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Dark Providences cleared in due Time, Page 287

JOHN xiii. 7. - What I do, thou knowest not now, but thou shalt
know hereafter.

After taking a view of the words in their scope and design, analizing
and explaining them, deducing an observation from them, and con-
firming it by an induction of scripture-instances, the following general

: heads are proposed, viz.

1. To mention some things the Lord doth towards his church and

people, that are dark and mysterious, hidden and unknown, 288

2. To shew in what respects these things that he is doing for them,

may be hid and unknown to them,

The words being copiously viewed, both as to their literal,
typical and spiritual meaning, accurately analized and explained,
their spiritual sense expressed in a doctrinal observation, and cach
branch of the doctrine confirmed and illuftrated from express texts
of fcripture, the following general topics of discourse are infisted upon,

1. The

1. The state and condition of finners by nature, as outcafts, ready

to perish, confidered,

Page 324

The words being viewed in their connection, explained, and summed up
in a doctrinal propofition, the following general topics of discourse
are profecuted, viz.

JER. xiii. 16. Give glory to the Lord your God, before he cause darkness.

The Author having confidered the words in their connection, divided,
and explained them, and taken up their sense in a doctrinal observa-
tion, he proposes the following general heads of method, viz.

1. To speak a little of this glory that is given to God, and what it is

to glorify him,


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