Three Decades of Sermons, Lately Preached to the University; in OxfordGeneral Books, 2013 - 254 pages This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1660 edition. Excerpt: ...years, of times past, present, and to come, thirs wc apprehend; but time past, present, and to come, are all one in God; His Decree delays not: He's not measured by time, v. 8. If God seem to defer this day, yet this is an argument of singular patience, mercy, r.nd loving 'kindness, not of any flucknefs, v. 9. Gods long-suffering should be ouf-salvation; Gods patience and waiting upon us, reads us a Lecture of Repentance: O infinite forbearance! bowels of mercy opened, when as the Lord might cut us asunder in the midst of our rebellions, and fend us ro Hell immediately; yet he wooes, invites, and befeecheth us ro repent; and he waits, and trys us, whetting of his Sword, bending of his Po v, that whil'st the S word is a whetting, and the Bo a bending, we thould prudently fo: c-lee and take warning, that so Tve might escape the blow. The The fourth and last Argument, to confute those scoffers, who Arg. 4. are over curiously inquisitive, hasty, unbelieving, rashly expostulating, Where it the premise of his coming? This, I fay, is drawn fi0.n the manner of Chnsts coming, v. 10. Hoc add'num est (faith Ver. Io Calvin) ut semper jint in excubiisfide/es, nec crast'tnttmjibi promittant. This may be considered three manner of ways. 1. It's unexpected, as Thieves come unlook'd for, when men T are asleep and mostsecure, then the Thief comes. When the old World was secure, in the midst of their jollity, then came the Flood and swept them away. 2. There will be a change of the whole frame of the Universe, '.io. The heavens, &c. ',8. Impeturn veluti Sibillantis procella dee lar at: So Beza, In morem Bezjt' precelky in manner of a storm: So Erasmus. Erasmus. 3. 1 here shall be an utter conflagration of all things, even of pfcrM/ar" those... |
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Three Decades of Sermons, Lately Preached to the University ...: In Oxford Henry Wilkinson No preview available - 2015 |