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TIT. 19.

A. A 1792.

said established ferry; and that in case any person or persons, inhabitants of any of the said islands, shall neglect or refuse to comply with or obey the orders and summonses of 1 Faust 280-1. the said commissioners, as far as respects the forming, making, and completing the said roads, bridges and causeways, they shall be subject to, and are hereby declared to be subject and liable to all the fines, pains and penalties, and to be proceeded against by the said commissioners in the same way and manner as they are by the laws of the state directed to proceed against defaulters refusing or neglecting to work on the other public roads.

Road from

Commissioners vested

be, and they

353. And be it enacted, That are hereby appointed commissioners of the public roads for the county of Lexington,* with full powers to appoint overseers for working on the roads and for calling out the inhabitants who are by law liable to work thereon; and that

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be appointed commissioners to lay off and take effectual measures for opening a road from Granby to Patrick's old place, or Red House, by the best and most direct way,

will full powers to carry the same into effect, by calling on all

the male inhabitants within ten miles of the said road, who shall be compelled to work thereon not exceeding twelve days in one year, under the usual penalties prescribed by law.

354. And be it enacted, That the commissioners herein before mentioned, nominated and appointed, shall be, and are with powers. hereby vested with all the powers and authorities, and shall be subject to the same penalties as the commissioners of high roads in this state are by law vested with or liable to.

Duty of the keepers of ferries.

An old road

declared a

public road, in St. George's parish.

A. A. 1794.

355. And be it further enacted, That the several persons in whom the respective ferries herein before mentioned, during the time for which their respective ferries are established, shall keep and maintain a good and sufficient boat, with one or more able bodied men, to attend the said respective ferries for transporting passengers, their servants, horses, carriages, cattle, sheep and hogs.

356. And be it enacted, That the old road, formerly laid out from the road leading to Slann's bridge, to the Beach Hill road, between the lands of William Scott, Charles Causey Drake, and William Postell, is hereby declared and deemed to be a public road, and that the commissioners of the roads in St. George's parish, be, and they are hereby directed and required to open and keep in repair the said road.

357. Whereas sundry persons residing at and near Edisto 1 Faust 393. river, by their petition to the legislature, have represented, that they are greatly aggrieved by the said act, in as far as that persons passing the said river at the said bridge,† with vessels, boats and rafts, are thereby required, under a considerable penalty, to drop anchor and drag under the same :‡

Now Lexington district.

The bridge at Jacksonborough. See the preamble to this act and the sequel. + See A. A. 1788. P. L. 446.

Be it therefore enacted, That as soon as may be convenient after the passing of this act, the proprietor of the said bridge

TIT. 19.

shall, and he is hereby required to plank the middle arch of A. A. 1794. the same, and to place out substantial and ample booms above 1 Faust 393. the said bridge; and in default thereof, the said proprietor shall incur a penalty of one hundred pounds.

358. And whereas the said proprietor, in order to make the alterations to the said bridge, as required by this act, must necessarily incur some expense: in consideration of the same,

Be it therefore enacted, That the said bridge shall be, and is hereby vested in the present proprietor, his heirs and assigns, for the further term of ten years, to commence at the expiration of the term for which he now holds the said bridge.

Road from

359. And be it further enacted, That a public road shall be A. A. 1795. laid out, to run from Grindol's shoals on Pacolet river, by Al- 2 Faust 44. exander M'Beth's store, in Union village, so as to cross Tiger river near the mouth of Cain creek, and to intersect the shoals to cross Charleston road at or near Alexander Bookter's bridge on Tiger river. Enoree river; and that John Savage, Joseph M.Junkin and William Sharpe, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners for laying out the said road.

tle Saluda

360. And be it further enacted, That a public road be laid Road from out and opened, to run the nearest and best way from David David DavenDavenport's on Little river, to Anderson's ferry, and from port's, on Lit. thence the nearest and best way to John Jones's, at the Long river to John Cain and Augusta cross roads; and that Elisha Brooks and Jones's. Isaac Mitchell, junior, be commissioners for laying out and opening the said road, on the north side of said ferry; and that Thomas Anderson and Lewis Clark be commissioners for the same purpose on the south side of the said ferry.

361. And be it further enacted, That a road be laid out from 2 Faust 46. Marr's bluff to the Willow creek bridge, crossing Jefferson's Road from creek at the plantation of Mr. Joseph Burk on the said creek; Marr's bluff and that John Gregg, John Cooper and John Orr, be commis- to Willow creek bridge. sioners for that purpose.

