The serpent blended with the dove, 2. Whene'er the angry passions rise, 3. O how benevolent and kind! Hymn 292. P. M. LOVE divine, how sweet thou art! LOW When shall I find my willing heart, All taken up by thee! I thirst, I faint, I die to prove, 2. Stronger his love than death or hell, The first born sons of light 3. God only knows the love of God; Hymn 293. р. м. From the German. HEE will I love, my strength, my tow'r, Thee will I love, my joy, my crown, Thee will I love with all my pow'r, 2. Ah! why did I so late thee know, 3. In darkness willingly I stray'd; . 214 I sought thee, yet from thee I rov'd; Far wide my wand'ring thoughts were spread, Thy creatures more than thee I lov'd; And now if more, at length, I see, 'Tis thro' thy light and comes from thee. 4. I thank thee, uncreated Sun, That thy bright beams on me have shin'd; I thank thee, who hast overthrown, My foes, and heal'd my wounded mind; I thank thee, whose enliv'ning voice, Bids my freed heart in thee rejoice. 5. Uphold me in the doubtful race, Nor suffer me again to stray; Strengthen my feet with steady pace, Still to press forward in the way: My soul and flesh, O Lord of might, Fill, satiate with thy heav'nly light. 1. Hymn 294. с. м. INFINITE, unexhausted love! love are one; If still to me thy bowels move, They are restrain'd to none. 2. What shall I do my God to love? My loving God to praise? 1 213 The length, and breadth, and height to prove, And depth of sov'reign grace? 3. Thy sov'reign grace to all extends, From age to age it never ends, 4. Throughout the world its breadth is known, Wide as infinity; So wide, it never pass'd by one, Or it had pass'd by me. 5. My trespass was grown up to heav'n; ✓ But far above the skies, In Christ abundantly forgiv'n, I see thy mercies rise. 6. The depth of all-redeeming love, What angel tongue can tell? 1. O may I to the utmost prove C Hymn 295. L. M. OME, Saviour, Jesus, from above! Empty my heart of earthly love, 3. O let thy sacred presence fill, And set my longing spirit free? 3. While in this region here below, 5, Henceforth may no profane delight Possess it thou who hast the right, 6. Nothing on earth do I desire, 1. Hymn 296. с. м. ESUS hath dy'd that I might live, Might live to God alone In him eternal life receive, 2. Saviour, I thank thee for thy grace, And wait with arms of faith ť embrace, 3. My soul breaks out in strong desire, 4. Give me thyself, from ev'ry boast, 1." IS Hymn 297. P. M. T a point I long to know, Oft it causes anxious thoughts; Do I love the Lord or no; 3. Could my heart so hard remain, Pray'r a task and burden prove; Ev'ry trifle give me pain, If I knew a Saviour's love? 4. When I turn mine eyes within, O how dark, and vain, and wild ! Prone to unbelief and sin, Can I deem myself a child? 5. If I pray, or hear, or read, 7. Could I joy with saints to meet, 8. Lord, decide the doubtful case ! 9. Let me love thee more and more, 1. J Hymn 298. c. M. ESUS, united by thy grace, And each to each endear'd: With confidence we seek thy face, And know our pray'r is heard. 2. Still let us own.our common Lord, And bear thine easy yoke, |