county of Wenford-Add:ess of the counties of Wexford, Clare,
and others, to the Lord Lieutenant-Addresses from corpora
tions to the Lord Lieutenant; and of the Bar to the Chancellor→
Case of Mr. Curran The Rolls offered to Mr. Curran
Spirit and conduct of the Irish Goretument-—-—-—-)
-Mr. Wilson the
Tyrone magifirate Contimiance of Mr. Wilson's communi-
cations with Government---Case of O'Neil Mr. Elliott's
letter to Mr. Wilson-Commission to investigate O'Neil's case.
-Difference between Serjeant Moore and Mr. Wilson
Mr. Wilson summoned to Dublin-Mr. Wilson writes to Mr.
Elliott Mr. Wilson writes to Mr. Ponsonby Mr. Wilson
writes again to Mr Elliott-The Chancellor's letter to Mr. Wil◄
sou Mr. Wilson is refused a commission for Armaghi-Conse
quences of that refusal Feelings of the Catholics on the new
administration Mr. Ponsonby sets about reforming the ma
giftracy-Wexford and Carlow magifirates-Lord Grenville
brings on Mr. Judge Fox's case-Debate on Judge Fox's case-
Close of Judge Fox's case-Close of Judge Johnson's case-
Irish revenues and resources-Relief of the poor in Ireland-
Mr. Fofter's and Mr. Bagwell's opinions Sir John Newport ex-
plains-Mr. Alexander opposes the measure- -The new minifters
shy Ireland, and prorogue the parliament-Vain expectancies of
the Catholics in Ireland-Reforms in the financial departments
-Mr. Grattan reftored to the Privy Council-Death of Mr. Fox.
---Suppression of partial disturbances-Threshers-Further parti-
culars of the Threshers-Dissolution of Parliament, and Catholics
address to Mr. Grattan-Threfhers increase- -The new mi-
nifters acting upon the old principles Meeting of the new Par-
liament, and King's speech Private communications with the
Catholics Catholic meetingsMore catholic meetings
Resolution to petition Parliament, that sessionFurther resolu-
tions of the Catholics at large to petition Catholic resolutions.
for petitioning Parliament-Conduct of the minifters and the op-
position The Newry magiftrates prosecute Mr. O' Hanlon for
a libet-Catholics address the Duke of Bedford-Proceedings in
the King's benchAffidavit of Mr. O'Hanlon-Conduct of
the Court-Abolition of useless places Additional grant of.
soool, to Maynooth CollegeSir Johur Newport answers Mr.
Perceval's objections Mr. Grattan supports the grant Lord
Howick refers to the state of foreign edugation Real conduct
of miniftry Lord Howick moves the Catholic Officers