extending the powers of the commissioners of the roads within the same, as far as the line of the said parish. TIT. 19. The powers of the commissioners of 330. Be it therefore enacted, That the commissioners of the A. A. 1792. roads within the said parish of Prince George, shall be and 1 Faust 263-4. are hereby vested with all such powers in the said parish as other commissioners of roads are generally vested with, and shall have the authority to add to their present number, a cer- roads for tain number of commissioners equal to that of those who were Prince formerly appointed in that part of Williamsburgh now added George's pa to Prince George, by the extending of the above mentioned rish extended, line. And further that the commissioners of the roads for the said parish, and the commissioners of Williamsburgh, shall divide between them into equal parts, all that road leading from Lenud's ferry on Santee, to Britton's ferry, on Pedee, and dividing the said parish and county, and mutually work upon the same. 331. And be it further enacted, That a public road shall be Road to be laid out the nearest and best way from Cathaway's ferry* on laid out from Great Pedee, to Gibson's ferry on Little Pedee, and that Cor- Cashaway's nelius Mandeville, George Cherry, Francis Kennedy, Philip ferry to Gibson's ferry. Bethay, James Graves and Stephen Gibson, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners for laying out the said road and keeping the same in repair, and are hereby fully authorized to call out the male inhabitants, from sixteen to fifty years of age, residing within four miles of said road, to work thereon for any number of days not exceeding twelve in one year. vannah river, 332. And be it enacted, That a public road shall be laid out Road from the nearest and best way from colonel Wade Hampton's Hampton's bridge on Savannah river, opposite Augusta, to the White bridge on SaPonds; and that Walter Robinson, John Lowe and Joseph to the White Red, be and are hereby appointed commissioners for laying Ponds. out the said road and keeping the same in repair; and are hereby fully authorized to call out all the male inhabitants, from sixteen to fifty years, residing within ten miles of said road, to work thereon for any number of days not exceeding twelve in one year.t 333. And whereas, by an act of the general assembly, ratified on the twenty-seventh day of February, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, commissioners were appointed to lay out and keep in repair a road leading from the lower Road from bridge on Black river, to Lenud's ferry on Santee; and by Black river to another act of the general assembly, passed the thirteenth day Lenud's ferry. of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine, the said commissioners were authorized to call out all the male inhabitants, from the age of sixteen to fifty years, within eight miles of the same, to work on the said road: And whereas, the proportion of the inhabitants liable to work on the said ed. * Cashaway's ferry is meant. See 1 Faust 276, called Cashua ferry. See A. A. 1797, [2 Faust 173]-additional commissioners appoint. VOL. III. TIT. 19. A. A. 1792. Certain acts partially repealed. road, has been so large as to cause the other roads in the parish to be too much neglected. 334. Be it therefore enacted, That the above recited acts be 1 Faust 265-6. so far repealed as to take away the exclusive right of the said commissioners to call on all the male inhabitants of the age prescribed by law within the above named distance; and that the said commissioners be added to the board of commissioners of the upper part of Prince Frederick's parish, and that the said road be put on the same footing as the other public roads in the said parish; any law, usage or custom to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. Roads to be laid out to James Johnson's bridge on South Edisto; and thence to Augusta. Thomas Chappel empowered to build a bridge across Saluda river. Road to Edgefield courthouse. 335. And be it further enacted, 'That a public road shall be laid out from Orangeburgh the nearest and best way to James Johnston's bridge on South Edisto, and from thence to be continued to colonel Wade Hampton's bridge at Augusta; that James Johnston, Simeon Cushman and William Prigh, be commissioners to lay out and keep the same in repair: That a public road shall also be laid out from colonel Richard Hampton's bridge on Saluda, at the place called Water's ferry, to the bridge of the said James Johnson on South Edisto, and from thence by the White Ponds to the Two-Sisters on Savannah river; and that William Adams, James Johnston and Walter Robinson, be commissioners to lay out and keep in repair that part of the road from Hampton's to Johnston's bridge aforesaid; and that all male inhabitants from sixteen to fifty, who live within ten miles of the said two respective roads, be liable to work on them respectively, not exceeding twelve days in each year. 336. