TIT. 19. A. A. 1726. Ibid. Road from na into Ponpon road. sioners in making of the same roads, and repairing thereof from time to time, as the said commissioners and the commissioners of the same roads for the time being, shall see necessary, and the same shall from henceforth be deemed a public road. 23. And the inhabitants aforesaid, and their negroes, shall from henceforth be exempted from working on the road that lies on the south side of the middle branch of Stono river, any former law, usage or custom to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. 24. Whereas the inhabitants living on the south side of the upper part of Ashley river, by their petition to the general assembly of this province, have prayed that an act might pass to appoint commissioners to lay out a road from Westo sar Westo savan vanna to the road leading from Mr. Thomas Waring's bridge to Pon-pon river, and the said petitioners having made appear the reasonableness of directing that such a road should be laid out, to the satisfaction of the general assembly: Be it enacted, That a road shall be forthwith laid out from Westo savanna into Pon-pon road, at the discretion of the commissioners herein after mentioned, not exceeding thirty feet wide, and that all the inhabitants living on the south side of the said road that goes from Mr. Thomas Waring's bridge to Pon-pon road, by Joseph Summers, Mr. Kettleby's land and plantation exclusive, and exclusive of Westo savanna, shall be obliged to make and keep in repair the said road, and all persons who are obliged by this act to work on the said road, are and shall be hereafter exempted from working on any other roads, causeways or bridges in this province. A. A. 1731. Ferries over Santee and Winyaw rivers, &c. 25. Whereas the inhabitants of Waccamaw neck in Winyaw, in the parish of Prince George, by their petition to the general assembly of this province, have shewed and set forth, that they are put to many difficulties for want of several ferries being established, as in the said petition is prayed: And whereas the establishing such ferries, will be of great conveniency to the said inhabitants as well as all other persons passing and repassing the same: Be it enacted, That five public ferries be and are hereby established; one over Winyaw river from the landing of Mr. Samuel Masters, to the landing of Mr. George Smith, (deceased) his plantation; two over Santee river, one of which to be from the plantation of Mr. John Dubose on the north side of said river, to the plantation of Isaac Dubose on the south of the said river, and another ferry across Sampit creek, from the bluff of Mr. Elisha Scriven's plantation, to the marsh point of the plantation of captain Robert Scriven; and one other ferry from the plantation of Mr. Joz nathan Skrine over Santee river: 26. And a ferry shall be set up and established from the lower bluff on Long-Point on Charlestown neck, to the plantation of the late Richard Codner on Daniel's island. 27. And whereas it will be necessary, that roads should be laid out to the said ferries, and houses and conveniencies built for habitations for the persons employed in working and attending the ferries: Be it therefore enacted, That it shall TIT. 19. Roads to the and may be lawful for the commissioners of the said roads, of the several districts where the said ferries are situated, and they are hereby required and directed to lay out good and A. A. 1731. convenient roads to the landing of the several ferries directed P. L. 134. to be established by this act, in the same manner as the pub- same. lic roads are ordered and directed to be laid out, causeways over marshes, adjoining to the rivers or landings excepted, which shall be made and kept in repair at the sole charge of the undertakers of the said ferries. 28. Whereas the inhabitants of the upper part of St. Bartho- A. A. 1733. lemew's parish (who daily increase) are under great inconve- P. L. 134-5–6. niencies to carry their produce to a landing, by reason they to the Round 0. have no public path established by law; Be it enacted, That there Road from be a road or path laid out from the ferry aforesaid to the Round Pon-pon river O savanna, and that all the inhabitants and owners of slaves that live, or have any slaves settled between the said ferry and Round O savanna, be obliged, and are hereby directed to assist in laying out, making and keeping in repair the said road or path, according to the directions of the commissioners hereafter named. 29. Whereas many of the inhabitants and travellers in the parish of Prince George, Winyaw, do often meet with great inconveniencies for want of a road established by law from Lieubrey's ferry aforesaid† to the said plantation of Robert Scriven; Be it enacted, That there be a road or path laid Road in the out from Lieubrey's aforesaid to the said plantation of Robert parish of Scriven, and that all the inhabitants and owners of slaves set- Prince tled on the north side of Santee, and the south side of Sam- George, Win pit, from the plantation of Madam Courage downward to that of Robert Scriven, be obliged and are hereby directed to assist in laying out, making and keeping in repair the said road or path, according to the directions of the commissioners herein after named, and that all such persons be exempted from working on any other road or path without their precinct. yaw. 30. Whereas a ferry at the plantation of William Whatson, in the parish of Christ Church, commonly called Hobcaw to Charlestown, is found to be very convenient for the inhabitants who live in the north part of this province, and also that a cut in a convenient place near the passage called the Breach, now stopped up by the sea, be also made for the safe- Ferry estab ty and ease of the said inhabitants transporting their goods lished over and effects by water to Charlestown: Be it enacted, That a Hobcaw, in public ferry be and is hereby established at the plantation of Christ Church William Whatson in the parish of Christ Church, commonly called Hobcaw, to Charlestown. parish. 