OR SPIRITUAL SONGS.. IN SIX PARTS. I. The BELIEVER'S (IV. The BELIEVER'S II. The BELIEVER'S V. The BELIEVER'S LODGING. ITION, With large ADDITIONS and great IMPROVEMENTS. By RALPH ERSKINE, M. A. LONDON: Printed for J. OSWALD, at the Rofe and Crown in the Price Bound in Calf 2 s. and plain Bound in Sheep, 1 s. 6d, with N. B. The Author's Sermons, 3 vols. and his Poem on T HERE having been several Impressions of this Book at Edinburgh, and some of them without my Knowledge, and very incorrect; I was the more easily induced to yield, to the earnest Defire of such as urged me, to allow its being reprinted at London. Yet being unwilling it should be publish'd there, under all the Disadvantages of a homely Scotish Rhime, which I never expected was to spread so far, and make fuch a publick Appearance in the World; therefore as I reckon'd myself very much obliged to the Gentleman, who inclined to be the Publisher, that he did not adventure to reprint any of the former Copies, without acquainting me of his Design, and defiring to know, if I had any Corrections or Amendments to make upon it: so if it now come abroad, (as I hope it does) to more Advantage than formerly, it is much owing to his Kindness and Civility in craving my Confent, and giving me an Opportunity (which I have taken for fome Months) of putting it into fuch order, as any spare Hour, amidst my other weighty Work, would allow. I do not intend, by any Corrections I have made upon this Book, to act the part of the lofty Poet, now |