-> દે پر THE NEW-YORK Missionary Magazine, AND REPOSITORY OF RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE; FOR THE YEAR 1802. Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. VOL. III. Eph. i. 6, 7. NEW-YORK: PRINTED BY VERMILYE AND CROOKER, PREFACE. IN presenting the readers of the New-York Missionary Magazine with the third volume complete, the Publisher begs leave once more to acknowledge the kindness of his patrons, and to solicit a continuance and increase of that favor by which he has been enabled under many discouragements, to prosecute the work until the present time. He regrets that the paper of the volume now brought to a close, is not of so good a quality as he could wish. But candor compels him to declare that the total neglect of many of his subscribers to remit to him his dues, has entirely prevented his fulfilling on his part, the engagements which he originally made with respect to the style in which the work should be executed. 4 + < 多 Flattering himself, however, with more favorable prospects on this score, in future, he ventures to promise a continuation of the work, and undertakes another volume with growing confidence and hope. He cannot suffer himself to believe that when the aspect of the religious world is so interesting, and when the amount of religious intelligence is unusually large, his readers will permit a publication devoted to the conveyance of this intelligence to fail for want of support. So many serious persons have expressed a wish warmly favorable to its continuance, that, amidst many difficulties, he cannot despond. At any rate, he is resolved fi |