *Whitaker, Mr. W.-For Preparation of Report Total *Reappointed. CAIRD FUND. 20 0 0 20 0 0 12 10 0 200 45 0 0 15 0 0 500 20 0 0 10 0 0 25 0 0 £968 0 0 An unconditional gift of 10,000l. was made to the Association at the Dundee Meeting, 1912, by Mr. (afterwards Sir) J. K. Caird, LL.D., of Dundee. The Council in its Report to the General Committee at the Birmingham Meeting made certain recommendations as to the administration of this Fund. These recommendations were adopted, with the Report, by the General Committee at its meeting on September 10, 1913. The following allocations have been made from the Fund by the Council to September 1915: Naples Zoological Station Committee (p. lxi).-507. (1912-13); 1007. (1913-14); 1007. annually in future, subject to the adoption of the Committee's report. Seismology Committee (p. lii).-1007. (1913-14); 1007. annually in future, subject to the adoption of the Committee's report. Radiotelegraphic Committee (p. lx). 500l. (1913-14). Magnetic Re-survey of the British Isles (in collaboration with the Royal Society).—2501. Committee on Determination of Gravity at Sea (p. 1x).—1007. (1914-15). Mr. F. Sargent, Bristol University, in connection with his Astronomical Work.-10. (1914). Organising Committee of Section F (Economics), towards expenses of an Enquiry into Outlets for Labour after the War.—100l. (1915). Sir J. K. Caird, on September 10, 1913, made a further gift of 1,000l. to the Association, to be devoted to the study of Radio-activity. PUBLIC OR CITIZENS' LECTURES. During the Meeting the following Citizens' Lectures were arranged in co-operation with the local branches of the Workers' Educational Association in Manchester and the neighbourhood: MANCHESTER. September 8th at 8 p.m. in the New Islington Hall, Ancoats, Professor F. W. Gamble, F.R.S., on Evolution and War.' ་ September 9th at 8 p.m. in the Central Hall, Oldham Street, Dr. SALFORD. September 9th at 8 p.m. in the Royal Technical Institute, Salford, OLDHAM. September 9th at 8 p.m. in the Equitable Co-operative Hall, Mr. A. September 11th at 8 p.m. in the Industrial Co-operative Hall, Pro- BOLTON. September 10th at 8 p.m. in the Victoria Hall, Rev. A. L. Cortie, ROCHDALE. September 6th at 8 p.m. in the Town Hall, Professor H. H. Turner, |