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the ill effects of their unfaithfulness. "Manners "are every day becoming more corrupt among us, "because the zeal of ministers is daily becoming: "colder; and because there are found among us "few apostolical men, who oppose themselves, as "a brazen wall, to the torrent of vice. For the "most part, we behold the wicked altogether at "ease in their sins, for the want of hearing more "frequently those thundering voices, which accom“panied with the spirit of GOD, would effectually rouse them from their awful slumber. The want

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of zeal, so clearly discernable among pastors, is "chiefly owing to that base timidity which is not "hardy enough to make a resolute stand against "common prejudice, and which regards the worth"less approbation of men, beyond their eternal in"terests. That must needs be a worldly and "criminal consideration, which makes us more

anxious for our own glory, than for the glory of "Gon. That must truly be fleshly wisdom, which "can represent religious zeal under the false ideas "off excess, indiscretion and temeritv: a pretext "this, which nearly extinguishes every spark of "zeal in the generality of ministers. This want of "courage they honour with the specious names of "moderation and prudence. Under pretence of not "carrying their zeal to an excess, they are content "to be entirely destitute of it. And while they are "solicitous to shun the rocks of imprudence and "precipitation, they run, without fear, upon the "sands of indolence and cowardice. They desire " to become useful to sinners, and at the same time, "to be had in estimation by them. They long " to manifest such a zeal as the world is disposed "to applaud. They are anxious so to oppose the "passions of men, that they may yet secure their

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praises; so to condemn the vices they love, that “they may still be approved by those they con"demn. But when we probe a wound to the bot

"tom, we must expect to awaken a degree of pee"vishness in the patient, if we do not extort from him some bitter exclamation."

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"Let us not deceive ourselves," continues the same author; "if that apostolical zeal, which once* "converted the world, is become so rare among us," "it is because, in the discharge of our sacred func❝tions, we seek ourselves, rather than the glory of "Christ, and the salvation of souls. Glory and "infamy were regarded by the apostle with equal” "indifference, while he filled up the duties of his "important office, He knew it impossible to "please men, and to save them; to be the servant of "the world, and the servant of Christ. Neverthe-" “less, there are many among us, who are seek❝ing to unite these different services, which the "apostle believed to be irreconcileable."

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Mons. Roques agrees with the pious bishop in condemning those ministers, who neglect to copy the example of St. Paul. "The little piety, that is "to be found among ministers,” says this excellent writer, "is the most effectual obstacle to the pro" gress of the Gospel. By piety,I mean that sincere "and ardent love for religion, which deeply inte"rests a man in all its concerns, as well as in every "thing, that respects the glory of God, and of our "Lord Jesus Christ. If this divine love was found "reigning in the hearts of those who proclaim "Christ; if every preacher of the Gospel was en"abled to say with the sincerity of Peter, Lord! "thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love "thee thou knowest, that I have no ambition but "for thy glory, and that my highest pleasure con"sists in beholding the increase of thy kingdom.... "we should then perceive the word of God in their "hands, like a two-edged sword, cutting asunder "the very deepest roots of sin. But as the Gospel "is preached more through contention, through "vain glory, and through the desire of getting a

"livelihood by serving at the altar, than through "an ardent zeal to advance the glory of God; "hence it is, that ministers fall into various errors, "giving evident proofs of that indolence and un46 concern, which afford matter of scandal rather "than of edification."

Mons. Ostervald speaks the same language in his "Third source of the corruption which reigns among christians." "A great part of our ecclesias"tics," says this writer, "may be justly charged

with the corruption of the people, since there are "among them many, who oppose the re-establish"ment of a holy discipline, while others render "the exercise of it totally useless, by an ill-timed "softness, and a shameful indulgence."

"I except those," continues this venerable pastor, "who ought to be excepted. But, on a gene"ral view, in what do ecclesiastics differ from "other men? Do they distinguish themselves by

an exemplary life? Their exterior, indeed, is "somewhat different: They lead a more retired "life; they, in some degree, save appearances; "though all do not go thus far. But, beyond this, "are they not equally attached to the world; as "much engaged with earthly things, as wholly ta"ken up with secular views, as constantly actuated "by interest and passion as the generality of man"kind."

Christian prudence required, that these portraits of lukewarm ministers should be exhibited, as the designs of pastors, who have been eminent for their piety, their rank, and experience, and who, on that aceount, had a peculiar right to declare those truths, which might give greater offence, were they to come from less respectable per




BETWEEN the state of careless ministers, and false apostles, there is not, in reality, so vast a difference as many are apt to imagine. An unworthy labourer in the spiritual vineyard, gives speedy proof of a lukewarm temper, in the service of his Lord; shortly after, his heart becomes entirely cold with respect to piety, and what is still more lamentable, he frequently manifests as warm a zeal for error and vice, as the true minister can possibly discover in the cause of truth and virtue.. Such is the state of those who may properly be termed preachers of the third class, and who are spoken of by St. Paul under the title of false apos


These unworthy ministers are known by their works. Like many of St. Paul's unfaithful fellowlabourers, they prefer the repose and pleasure of the world, before the service and reproach of Christ. Like Judas and Simon the sorcerer, they love the honours and revenues of ministers, while they abhor the crosses and labours of the ministry. Like Hophni, and Phinehas, they are "sons of Belial, and know not the Lord. Their sin is very great before the Lord; for," on their account, many "abhor the offering of the Lord." Like the wicked servant, described by their reputed Master, instead of providing "meat for his household in due season," they begin to smite, or to persecute those of their fellow-servants, who are intent upon discharging their several duties; while they pass away their time in mirth and festivity, with the riotous and the drunken. They may justly be compared to lamps extinguished in the temple of God. "Instead of shining there to his praise," says

-bishop Massillon, "they emit black clouds of smoke, "which obscure every object about them, and be

come a savour of death to those, who perish. "They are pillars of the sanctuary, which being "Over-thrown and scattered in public places, become stones of stumbling to every heedless pas

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senger. They are the salt of the earth, and were "appointed to preserve souls from corruption; but "having lost all their savour, they begin to cor

rupt what they were intended to preserve." They are physicians, who carry to their patients infection -instead of health. From the spiritually diseased, they withhold the healing word of God, while they distribute among them the dangerous poison of a lax morality, setting before them an example of bitter zeal against the truth, puffing them up with that wisdom, which "is earthly, sensual, and devilish."


"A false pastor," says, Mons. Roques, or a false apostle," is a minister whose heart is not right be. "before God, and who lives not in such a manner as to edify his flock. He knows the holy course "of life, to which christians in general, and minis"ters in particular, are called; but, in spite of all "his knowledge and his apparent zeal, he fears not "to trample under foot those very maxins of the "Gospel, which he has publicly established and

preached with the utmost energy. Every day "he performs acts of the most detestable hypoc"risy. Every time he preaches and censures, he "bears open testimony against his own conduct: but "he publicly accuses, without ever intending to cor"rect himself. He is a constant declaimer against "vice, in the pulpit; but a peculiar protector of it, "while he is engaged in the common concerns of "life. While he exhorts his hearers to repentance, "he either imagines himself above those laws, "which he proposes to others on the part of God; or he believes himself under no other necessity of

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