31. And be it further enacted, That a public road be made A public road from the said plantation and ferry, in a direct course, and as to be made straight as may be, till it meets the public road leading to * At John Parker's plantation on the west side of Pon-pon river. from the said ferry to the public road TIT. 19. A. A. 1733. church; and that the inhabitants who live between the two creeks, known by the names of Shemey and Wakendaw, and from the plantation of Samuel Ash to that of the said William Whatson inclusive, be and are hereby obliged to make and leading to the keep the said road in repair in the same manner as is prescribed in the highway act. church. Ferries over and Ashley Roads to be laid out to the several 32. Whereas a petition has been exhibited to the general assembly of this province, by the inhabitants of John's island in Colleton county, and James island in Berkley county, setting forth the many difficulties they lie under for want of two ferries, being settled and established at the two places mentioned in their petition: And forasmuch as the regulating and establishing of ferries, will be of great conveniency for the dispatch of business, and for the use of the public in general; Therefore be it enacted, That two public ferries be and are hereby established, one over Stono river, from colonel Hext's plantation to Mr. Thomas Heyward's plantation on James island, the other over Ashley river, from the plantation of Mr. Gabriel Manigault on James island to the White-point in Charlestown, or as near thereto as may be. 33. And forasmuch as it will be necessary that causeways and roads should be laid out, and kept up in some particular places leading to the said ferries, and their low-water landings, for the conveniency of the persons travelling thereto : Be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the several commissioners of roads in the several districts, where the said ferries are hereby ordered to be kept, to lay out good landing pla- and convenient roads, and they are hereby ordered and required to lay out such good and convenient roads, to the several landing places of the ferries hereby established, in the same manner as public roads are ordered and directed to be laid out, by any law or laws of this province. ces Ferry over ver. Roads to Cu 34. Whereas a ferry from the plantation of colonel Samuel Prioleau to the Indian land, is found to be very convenient for the inhabitants who reside in the south parts of this province, and also another ferry over Combahee river will be equally useful: Therefore be it enacted, That a public ferry be, and is hereby established at the plantation of colonel Samuel Prioleau called Patterson's point, from thence to the lands of Thomas Innes, esq. being the Indian land. 35. And there shall be one other ferry established over Combahee river, between Colleton and Granville counties, from the plantation of John Jackson on which Jehu Barton now lives, on the said river, to Robert Steel's bluff on the other side of the said river. 36. And there shall be laid out by the commissioners heresaw and Sa- after named, two public roads from the said Steel's bluff, the vannah rivers. one to the ferry over Cusaw river, at the said Thomas Innes' land, and the other to the town of Purrysburgh on the Savannah river, which said roads shall be laid out in the most commodious and direct manner that may be.* * See A. A. 1736. P. L. 143. 37. And whereas a road from the bridge over Pon-pon river, TIT. 19. to the plantation of Benjamin Godin, esq. on Ashepoo river, and from thence to the marsh leading to Combee ferry, at Com- A. A. 1734. bee river, is much wanted, and would be of great service to P. L. 139. the inhabitants of this province travelling to the southward frontiers, it being the nearest way to the new settlement of Purrysburgh, and the colony of Georgia; Be it therefore enact- Road from the eds That Thomas Buttler, William Jackson and William Webb, bridge over be appointed commissioners for laying out a road and keeping Pon-pon river, the same in repair, from the said bridge to the said plantation to Ashepoo rr of Benjamin Godin, at Ashepoo, inclusive, and that all the ver. male inhabitants from the age of sixteen to sixty, of the south side of the road leading to the Horse-Shoe, as far as the Horse-Shoe bridge, be obliged to work on the said road: And P. L. 140. that also Mr. William Livingston, Henry Herne, and Richard Baker, be appointed commissioners for laying out a road and keeping the same in