362. And be it further enacted, That a road be laid out from Road from Orangeburgh, a direct course to the south fork of Edisto river, Orangeburgh crossing at Isaac Dyche's free bridge; from thence crossing to the south Gent's branch, so as to intersect a new road leading to Sa- fork of Edisto vannah river; and that Charles Jones, Isaac Dyche, Jeremiah M'Donnel, Peter Cullen and George Robinson, senior, be commissioners for that purpose.


363. And be it further enacted, That George M'Infuss, Bal- Commissiontes Mabnit, John Shiders, Isaac Utsey, Samuel Griffis, John ers of the Millhouse, junior, Samuel Millhouse, Charles Dewitt and road from Thomas Garvin, be, and they are hereby appointed commis- Orangeburgh sioners for keeping in repair the river road, leading from the to Givhan's Orangeburgh line to Givhan's ferry.


364. And be it further enacted, That a road be laid out the Road from nearest and best way from the plantation of William Robin William Robson, through the lands of William Simmons and Jonah Horry, inson's to until it intersects the road leading from the said William Sim- Ashepoo bridge road. mons to Ashepoo bridge; and that George Bellinger, Benja- Commission


TIT. 19.

A. A. 1795.

2 Faust 47. Road from

Saltcatcher to

min Postell and James Hamilton, senior, be appointed commissioners for that purpose.

365. And be it further enacted, That a public road be laid out and opened, to run from Brocton's ferry on Saltcatcher river, to the Sisters ferry on Savannah river, so as to cross Coosawhatchie at or near the mouth of Sander's branch; and that captain Weekley, M. John Peepoles, Joseph Lawter and Commission Jacob Mold, be commissioners for laying out and opening the said road.

Savannah riv.



Road from Potaligo to the plantations of James


Road from


366. And be it further enacted, That a public road be laid out and opened, to run from Potaligo, the nearest and best way to the plantation of the late James Smith, so as to cross Duet's branch nearly opposite to the plantation of Peter Banner, and from thence to run to Crane savannah, intersecting the Sisters ferry road; and that captain Reddinfield, Peter Banner and M. John Peepoles, be commissioners to lay out, open and keep in repair the said road.

367. And be it further enacted, That a public road be laid Goodwin's ta- out and opened, to run from Goodwin's tavern on Jeffer's creek, the nearest and best way to Daniel Myer's; and that Daniel Myers, Zachariah Cato and Lewis Harrill, be commissioners for that purpose.

Road from Effingham's saw-mills to Kings-tree meetinghouse.

Rates of ferriage at the Two-Sisters ferry.

Jenneret and faudon.

368. And be it further enacted, That a public road be laid out, to run from Effingham's saw-mills, the nearest and best way to Kings-tree meeting-house on Black river; and that captain John Fulton, Hugh Reid and Needham Lee, be com missioners to lay out, open and keep in repair the said road; and that the aforesaid commissioners be empowered to call out all the male inhabitants liable to work on the public roads, who reside within six miles of the said intended road, to open and clear the same, but for no longer term than twelve days

in a year.

369. And whereas, a petition has been presented to the legislature, praying they will establish what rates shall be taken at the Two-Sisters ferry, upon Savannah river, whenever there may be a fresh :

Be it therefore enacted, That whenever by reason of any fresh it is necessary to cross the river of the aforesaid ferry, by long ferry, the following rates shall be paid, that is to say: For every foot passenger, a quarter of a dollar; for every person on horse back, three quarters of a dollar; for every two wheeled carriage, or horse in harness, and one rider, one dollar; for every four wheeled carriage, and two horses in harness or gears, one dollar and a half; for every head of cattle, ten cents; and for every hog or sheep, five cents.

Ferry over 370. And be it further enacted, That a public ferry be esSantee, at the tablished on Santee river, and across Wadbacant lake, at the plantations of plantations formerly of Jacob Jenneret, on the south side of the said river, and of Samuel Jaudon on the north side of the said lake, both at present the property of Theodore Gourdine; and that the said ferries be vested, for the term of twenty-one years, in the said Theodore Gourdine, his heirs and assigns, who shall keep in good order, at least one sufficient flat at the river, and another at the lake; and also make and keep

Road therefrom.

in good repair the road through the swamp, from the river to TIT. 19. the lake, and from the river to the public road near Echaw bridge; and the said Theodore Gourdine, his heirs and as- A. A. 1795, signs, shall be entitled to receive the following rates of fer- 2 Faust 50–1. riage, and no more, that is to say: For a foot passenger, twenty-five cents; a man and horse fifty cents; any four wheeled Rates of ferriage. carriage, two dollars; any two wheeled carriage, seventy-five cents; for a led horse, mule or ass, twenty-five cents; for every head of black cattle, ferried or swam over, ten cents; and for every head of sheep, hogs or goats, ferried or swam over, five cents.

Black river.

