NOTICE. THE plan adopted in Vol. I. of this work, that of noting below the text the corrections rendered necessary to bring out the true readings and renderings, has been found impracticable in the present volume. The number of these corrections is so great in the Epistles, that the reader would be entirely confused by the mass of marginal matter: and not unfrequently whole sentences require recasting, in order to convey the true meaning which the Authorized Version has missed. It was unavoidable therefore that a Revised Text should be published. By the side of this, the Authorized Version is given. The reader is informed, that the rendering given in the notes is not always identical with that in the version, but is usually rougher, and more literal, thus affording additional illustration of the meaning. IV. Of the Number of Epistles written by St. Paul to the Corinthians V. Of the Number of Visits made by St. Paul to the Corinthians |