6. Then do not seek with anxious care, What ye shall eat, or drink, or wear; Your heav'nly Father will you feed, He knows that all these things you need..
7. Without reserve give Christ your heart; Let him his righteousness impart; Then all things else he'll freely give; With him you all things shall receive.
Hymn 150. с. м.
OT from the dust affliction grows, Nor troubles rise by chance :
Yet we are born to cares and woes; A sad inheritance !
2. As sparks break out from burning coals, And still are upwards borne : So grief is rooted in our souls, And man grows up to mourn.
3. Yet with my God I leave my cause, And trust his promis'd grace ; He rules me by his well-known laws Of love and righteousness. 4. Not all the pains that e'er I bore Shall spoil my future peace; For death and hell can do no more Than what my Father please.
Hymn 151. L. M.
OW do thy mercies close me round! For ever be thy name ador'd!
In all things I do so abound;
The servant is above his Lord!
2. Inur'd to poverty and pain
A suff'ring life my Master led; The Son of God, the Son of Man, He had not where to lay his head.
3. But lo! a place he hath prepar'd For me whom watchful angels keep : Yea, he, himself, becomes my guard; He smooths my bed, and gives me sleep.
4. Jesus protects; my fears be gone : What can the Rock of Ages move ? Safe in thine arms I lay me down, Thine everlasting arms of love. 5. While thou art intimately nigh, Who, who shall violate my rest? Sin, earth, and hell, I now defy; I lean upon my Saviour's breast. 6. I rest beneath th' Almighty's shade, My griefs expire, my troubles cease; Thou, Lord, on whom my soul is stay'd, Wilt keep me st n perfect peace.
Hymn 152. Р. М.
HE Lord my pasture shall prepare, And teed me with a shepherd's care:
His presence shall my wants supply, And guard me with a watchful eye. My noon-day walks he shall attend, And all my midnight hours defend.
2. When on the sultry glebe I faint, Or on the thirsty mountain pant, To fertile vales and dewy meads My weary wand'ring steps he leads, Where peaceful rivers, soft and slow, Amid the verdant landskape flow. 3. Though in the paths of death I tread, With gloomy horrors overspread, My steadfast heart, shall fear no ill, For thou, O Lord, art with me still : Thy friendly crook shall give me aid, And guide me through the dreadful shade.. 4. Though in a bare and rugged way, Through devious lonely wilds I stray, Thy bounty shall my pains beguile : The barren wilderness shall smile, With sudden greens and herbage crown'd, And streams shall murmur all around.
Hymn 153. L. M.
WAY, my unbelieving fear!
Fear shall in me no more have place;
My Saviour doth not yet appear, He hides the brightness of his face:
But shall I therefore let him go, And basely to the tempter yield? No, in the strength of Jesus, no,
I never will give up my shield.
2. Although the vine its fruits deny; Although the olive yield no oil; The with'ring fig-trees droop and die; The fields elude the tiller's toil; The empty stall no herd afford, And perish all the bleating race: Yet will I triumph in the Lord,
The God of my salvation praise. 3. Barren although my soul remain, And no one bud of grace appear ; No fruit of all my toil and pain, But sin, and only sin is here; Although my gifts and comforts lost, My blooming hopes cut off I see ; Yet will I in my Saviour trust, And glory that he dy'd for me. 4. In hope believing against hope, Jesus, my Lord, my God, I claim, Jesus, my strength, shall lift me up, Salvation is in Jesu's name;
To me he soon shall bring it nigh, My soul shall then out-strip the wind; On wings of love mount up on high, And leave the world and sin behind.
Hymn 154. P. M.
From the German.
own thy lawful claim,
Thine, wholly thine, I long
Thou seest, at last, I willing am, Where'er thou go'st to follow thee; Myself in all things to deny: Thine, wholly thine, to live and die. 2. Whate'er my sinful flesh requires, For thee I cheerfully forego; My covetous and vain desires, My hopes of happiness below, My senses' and my passions' food, And all my thirst for creature good.
3. Pleasure, and wealth, and praise, no more, Shall lead my captive soul astray; My vain pursuits I all give o'er, Thee, only thee, resolv'd t' obey: Myself in all things to resign,
And know no other will but thine.
4. All pow'r is thine in earth and heav'n; All fulness dwells in thee alone;
What'er I have was freely giv'n; Nothing but sin I call my own; My only trust is in thy name; Thou only art the great I AM. 5. Wherefore to thee I all resign; Wisdom thou art, and Love, and pow'r : Thy only will be done, not mine! Thee, Lord, let earth and heav'n adore! Back flow the rivers to the sea, And so our all be lost in thee!
HOU Lamb of God, thou Prince of Peace, For thee my thirsty soul doth pine!
My longing heart implores thy grace: O'make me in thy likeness shine! 2. With fraudless, even, humble mind Thy will in all things may I see ! In love be ev'ry wish resign'd,
And hallow'd my whole heart to thee. 3. When pain o'er my weak fresh prevails, With lamb-like patience arm my breast; When grief my wounded soul assails, In lowly meekness may I rest. 4. Close by thy side still may I keep, Howe'er life's various currents flow; With stedfast eye mark ev'ry step, And follow thee where'er thou go. 5. Thou, Lord, the dreadful fight hast won; Alone thou hast the wine-press trod; In me thy strength'ning grace be shown: O may I conquer through thy blood! 6. So, when on Sion thou shalt stand, And all heav'ns hosts adore their King, Shall I be found at thy right hand, And free from pain thy glories sing.
Hymn 156. L. M.
ESUS, the weary wand'rer's rest, Give me thine easy yoke to bear; With stedfast patience arm my breast, With spotless love, and lowly fear. 2. Thankful I take the cup from thee, Prepar'd and mingled by thy skill; Though bitter to the taste it be, Powerful the wounded soul to heal.
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