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for Thomas Chappel to build and keep in repair a good and sufficient bridge across Saluda river, at the plantation of the said Thomas Chappel, and that the said bridge shall be vested in the said Thomas Chappel, his heirs and assigns, for the term of twenty-one years, reserving however the power to the legis lature to regulate the said bridge, and to limit as well the rates of pontage as all other matters relating thereto in every term of seven years; and that the said Thomas Chappel, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, shall take and receive the following rates and tolls, and no other, to wit: For every foot passenger, one penny; for every led horse, one penny; for every chair or cart with one horse, one shilling and two pence; for a man and horse, three pence; for every waggon and team or other four wheeled carriage, with horses, two shillings and four pence; for every rolling hogshead of tobacco, eight pence, including the horses and driver; for every head of black cattle, hogs, sheep or goats passing over, one half penny.* 337. And be it further enacted, That a public road be opened and laid out from a place at or near where Charles William's old road intersects the Long Cane road, and from thence the nearest and best way to Edgefield court-house, and * Sce A. A. 1807. from thence to intersect the Long Cane road about half a mile TIT. 19. below John Frazier's, and also that part of the new road which leads from Augusta to the island ford on Saluda river, be made A. A. 1792. to pass by Edgefield court-house, beginning at the plantation 1 Faust 268-9. of the said John Frazier, and from thence to intersect the new Island ford on road between the court-house and Samuel Landrum's. Road to the Saluda. 338. And be it enacted, That a public road be laid out lead- Road to be ing from Cannon's bridge, the most direct, nearest and best laid out from way through the Saltcatchers to the Two-Sisters ferry on Sa- Cannon's vannah river, and that Robert Brown, Edward Kennedy and bridge to SaHenry Zorn, jun. be and are hereby appointed commissioners to lay out and keep the said road in good order and repair. vannah river. 339. And be it further enacted, That a public road be open- Road from ed and laid out the nearest and best way from the ferry* last Gallevan's above mentioned, to the old road leading up and down the ferry in Liriver last above mentioned, on the west side of the said river, berty county. that the said road be kept in repair by the inhabitants of Liberty county, and that colonel Hext Giles and Robert Dunnam, in addition to the other commissioners of roads in that county, be appointed commissioners for laying out the said road, and keeping the same in repair. county. 340. And be it further enacted, That another public road be Road from opened and laid out the nearest and best way from the ferry said ferry, in last above mentioned, eastwardly to the road leading up and Kingston down the said river, to be kept in repair by the inhabitants of Kingston county, and that Samuel Foxworth, William Hemmingway, John Rogers, William Nister and Joseph Graham, be appointed commissioners for laying out the said road and keeping the same in repair. Pedee. 341. And be it further enacted, That a public road be open- 1 Faust 272. ed and laid out the nearest and best way from Evans's boat- Road from yard on Great Pedee, to Groce's ferry on Little Pedee, and Evans's boatthat Aaron Pierson, senior, James Conner and Lewis Connor, yard, on Great be appointed commissioners for laying out said road and keeping the same in repair; and that the county court of Marlborough shall, from time to time, direct and appoint the persons to work thereon, and that such part of an act, passed the nineteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, as relates to a road leading from said Evans's boat-yard, to Swinney bluff, on Little Pedee, be, and the same is hereby repealed. on Saluda. 342. And be it further enacted, That a public road shall be Road from laid out from John Maxwell's road on Saluda river, the near- John Maxest and best way to Benjamin Mitchell's, and from thence to well's road, the town of Cambridge, and that Benjamin Mitchell and Samuel Rosemond, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners for laying out the said road, and keeping the same in repair. Gaillard's road declared 343. And be it further enacted, That the road now known and distinguished by the name of Gaillard's, be established, to be a public * Gallevan's ferry on Little Pedee river. road. TIT. 19. A. A. 1792. 1 Faust 272. Road from Buford's bridge, on Saltcatcher river. 1 Faust 274-5. Road from on Little Pedee. and is hereby declared a public road, and that Elisha Mallard, John Joiner, John Stuart, James Rowshan Stuart and Edward Lynes, be appointed commissioners to keep the same in repair. 344. And be it further enacted, That a public road be open. ed and laid out, the nearest and best way from Buford's bridge, on Saltcatcher river, to Smart's meeting-house, on Coosawhatchie, and from thence to the Two-Sisters ferry on Savannah river; and also that a public road be opened and laid out the nearest and best way from Smart's meeting-house aforesaid, to the court-house of Beaufort district, and that William Buford, Richard Creech, James Smart, John Chisholm and Elias Robert, be appointed commissioners for laying out the said road and keeping the same in repair. 