371. And be it further enacted, That another road be laid Road from out and made, from the aforesaid lake,* the nearest and best Wadbacant way to the road leading from Lenud's ferry on the Santee lake, towards river, to Potatoe ferry on Black river; and Edward Thomas, Thomas Boone and Theodore Gourdine, are hereby appointed commissioners to lay out the same; and after the said roads are laid out, the commissioners of the roads, of the parish or parishes, through which they shall run, shall and they are hereby directed to cause the same to be made and kept in good order and repair, by and at the equal charge and labour of all the male inhabitants, from the age of sixteen to fifty years, and of all the male slaves from and between those ages, of all persons whomsoever, residing within ten miles of the aforesaid roads in the said parishes.

372. Whereas the nineteenth clause of an act, passed in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eightyeight, entitled, " An act to alter and amend an act respecting high roads and bridges, passed the twenty-second day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five, and for laying out several new roads, and establishing sundry ferries therein mentioned,† has been found inadequate to effect the purposes thereby intended:

Be it therefore enacted, That the commissioners of the roads Lynch's for Prince George, Winyaw, be, and they are hereby autho- causeway to rized to contract with any person or persons, to put and keep be repaired. in repair the causeway between Georgetown and Charleston, known by the name of Lynch's causeway, for any term not exceeding fifteen years, to whom they shall allow a sufficient toll for their trouble and labour in repairing and keeping the same in good and substantial repair; and the said commissioners are hereby authorized, in case they should not contract as aforesaid, to call out all slaves residing within seven miles of the said causeway, in the said parish, liable to work on the public roads, for repairing the same; and the said commissioners are hereby empowered to regulate the toll over the said causeway, the rates of ferriage over the North Santee, known by the name of Cook's ferry, the rates of fer

Wadbacant lake, mentioned in the preceding part of this clause; which has been repealed by an act of 1796. 2 Faust 128.

[blocks in formation]

TIT. 19.

A. A. 1795.

riage over the South Santee, known by the name of Mazick's ferry, and the rates of ferriage through the creek known by the name of Push and Go creek: Provided the rates 2 Faust 52-3. of ferriage through the said creek, shall not exceed the rates of ferriage over the two rivers, added to the toll over the causeway.


ers in Clare

mont & Clarendon added

373. And be it further enacted, That four commissioners shall be appointed in the county of Claremont, and four commissioners in the county of Clarendon, as joint commissioners to the county of roads and bridges, with the judges of the said countis,* court judges. and that any four of them shall be a board to do the business now in the power of the judges of said counties; which commissioners shall attend to the business of the said counties, at such times and places as is prescribed by law for holding the county courts; and that Joseph Atkinson, John Moore, senior, James Rambert and Richard Singleton, be the above commissioners for the county of Claremont, and that James Davis, Edward Richardson, Matthew James and Henry Richbourg, be commissioners for the county of Clarendon.

Ferry on Lit- 374. And be it enacted, That a public ferry is hereby estabtle Pedee riv-lished on Little Pedee river, at a place known by the name er, at Elvise's of Elvise's landing, and vested in Richard Gullivan for fourlanding. teen years, and his heirs and assigns; and he and they are hereby entitled to demand and receive the following rates: For every waggon and team, or other four wheeled carriage, one dollar; for every chair and horse, or other two wheeled carriage, fifty cents; for every man and horse, seven cents; for every head of cattle, hogs or sheep, ferried or swam, two cents.†

Road from

Edisto to

Gerrat Jordan.

375. And be it further enacted, That Gerrat Jordan, John Geiger and John Surganer, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners to lay out, open and keep in repair, a road leading from Morris's ford on Edisto river, to Granby; and that all perons liable to work upon the public roads, residing within five miles of the same, shall be obliged to work upon the same.

Toll bridge 376. And be it enacted, That a toll bridge, built or to be on Edisto riv-built, at Morris's ford aforesaid, on Edisto river, shall be, and er, vested in the same is hereby vested in Gerrat Jordan, his heirs and assigns, for and during the term of fourteen years; and that the following, and no more, be the rates of tollage for passing over the same, to wit: For a waggon and team, or any four wheeled carriage, with horses, twenty-five cents; cart and horses, or horses and chair, sixteen cents; man and horse, seven cents; horses and neat cattle, per head, three cents; hogs, sheep and goats, one cent per head.‡

Road in Marl

377. And be it further enacted, That a public road be laid borough coun- out in the county of Marlborough, beginning on Pedee river,


County courts were abolished in 1799.

† See A. A. 1808-re-established for seven years.

By A. A. 1808, this ferry was re-established for seven years, with some alteration as to the rates of ferriage. See A. A. 1811, vested in W. Williams for fourteen years.

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