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800 T67 1860.






IN preparing for the press and printing this enlarged edition of Mr. Horne Tooke's Diversions of Purley, an undertaking assigned to me by the Publisher, on his becoming possessed, by assignment from the Author's representatives, of the copy containing his last corrections and additions, it has been my endeavour in the first place to remove the many inaccuracies of the former Edition by a collation of the citations in which the work abounds with the originals so far as they were within my reach; and, next, to incorporate in it, as well as I was able, the new materials in such a manner as should not interfere with the integrity of the former text. As these additions, written in the Author's interleaved copy, and which especially in the Second Part are very abundant, were wholly without any references connecting them with the text, and sometimes written at a distance of several pages from the passages towhich they seemed to belong, I must beg the Reader's indulgence if I should at any time have failed in this part of my task; reminding him that, all the new matter being distinguished by brackets' [], he may use his own judgement as to its relation to the text.

A work of such celebrity, connected with studies to

'The brackets in p. 201-212, do not, as elsewhere, denote new


which I had been much attached, having been thus intrusted to my care, I was tempted, during its progress, to hazard a few notes in my capacity of Editor: and though it may have been presumptuous in me to place any observations or conjectures of mine on the pages of Mr. Tooke, yet I must plead in excuse the interest excited by the investigations which they contain.




"Mankind in general are not sufficiently aware that words without meaning, or of equivocal meaning, are the everlasting engines of fraud and injustice: and that the grimgribber of Westminster Hall is a more fertile, and a much more formidable, source of imposture than the abracadabra of magicians."— Mr. Tooke makes this remark after having stated that his first publication on language was occasioned by his having "been made the victim" in a Court of Law "of Two Prepositions and a Conjunction," OF and CONCERNING, and THAT, "the abject

1 The number of these notes has been considerably increased in the present Edition.

**I know not whence Mr. Tooke got this word, which was also used by Mr. Bentham, to mean, I suppose, the jargon used as a cover for legal sophistry. It may be connected with Grimoire, respecting which Dr. Percy has the following note :-"The word Gramarye, which occurs several times in the foregoing poem (King Estmere), is probably a corrup tion of the French word Grimoire, which signifies a Conjuring Book in the old French romances, if not the art of necromancy itself."-Vol. i. p. 77. Perhaps both are referable to 'Grammar,' which might have been looked upon as a kind of magic. The French Grimaude is a grammarschool boy. May not also the Scotch Glamer, Glamour, a charm, have the same origin?

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