345. And be it further enacted, That a public road be openSandy bluff, ed and laid out the nearest and best way from the Sandy bluff on Little Pedee river, and from thence the most direct course to intersect a road leading from Little river, in North-Carolina, across Waccamaw river, and from thence to Richard Fowler's, living on the line which divides this state from that of North-Carolina, and that Samuel Foxworth, William Hemmerway, John Rodgers, William Norton and Joseph Graham, be appointed commissioners for laying out the said road and keeping the same in repair; and all persons liable by law, living within five miles of the said road, shall be obliged to work on the same: Provided nothing herein contained shall extend to oblige persons living below Aaron Menshaw's ford, on the Lake swamp, to cross the said swamp to work on the said road. Mucinfuse's bridges, on the FourHoles, to be built. No bridge to be built with in three miles of Jackson's bridge, on Edisto. Ferry estab lished at a 346. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for George Mucinfuse to build and keep in repair two good and sufficient bridges, at the lower end of the Four-Holes creek, one over the said creek and the other over a run passing through the causeway communicating with them both, and that the said bridges shall be vested in the said George Mucinfuse, his heirs and assigns, for the term of twenty-one years, and that it shall and may be lawful for the said George Mucinfuse, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, te take and receive the following rates and tolls, and no other, that is to say: For a waggon and team, or other four wheeled carriage, with horses, one shilling and two pence; for a chair or cart, with one horse and driver, seven pence; for a man and horse, two pence; for each hogshead of tobacco rolled, with horses and driver, seven pence; for each foot passenger or led horse, one penny; for each head of black cattle, hogs, sheep or goats, passing over, one half penny. 347. And be it further enacted, That no person shall erect any bridge or keep any private ferry within three miles of the bridge now established on Edisto river, and vested by law in James Jackson, either above or below the said bridge on the said river. 348. And be it enacted, That a public ferry shall be, and hereby is established on Great Pedee, at a place called Ca TIT. 19. place called on Great shua ferry, in Camden district,* and that it shall and may be lawful for the proprietors of the lands on which the said ferry is hereby established, their heirs, executors, administrators or A. A. 1792. assigns, to take and receive the following rates, and no other, 1 Faust 276. that is to For say: foot every two pence; passenger, for every Cashua ferry, led horse, two pence; for a man and horse, four pence; for every waggon and team, or other four wheeled carriage, with Pedee. horses, four shillings and eight pence; for a chair or cart, with one horse, one shilling and six pence; for every head of black cattle, hogs, sheep or goats, ferried or swam over, one penny.† 1 Faust 278-9. 349. And be it enacted, That a public road shall be laid out Road from and kept in good repair, from John Compty's bridge on Broad Compty's river, the nearest and best way through Newberry county to bridge to Laurens county court-house, and to be continued from thence Laurens and a direct course to Washington court-house, in Washington court-houses. Washington district; and that the judges of the county courts through which said road may pass, shall, at the first meeting thereafter, nominate, in their respective county courts, proper persons commissioners for the purpose of laying out and keeping said road in repair; and that John Hampton, Spencer Morgan, and major John Adam Sommers, be commissioners for laying out said road from the said bridge to Newberry county line. 350. And be it enacted, That a public road shall be laid out Road from the and kept in repair from the bridge on the Lower Three Runs, Lower Three in a direct course to cross the Upper Three Runs at a place Runs, to Fort called Rouss's ford, and from thence in the nearest and best Moore. way to the bluff at the old site of Fort Moore, and that John Green, Joseph Vince, Blunt Fitch, James Jackson, Alexander Newman and Etheridge Clary, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners to lay out and keep in repair the said road; and that all male inhabitants between the age of sixteen and fifty, who reside within five miles of the same, shall be liable to work on the said road any term not exceeding twelve days in each year. 351. And whereas, the act for establishing a ferry on a line Preamble. between the plantation of Mainville and Thomas Simons on John's island, to cross Stono river at the causeway on Old Landing place between the plantations of Guerin and Simmons, in St. Andrew's parish, is defective in not compelling all persons who are to receive the immediate benefit thereof, to contribute or assist in forming and making the necessary roads, causeways and bridges leading thereto: 352. Be it therefore enacted, That it shall and may be law- Roads to be ful to and for the commissioners of the roads for St. John's, opened to the Wadmelaw, Keewaw and Simmons's island, or a majority of ferry on Stone them, to require and compel all the inhabitants of the said river. island to assist in forming, making and completing the necessary roads, bridges and causeways leading to and from the It is situate in the old district of Cheraw, and never was in Cam. den district. This grant is without limitation of time. |