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TIT: 13.

1 Faust 302-4.

ing the Episcopal religion, under the denomination of the Episcopal Church in St. John's parish, and joined with them in supporting a clergyman of their church; that the greater A. A. 1793. part of the inhabitants on John's island and Wadmelaw, professing the Episcopal religion, are either dead, or have removed from the parish, and the said petitioners reduced to the necessity of specially providing for the support of a clergyman for their particular church; and praying that a law may be passed for their distinct and separate incorporation, under the denomination of the Episcopal church on Edisto


84. Be it therefore enacted, That the vestry and church The Episcowardens of the said Episcopal church on Edisto island, be, and pal church on they are hereby declared to be established and incorporated Edisto island, as a separate and distinct body, politic and corporate, in name incorporated. and in law, and shall hereafter separately have, possess and enjoy the private or particular and special property of the said church, and shall also in severalty have, possess and enjoy the same authorities, powers and privileges, which by the act of the general assembly of this state, is or are granted to or vested in them conjointly with the other Episcopal churches of St. John's parish, Colleton county; and that the said vestry and church wardens of the Episcopal church of Edisto island, and their successors in office for ever hereafter, shall be, and they are hereby declared to be incorporated as a body politic and corporate, in deed and in law, by the name of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Edisto island.

85. And be it further enacted, That the corporations afore- Corporate said, by their names aforesaid, shall have perpetual suc- powers & cacession of members and officers to be appointed or elected, pacities of the according to the manner prescribed, or to be prescribed by respective the regulations now existing, or hereafter to be made for the corporations government of the said corporations, and that they shall have

a common seal, with power to change or make new their said regulations and common seal, as often as they may judge expedient.

86. And be it further enacted, That the said corporations shall be able and capable in law to purchase, have, hold, possess and enjoy, for themselves, in perpetuity or for any term of years, any estate, real or personal, of what kind or nature soever: Provided the same do not exceed the sum of one thousand dollars in its clear annual income; and to sell, alien or dispose of the same, as they may think proper; and by their said names to sue and be sued, implead or be impleaded, in any court of law or equity in this state, and to make such rules and by-laws, not repugnant or contrary to the laws of the land, as for their proper government may by them be thought necessary or expedient.

87. And be it further enacted, That this act shall be taken This act deand deemed to be a public act, and all courts in this state clared a pubshall take notice thereof as such, and the same shall be given lic act. in evidence without special pleading.

88. Whereas Robert Barnwell, Stephen Elliott, William A. A. 1794. Elliott, John Barnwell and William Hazzard Wigg, Esqrs. May Sess.

1 Faust 337


TIT. 13.

A. A. 1794.
May Sess.

1 Faust 337-8.

The Port Re

the committee of the Port Royal Bridge Company, have, in behalf of the said company, petitioned that they be incorporated, and it appears that the plan of the said company, if executed, will be beneficial to the inhabitants of Port Royal and Beaufort, and the ports on the main adjacent thereto :

Be it therefore enacted, That the said company, and their public Bridge successors, shall be, and they are hereby incorporated as a Company, in- body politic and corporate, and shall be known in deed and in law, by the name of "The Port Republic Bridge Company."


Corporate powers and capacities.

Causeways and bridge.

Toll granted.

No bridge or ferry to be kept within five miles.

Bridge and causeways to be kept in repair.

89. And be it further enacted, That the said company, by their name aforesaid, shall have perpetual succession of officers and members, to be appointed and elected in such manner and according to such form as may be prescribed by the rules and regulations now existing or hereafter to be made, for the government of the said company, and that they shall have a common seal, with power to alter, ehange and make new the said rules and regulations and common seal, as often as they shall judge expedient.

90. And be it further enacted, That the said corporation shall be able and capable in law to purchase, have, hold, receive, take, possess and enjoy to itself in perpetuity, or for any term of years, any estate, real or personal, of what kind or nature soever, (provided the same shall not produce a clear income exceeding three thousand five hundred dollars per annum,) and to sell, alien or otherwise dispose of the same, as they may think proper; and by their said name to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto in any court of law or equity in this state, and to make such rules and by-laws, (not repugnant or contrary to the laws of the land,) as, for the good order and proper government of the said company, may by them be thought necessary; and that they shall and may retain, possess and enjoy all such estates, real and personal, monies, goods, chattels and effects, as they are now entitled unto, whether the same be now held by them, or by any person or persons in trust for them.

