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2 Dear youth, we know your sinful state-
May God your hearts renew!
We would awhile ourselves forget,
To pour out pray'r for you.

3 We see, tho' you perceive it not,
Th' approaching, awful doom!
Oh, tremble at the solemn thought,
And flee the wrath to come!

4 Dear Saviour, let this new born year
Spread an alarm abroad;
And cry in ev'ry careless ear,


"Prepare to meet thy God!"

HYMN 526.


10,5, 11. HAR. SACRA.

let us anew,

Roll round with the year,

And never stand still till the Master appear;

His adorable will

Let us gladly fulfil,

And our talents improve


By the patience of hope, and the labor of

2 Our life is a dream;

Our time, as a stream,

Glides swiftly away;

And the fugitive moment refuses to stay.

The arrow is flown,

The moment is gone,

The millenial year

Rushes on to our view and eternity's near.

3 Oh, that each in the day

Of his coming may say,

"I have fought my way through,

I have finish'd the work thou didst give me Oh, that each from his Lord [to do!"

May receive the glad word,

"Well and faithfully done,

Enter into my joy and sit down on my



HYMN 527. с. м.


Close of the year. Rom. xiii. Il.

A WAKE, ye saints, and raise your eyes,

raise your voices high;

Awake, and praise that sov'reign love,
That shows salvation nigh.

2 On all the wings of time it flies,
Each moment brings it near;
Then welcome each declining day!
Welcome each closing year!

3 Not many years their rounds shall run,
Nor many mornings rise,
Ere all its glories stand reveal'd
To our admiring eyes.

4 Ye wheels of nature, speed your course;

Ye mortal pow'rs, decay;
Fast as ye bring the night of death,

Ye bring eternal day.

HYMN 528. с. м.





VINCE Jesus freely did appear
To grace a marriage feast;
O Lord, we ask thy presence here,
To make a wedding guest.

2 Upon the bridal pair look down,
Who now have plighted hands ;
Their union with thy favor crown,
And bless the nuptial bands.

3 In purest love these souls unite,
That they with christian care,
May make domestic burdens light,
By taking mutual share.

4 And when that solemn hour shall come,
And life's short space be o'er;
May they in triumph reach that h me,
Where they shall part no more.


HYMN 529. L. M.




ITH grateful hearts and tuneful lays,
We bow before th' Eternal throne,

And offer up our humble praise,
To him whose name is God alone.
2 On this auspicious eve, draw near,
And shed thy richest blessings down;
Fill ev'ry heart with love sincere,
And all thy faithful mercies crown.

3 Grant now thy presence, gracious Lord,
And hearken to our fervent pray'r;
The nuptial vow in heav'n record,
And bless the newly married pair.
4 Oh, guide them safe, this desert through,
Mid all the cares of life and love;
At length with joy thy face to view,
In fairer, better worlds above.


HYMN 530. L. M.




ITH cheerful voices rise and sing
The praises of our God and King;

For he alone can minds unite,

And bless with conjugal delight.

2 Oh, may this pair increasing find
Substantial pleasures of the mind;
Happy together may they be,
And both united, Lord, to thee.

3 So may they live as truly one ;


And when their work on earth is done, Rise, hand in hand, to heav'n, and share The joys of love forever there.

HYMN 531. L. M.


Welcome to christian friends.

BRETHREN, belov'd for Jesus' sake,

welcome here receive;

May we together now partake

The joys which he alone can give!

2 May he, by whose kind care we meet,
Send his good Spirit from above;
Make our communications sweet,
And cause our hearts to burn with love!


3 Forgotten be each worldly theme,
When thus we meet to pray and praise,
We only wish to speak of him,
And tell the wonders of his grace..

4 We'll talk of all he did and said,
His suff'rings and his dying love,
The path he mark'd for us to tread,
And how he triumphs now above.
5 Thus as the moments pass away,
We'll love, and wonder, and adore;
Then hasten on the glorious day,
When we shall meet to part no more.

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1TORD, when together here we meet,

And taste thy heav'nly grace;

Thy smiles are so divinely sweet,
We're loth to leave the place.
2 But, Father, since it is thy will,
That we must part again;
Oh, may thy special presence still,
With ev'ry one remain.

3 And let us all in Christ be one,

Bound with the cords of love; Till we, before thy glorious throne, Shall joyful meet above.

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