"ENDEAVOURING TO KEEP THE UNITY OF THE SPIRIT IN THE BOND OF PEACE." "JESUS CHRIST, THE SAME YESTERDAY, TO-DAY, AND FOR EVER. WHOM TO KNOW IS LIFE ETERNAL." VOL. V.] AUGUST, 1845. [No. 56. FAMILY FEATURES.-PARENTAL DISCIPLINE. "LIKE AS A FATHER PITIETH HIS CHILDREN, SO THE LORD PITIETH THEM THAT FEAR HIM."-PSALM ciii. 13. I WISH I could believe this-that is, so to believe it as to rest assured that in whatever trial or exercise I was found, there I was by the Lord's own gracious appointment-there he was regarding me with a Father's pitying eye-and the kindly intentions of his mind in bringing me into. those trying circumstances were on purpose to make room for the display of his Almighty power, in sustaining me when his hand was to me unseen, and for the exercise of his delivering grace, mercy, and love, when my times of exigency and distress really and truly stood in need of that deliverance. I sometimes test the passage above quoted by my feelings as a parent. A little time ago, amid the questionings and cross-questionings to which I am subjected, I began to think that my parental feelings were subsiding-my love was growing cold-and I was fearful that hatred would take the place of the once most devoted affection. I dare not No. 56, VOL. V.-New Series. 2 B |