repair, from Ashepoo river aforesaid, to Combee ferry aforesaid, and that all the male inhabitants from the age of sixteen to sixty, residing on the south side of Ashepoo river, be obliged to work on the same. 38. All the inhabitants from the age of sixteen to sixty, who live above the old bridge at the head of Ashepoo river, and Bridge over the west side of the creek between Wannel's neck and Bry- Ashepoo. an's neck, shall and they are hereby required to build a new bridge, or rebuild the old one, over the head of Ashepoo river, and keep the same in repair; and to lay out and keep in repair a road from the said bridge at the head of Ashepoo river to Saltcatcher river, leading to the Ranger's fort, or where the commissioners hereafter mentioned shall think most convenient, which said inhabitants last above mentioned, shall and they are hereby exempted from working on or being assessed for any other road or bridge in the said parish. Road to Salt catcher. 39. Whereas Charles Odingsills, &c. by their petition to the general assembly of this province, have prayed that a ferry may be established at North-Edisto river, from the Point of Pines belonging to the said Paul Grimball on Edisto island, to Mrs. Bryan's landing near Leadenwaw creek on Wadmelaw island, or as near thereto as may be: And forasmuch as the establishing and regulating of ferries will be of great conveniency for the dispatch of business, and for the use of the public in general; Be it enacted, That a ferry be and is here- Ferry at by established at North-Edisto river, from the said Point of North-Edisto, Pines belonging to the said Paul Grimball, to Mrs, Bryan's landing near Leadenwaw creek aforesaid, or as near thereto as may be. A. A. 1735. 40. Be it enacted, That a ferry be established to pass over P. L. 141. Santee river either at the plantation of John Sullivant, or at Ferry estab Farewell's creek. lished over Santee river. 41. The commissioners of the parishes or districts on each side of Santee river are hereby empowered to summon the in- Roads to pass habitants of their several districts to lay out and put in order the same. the roads or paths in the most convenient places they shall think proper, to pass the said ferry over Santee river. TIT. 19. A. A. 1735. And to lay out land for said ferry, paying for the same if demanded. one acre of Road to Ba 42. The commissioners of the several districts of the parishes of Prince Frederick and Prince George, Winyaw, shall appoint ferries on such places over Black river and over Winyaw river, as the commissioners of the districts on each side of the said rivers where the ferry shall be appointed shall think proper. 43. And the commissioners are hereby empowered to lay out and assign one acre of land on each side of the river where the ferry shall be appointed for the use of the said ferry: Provided, That the said commissioners do pay the owners or proprietors of such lands the sum of ten pounds current money, for each acre, when the said owners or proprietors shall demand the same, except such ferry should happen to land within the fenced plantation or pasture of any person joining to the said river. 44. Forasmuch as a petition has been exhibited to the general assembly of this province, by divers inhabitants at the head of Horse savanna, in Colleton county, and on the south of Ashley river in Berkley county, setting forth the many inconveniencies they lie under for want of a public road and passage being laid out and made in the several places mentioned in their said petition; and forasmuch as the making and repairing good and convenient roads and passages is a work at all times fit to be encouraged for the carrying on of business as well as ease of travellers: Be it therefore enacted, con's bridge. That it shall and may be lawful to and for the commissioners herein after named and appointed, and they are hereby empowered and required at any convenient time to summons all the male persons from sixteen years of age to sixty,* living and residing on each side of the said road,t and do make use of the same between the said parish line and the Cow-savanna, to work and keep in repair the said road from the parish line near Jack's savanna, to the road on the south side of Ashley river that leads to the Westo savanna. Road to the north branch of Stono. Road from Westo savanna westward. 45. And a road shall be laid out from the road at the parish line aforesaid to the road leading from Mr. Thomas Elliott's plantation on the north branch of Stono river to a place called Mrs. Drayton's cowpen, and join the said road at the east side of a great swamp near the said cowpen: And that are hereby appointed commissioners, and they or any two of them are hereby empowered, directed and required with all convenient speed to lay out the said road; which shall be made, mended and kept in repair at the equal charge and labour of the several male persons living and residing on each side of the said road and that shall make use of the same from the said parish line to the road leading to Mrs. Drayton's cowpen. 46. The commissioners of the public road leading from Westo savanna westward, are hereby empowered and autho See A. A. 1788. ₹ The road from Bacon's bridge to the parish line near Jackson's ferry. See the preamble of the act. |