The Kingdom of the Beast and the End of the World: The Truth about the End of This World According to Matthew 24, the Book of Revelation, Daniel and Other End Times, 2005 - 380 pages Authoritative, bold and different. The final word on prophecy. Written in everyday language. It's not often that a book comes along that causes you to reexamine everything that you have ever learned on a particular subject. In a manner reminiscent of The Prayer of Jabez and The Purpose Driven Live, The Kingdom of the Beast takes you on a journey of enlightenment that will leave you satisfied that you finally understood what the end time prophecies are all about. There are no magic formulas for interpreting the prophecies other than accepting what is written. This book convincingly, and scripturally, moves the reader beyond some of the traditional man made ideas that have confused the Church and kept it from coming to a unified understanding of the prophecies, and then opens things up witha down to earth simplicity. |
Introduction | 5 |
Endtimes Outline | 33 |
Matthew 24Tribulation Warnings | 54 |
Matthew 24After Those Days | 76 |
Matthew 24The Missing Wrath | 94 |
Revelation 4Enthroned in Glory | 111 |
Revelation 7Seal Six The Gathering of the Redeemed | 132 |
Revelation 9Stinging Locusts and Fiery Horsemen | 150 |
Revelation 11Truth Squared Equals Torment | 164 |
Daniel 8From Babylon to Greece to Antichrist | 178 |
and 12Antiochus Antichrist | 192 |
The Length of the Wrath of GodYou Dont Say | 211 |
Daniel 7Lions and Leopards and Bears Oh My | 231 |
Common terms and phrases
Abomination of Desolation angels Antichrist appears armies Battle of Armageddon behold believe Bible Book of Revelation bottomless pit bring cast chapter Christians Church clouds coming covenant daily sacrifice Daniel death declares delivered desolate destroy destruction dragon earth elect end-times final fire flesh gather give glory God's wrath going gospel Greek Empire hath heart heaven holy horns Isaiah Israel Jacob's Trouble Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jews king Lamb lives look mankind Matthew 24 Middle East Millennial Reign mountain Mystery Babylon nations Noah peace persecution preached prophecies punishment Rapture Resurrection Revelation righteousness Roman Empire rule saints saith the Lord salvation Satan Scriptures seal Selah seven seven-year seventh seal sinners speaking spirit spirit king take place temple thee Thessalonians things thou thousand three-and-one-half told Tribulation begins trumpet unto verse 14 vial vision witnesses word worship Wrath of God