ANNUAL REGISTER, OR GENERAL REPOSITORY OF HISTORY, POLITICS, ARTS, SCIENCES, AND LITERATURE, For the Year 1822. : LONDON: PUBLISHED BY LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME AND BROWN, : PREFACE. THE report of parliamentary proceedings during the year occupies a considerable portion of the volume which is now presented to the public; but it will not seem a disproportionate one if the reader will advert to the importance of the matter it contains. It has been our aim to catch the spirit of the most interesting debates in parliament, and to preserve those speeches, on the various topics brought into discussion, which have appeared most forcible in argument or most persuasive in eloquence. We are acquainted with the records of no country which can, in this respect, rival our own, or exhibit such specimens of dignified and substantial oratory, : The latter months of the year have been em. ployed by politicians in anxious speculations upon the subject of war or peace for the political horizon of Western Europe has been some time assuming a gloomy and portentous aspect. If, however, the peace of seven years is ultimately to be disturbed, we trust that tranquillity will be speedily restored; if not, that Providence will render protracted contention subservient to the general |