Wisdom, Let Us Attend: Job, the Fathers, and the Old TestamentJohanna Manley St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1997 - 906 pages This patristic anthology combines three books (bound as a single volume). In Book 1, through the insights of SS Gregory the Great, Hesychius of Jerusalem, and John Chrysostom, we gain a new perspective on the Book of Job, the most intensly personal book of the Old Testament, challenging us to meditate on how we deal with life. Passages are also included on the function of angels and demons. Book 2 is a partial reprint of The Lament of Eve, comprising the patristic prologue on the first five chapters of Genesis. Book 3 offers patristic guidance through much of the remainder of the Old Testament from Genesis through to the Song of Songs. With St Ephraim the Syrian we learn the Syriac tradition of Genesis. Origen provides interesting insights on Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers; St Gregory of Nyssa on Canticles. Includes extracts from the Prologue from Ochrid by Bishop Nikolai Veimirovich and many of his homilies on Proverbs. |
Common terms and phrases
Adam affliction Almighty Ambrose of Milan angels Apostle Augustine of Hippo Behold blessed Job body Book Book of Job called Christ command corruption Creator curse darkness death deeds desire devil divine earth earthly Elihu Eliphaz enemy eternal evil eyes faith Father fear flesh friends glory God's grace Gregory Gregory of Nazianzus hand hear heart heaven heavenly heretics Hesychius of Jerusalem Holy Church Holy Spirit Homily HSJII humility iniquity Interpretation by St John Chrysostom Judge judgment king Kngs Let me ponder light living Lord mind Moses mouth NPNF Paul person prayer preaching pride Prophet Prov Psalmist punishment received righteous rightly Satan says scourges Scripture Septuagint servant sinner sins Sophar soul speak suffering temptation things thought transgression truth understand ungodly unto virtue voice wicked wickedness wisdom words wrath