91. And be it further enacted, That the said company shall have power to make causeways over the marsh land, and to erect a bridge over the channel, between Port Royal island and the main land, at such place or places as they may think most fit.

92. And be it further enacted, That the said company shall be entitled to demand and receive the same rates and tolls for passing over the said causeways and bridge as are now legally demanded for passing over the ferry near the same place.

93. And be it further enacted, That no ferry or bridge shall be established or built within five miles from the bridge to be erected by the said company, after the same shall be built and fit for use.

94. And be it further enacted, That after the said causeways and bridge are finished, the said company shall constantly keep the same in good and complete repair, and always have a proper number of hands continually attending

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thereto; and that this act shall be deemed a public act, and TIT.13. judicially noticed as such without special pleading.

95. Whereas Alexander Baron, physician and president of A. A. 1794. the Medical Society of South-Carolina, in behalf of the mem- May Sess. bers now composing said society, hath petitioned the legisla- 1 Faust 345. ture of this state, to be admitted a body corporate and politic,

in name and deed, by the name of the Medical Society of South-Carolina :

Be it therefore enacted, That all those who now belong to, The Medical and all those who shall be hereafter duly admitted or become Society of members of that society, according to the rules, orders and South-Caroli na, incorporaconstitution of the said society, formed or to be formed, shall ted. be, and they are hereby declared to be one established body, corporate and politic, in deed and in name, by the name and style of The Medical Society of South-Carolina; and by the same name shall have perpetual succession of officers and Corporate members, and a common seal, with power to change, alter, powers and break and make new the same, as often as the said corpora- capacities. tion shall judge expedient; and the said corporation and its successors, shall be able and capable in law to purchase, have, hold, receive, enjoy, possess and retain to itself and to its successors, in perpetuity, or for any term of years, any estate or estates, lands, tenements or hereditaments, of what kind or nature soever, not exceeding the annual income of three hundred pounds sterling, and to sell, alien, exchange, demise or lease the same, or any part thereof as they shall think proper, and may, by the said name, sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, in any court of law or equity in this state; and to make such rules and by-laws, (not repugnant to the laws of the land,) for the benefit of the said corporation, and for the order, rule, good government and management of said corporation, as shall from time to time be agreed upon by a majority of the members of the said corporation.

96. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the said corporation hereby erected, to take and to hold to it and its successors for ever, any donations or devises of lands and personal estates, not exceeding in the whole, the annual income of three hundred pounds sterling, and to appropriate the same for the benefit of the said corporation, in such manner as may be determined on by a majority of the members thereof.

97. And be it further enacted, That the said corporation shall be and it is hereby declared able and capable in law, to have, hold and receive, enjoy, possess and retain, all such estates, real and personal, money, goods, chattels and effects, not exceeding in the whole, the annual income of three hundred pounds sterling, which it now possesses or is entitled to, or which have been already given, devised or bequeathed to it, by whatever name such devise or bequeath may have been made.

98. And be it further enacted, That this act shall be deem- This act deed and taken as a public act, and notice shall be taken there- clared a puh of in all courts of justice, and elsewhere in this state, and lic act.

TIT. 13.

A. A. 1794.
Dec. Sess.

shall be given in evidence on the trial of any issue or cause, without special pleading.

99. Whereas sundry persons, inhabitants of this state, have by their petition to the legislature, prayed to be incorporated, 1 Faust 364. by the name and denomination of the German Lutheran congregation of St. John: And whereas sundry other inhabitants have petitioned the legislature, to be incorporated by the name and denomination of the Upper Baptist Church on Dunkin's creek: And whereas sundry other inhabitants of this state, have petitioned the legislature, to be incorporated by the name and denomination of the Lutheran Congregation of St. Peter: And whereas sundry other inhabitants of this state, have petitioned the legislature, to be incorporated by the name and denomination of the Episcopal Church of St. John's, Berkley county:

The German

Lutheran Congregation of

St. John, in


The Upper
Church on

creek, incor-

The Luthe

ran Congregation of St. Peter, incorporated.

