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By Thomas Dunham Whitaker. 3s. 6d. The Christian Remembrancer; or, Short Reflections upon the Faith, Hope, and Conduct of a Real Christian. 3s. 6d. Fine 6s. A Sermon preached in the Parish Church of Stroud, Glouces tershire, August 23; containing some Observations on the much lamented lamented Death of Lieutenant J. F. Delmont, late of the 83d Regiment of Foot, who fell a victim to the baneful Influence of Duelling. By the Rev. J. Williams. 1s. Religious Courtship; or, Historical Discourses on the Necessity of Marrying Religious Husbands and Wives only; as also of Husbands and Wives being of the same Opinions in Religion as one another, with an Appendix. 18mo. 4s. 6d. boards. A Discourse on the Use of Persecution in the Furtherance of the Gospel, intended to have been preached August 24, 1807, at the Desire of the Committee for Establishing a General Union of the Independent Churches. By S. Palmer. A Sermon, preached at Devizes, on Sunday August 16, 1807, on the Cruelty to Dumb Creatures; a Sinful Abuse of that Power originally delegated to Man, and inconsistent with the Christian Character. By the Curate of Devizes. 1s. A Charge delivered previously to an Ordination, by George Isaac Huntingford, Bishop of Gloucester. 8vo. 1s. 6d. Discourses, Moral and Religious, adapted to a Naval Audience, and dedicated by permission to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, by the Rev. Robert Baynes. 8vo. 12s. bound. - A Sermon, preached in Lambeth Chapel on the 4th of October, 1807, at the Consecration of the Right Reverend John Luxmore, Bishop of Bristol. By John Roberts. 1s. 6d. A Letter to G. Sharp, respecting his Remarks on the two last. Petitions in the Lord's Prayer, from a Country Clergyman. 1s. Scriptural, and New Mode of Attack, wherein Infant Church Membership, and Infant Baptism, are stigmatized and renounced. By J. Harm. 1s. A Sermon, preached in the Old Meeting, Kidderminster, September 27, on the Nature, Evil, and Cure, of Selfishness. By S. Bradley. Is. The Anniversary Sermon of the Royal Humane Society, preached on the 13th of April, at St Ann's Church, Soho. By the Reverend Richard Yates. 1s. 6d. Remarks on a recent Hypothesis, respecting the Origin of Moral Evil; in a Series of Letters to the Rev. Dr Williams. By W. Bennet. 2s. 6d. Sermons on Various Subjects and Occasions. By the Rev. John Nance. 8vo. 6s. boards. A Sermon, preached in Lambeth Chapel, on the 4th of October 1807, at the Consecration of the Right Reverend John Luxmore, D. D. Bishop of Bristol. The Incarnation of the Son of God. By the Rev. J. Meldrum. 2 vol. 8vo. 12s. Popery Irreconcileable. 1s. Kk 2 Address Address to Protestant Dissenters, recommending Sitting to Sing. 6d. A Collection of Moral and Religious Anecdotes, on a Pack of Conversation-Cards. is. 6d. The Voice of Truth, or Proofs of the Divine Origin of Scripture. By Anne Fry. 2s. A Collection of Evidences for the Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. By the Rev. A. Preston. 2s. 6d. A Sermon preached in the Parish Church of St John, Margate, in the Isle of Thanet, August 30, for the General Sea-Bathing Infirmary at Margate. By the Rev. James Plumbtree. Is. Thoughts on a General and Explicit Union of the Congregational Churches, occasioned by an Address from the London Committee, to the Ministers and Churches of the Congregational Order; in a Letter to the Gentlemen of that Committee. By a Friend to the Union. Price 1s. Perfect Union with the Established Church of England, recommended in a Sermon preached before the Archdeacon of Wilts, in the Parish Church of St Peter's, Marlborough, August 11, 1807. By Charles Francis 1s. A Sermon, preached in the Parish Church of St George, Hanover Square, on its being reopened for Divine Service, on Sunday November 22, 1807. By the Rev. Robert Hodgson. 1s. 6d. TOPOGRAPHY. A complete Pocket Gazetteer of England and Wales. 7s. 6d. An Historical and Descriptive Account of Lancaster. 56. TRAVELS. Struggles through Life, exemplified in the various Travels and Adventures in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, of Lieutenant John Harriott. 2 vol. 12mo. 14s. bound. Observations on the Windward Coast of Africa, the Religion, Character, Customs, &c. of the Natives; with a System upon which they may be civilized, and a Knowledge attained of the Interior of this extraordinary part of the Globe; and upon the Natural and Commercial Resources of the Country. By J. Corry. 18s. Coloured 24s. The Adventures of Robert Drury during fifteen years captivity on the Island of Madagascar, containing a Description of that Island, &c. Written by himself, and now carefully corrected from the Original Copy. Svo. Ss. INDEX INDE X. A Achæan republic, rife of, 48. Annus magnus, what, 272. Antiochus, ftrange coincidence in the man- ner of the death of three kings of Ma- Affyria, great obfcurity of the hiftory of, Blackstone, Sir William, verses by, 37. Bofanquet, Mr, account of his tracts on Weft India affairs, 148. on the irregularity with which fortune Britain, higher geometry lefs cultivated in C Canterbury, fchool established by the arch- Carnatic Quahon examined, 462.—Ac- Catholic Queftion, pamphlets on, 116.- that would attend it according to its de Sibérie, 449.-Remarks on the cha- Cumberland, defcription of the lakes in, Earth, inquiry into the phyfical 'caufes Ecliptic, obliquity of, when first perfectly Egypt, extent, &c. of the Greek kingdom Equinoxes, preceffion of, 271. England, evidently the work of an tingdon, S. S., 385.-Effects of taxa- 85. F Generation, account of the principal theo- Gillies's, Dr, Hiftory of the World, 40. Gofsford's, Lord, account of the state of Grange, La, addition to the integral cal- Greeks, modern, character of, 97. Hieroglyphics, Egyptian, remarks on, 53, Huber on Bees, 319-Different forts of |