The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for the Year ..., Volume 77

Front Cover
Edmund Burke
J. Dodsley, 1836
As well as being a record of events, The Annual Register was originally conceived as a miscellany, including a Chronology, which gave an account of noteworthy events in Britain over the previous year, and a collection of "State Papers", a miscellany of primary source material which included official documents, speeches, letters and accounts as well as reviewing important books, and featuring historical sketches, poetry, observations on natural history, and other essays, reproduced from books and periodicals. The early volumes of The Annual Register continued to follow this format, with contributions articles on international organizations, economics, the environment, science, law, religion, the arts (art, drama, music) and sport, together with poetry, obituaries, patents, a chronicle of major events. Although Burke was elected to parliament in 1765 and was a committed and prominent Whig,The Annual Register strove to remain non-partisan in its political coverage. After the end of the war in 1763, the History section evolved to cover the past year's developments more generally in Britain, its colonies, and mainland Europe. From 1775 its length was significantly increased, becoming the main focus of the publication. Burke apparently resigned the editorship in 1789; from that year until the final defeat of Napoleon in 1815 the History was primarily devoted to describing the French Revolution and the wars arising from it.


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Page 249 - London, the town council of any borough for the time being subject to the act of the session of the fifth and sixth years of the reign of King William the Fourth, chapter seventy-six, intituled " An Act to provide for the Regulation of Municipal Corporations in England and Wales...
Page 259 - An Act to defray the Charge of the Pay, Clothing, and contingent and other Expenses of the Disembodied Militia in Great Britain and Ireland ; to grant Allowances in certain Cases to Subaltern Officers, Adjutants, Paymasters, Quartermasters, Surgeons, Assistant Surgeons, Surgeons Mates, and Serjeant Majors of the Militia ; and to authorize the Employment of the Non-commissioned Officers.
Page 255 - An Act for the more effectual Abolition of Oaths and Affirmations taken and made in various Departments of the State, and to substitute Declarations in lieu thereof, and for the more entire suppression of voluntary and extra-judicial Oaths, and affidavits;' and to make other Provisions for the abolition of unnecessary Oaths.
Page 423 - January, the senate resolved that it was at that time inexpedient to adopt any legislative measures in regard to the state of affairs between the United States and France, and no action on the subject had occurred in the house of representatives.
Page 325 - That an humble Address be presented to his Majesty, praying that he will be graciously pleased to issue a Commission for inquiring into the defects, occasioned by time and otherwise, in the Laws of this realm, and into the measures necessary for removing the same.
Page 255 - Britain as have omitted to make and file Affidavits of the Execution of Indentures of Clerks to Attornies and Solicitors to make and file the same on or before the First Day of Hilary Term One thousand eight hundred and thirtysix ; and to allow Persons to make and file such Affidavits, although the Persons whom they served shall have neglected to take out their Annual Certificates.
Page 225 - Crown 8vo, 6s. History of the Progress and Suppression of the Reformation in Italy in the Sixteenth Century. Crown 8vo, 4s. History of the Progress and Suppression of the Reformation in Spain in the Sixteenth Century. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. Sermons, and Review of the
Page 498 - Created for the convenience of the Government, that institution has become the scourge of the people. Its interference to postpone the payment of a portion of the national debt that it might retain the public money appropriated for that purpose to strengthen it in a political contest, the extraordinary extension and contraction of its accommodations to the community, its corrupt and...
Page 422 - Her pride and power are too well known to expect anything from her fears and preclude the necessity of a declaration that nothing partaking of the character of intimidation is intended by us. She ought to look upon it as the evidence only of an inflexible determination on the part of the United States to insist on their rights.
Page 246 - And be it enacted, That after the passing of this Act no Person shall be enrolled a Burgess of any Borough, for the Purpose of enjoying the Rights conferred for the first Time by this Act, in respect of any Title other than by Occupancy and Payment of Rates within such Borough, according to the Meaning and Provisions of this Act.

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