The vestry

and church

wardens of

the Episcopal

100. Be it therefore enacted, That all those who have subscribed the petition for incorporating the German Lutheran Congregation of St. John, who now are, and all those who shall be hereafter duly admitted or become members of that society, according to the rules, orders and constitution of the same, to be formed, shall be, and they are hereby declared to be a body corporate and politic, by the name and style of "the German Lutheran Congregation of St. John."

101. And be it further enacted, That all those who have subscribed the petition for incorporating the Upper Baptist Church on Dunkin's creek, who now are, and all those who shall be hereafter duly admitted or become members of that society, according to the rules orders and constitution of the same, to be formed, shall be, and they are hereby declared to be a body corporate and politic, in deed and in name, by the name and style of "the Upper Baptist Church on Dunkin's creek."

102. And be it further enacted, That all those who have subscribed the petition for incorporating the Lutheran Congregation of St. Peter, who now are and all those who shall be hereafter duly admitted or become members of that society, according to the rules, orders and constitution of the same, to be formed, shall be, and they are hereby also declared to be a body corporate and politic, by the name and style of "the Lutheran Congregation of St. Peter."

103. And be it further enacted, That the present vestry and church-wardens of the Episcopal Church of St. John's, Berkley county, and their several and respective successors, duly elected for ever hereafter, shall be, and they are hereby also Church of St. John, Berk- declared to be a body corporate and politic, by the name and ley county, style of "the Vestry and Church-wardens of the Episcopal incorporated. Church of St. John's, Berkley county."

104. And be it further enacted, That the afore mentioned societies, bodies corporate and politic, shall be, and they are hereby invested with all the powers, privileges, rights and immunities, which are usually invested in and enjoyed by religious societies or corporations.*

* This enabling clause is rather vaguely worded. It is not quite

TIT. 13.

The Grand

enabled as a


105. Whereas in and by the said act, it is amongst other things enacted, "That the society above mentioned, and the persons who now are or hereafter shall be members thereof, A. A. 1794. and the successors, officers and members of it, shall be, and Dec. Sess. they are hereby declared to be a body corporate, in deed and 1 Faust 371. in law, by the name of the Grand Lodge of the Society of Free and Accepted Masons; and that the said society shall Society of Lodge of the consist of a grand master, and such officers, and with such Free and Acstyle or title of office, as the said Grand Lodge may, by virtue cepted Maof any resolution or by-law, direct and appoint; and of the sons, further master and wardens of the several subordinate lodges, who, together, may compose the said Grand Lodge; and by the said name shall have perpetual succession of officers and members, and a common seal, with powers to change, alter, break and make new the same. And the said Grand Lodge shall be able and capable in law, to purchase, have, take, hold, receive, enjoy, possess and retain, to itself and its successors, in perpetuity, any charitable donations and personal estates, and for any term of years or life, any estate or estates, lands, tenements or hereditaments of what kind or nature soever, not exceeding the annual income of five hundred pounds; and to sell, alien, exchange, demise or lease the same, or any part thereof, as it shall be thought proper; and by the said name to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, in any court of law or equity in this state; and to make such rules and by-laws, not repugnant and contrary to the laws of the land, for the benefit and advantage of the said Grand Lodge, and for the order, rule and government of the same, and for the promotion of the prosperity, interest, benefit and advantage of the craft in general.

"And it is further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the said Grand Lodge, and the subordinate lodges, already constituted, and hereafter to be constituted, to have and to hold meetings of themselves, for the better management of their respective and several charitable funds, and the application of them to proper purposes; and the transaction of all other business relating to the said Grand Lodge and other subordinate lodges, when, and as often as may be necessary, at any time and place, whatsoever and wheresoever it may be deemed expedient to associate, assemble and meet together," as in and by the said in part recited act, reference being thereunto had, may more fully and at large appear.

106. And whereas, the masters, other officers and members of several of the subordinate and inferior lodges, are desirous that they should be also made, established and incorporated, as separate and distinct bodies, politic and corporate,

clear what those powers and privileges are which are usually conferred on religious corporations. They are somewhat various, and depend upon the several acts by which they are granted.

* "An act for incorporating the Society of Free and Accepted Masons in this state." See the preamble, and A. A. Dec. 1791. 1 Faust 190.

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