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5. If 20 cwt. of tobacco cost £120 10s. what is it per cwt? Ans. £6 0s. 6d. 6. If 1 cwt. of tea cost £18 18s. what is it per pound ? Ans. 3s. 4 d. 7. If 4 men spend at a tavern £2 16s. 4d. what must each pay? Ans. 14s. 1d.

8. If 12 silver cups weigh 13lb. loz. 2pwt. 10grs. what is the weight of each cup?

Ans. 1lb. 1oz. 1pwt. 20 grs.


9. If 24 lambs cost 30 dollars, what are they a piere?

Ans. 25cts. 10. If 12 men draw a prize of 18000 dollars, what is each man's share? Ans. $1500.

11. If 147 bushels of wheat cost £47 12s. 6d. what is it per bushel? Ans. 6s. 54d.

12. If 196lb. of cotton cost £6 10s. 8d. what is it per pound? Ans. 8d.


4. What is to be done when there is a remainder after dividing any denomination?

5. What is the method of proof?

1. What is Compound Division?
2. How do you place the numbers?
3. How do you proceed in dividing?

Miscellaneous Examples,

1. What is the difference between six dozen dozen and half a dozen dozen? Ans. 792. 2. What is the difference between half a solid foot and a solid Ans. 648 inches.

half foot ? 3. A note was on interest from March 20, 1819, till Jan. 26,1824; what was the length of time? Ans. 4y. 10mo. 6ds.

years. mo. days. 1824 0 26 1819 2 20

4 10 6

In operations of this kind, a month is considered 30 days, and a year 12 months. This, though not perfectly correct, will be found to be a good practical method of ascertaining the time in computing interest.

4. How long from June 7, 1814, to August 3, 1823?

Ans. 9ys. 1mo. 26ds. 5. Divide 5 guineas among 8 men-give A 8d. more than B, and B 8d. more than C, &c. what does H receive? Ans. 15s. 2d. H's share.

appear equally plain, by preparing the dividend in such a manner, before dividing, that the several parts may be divided without a remainder. If you would divide £3 13s. 8d. by 2, first make all the parts divisible by 2; thus £3 13s. 8d. £2 32s. 20d. These parts divided successively by 2, give £1 16s. 10d. the same as by the rule.

In Compound Division there are usually given a variety of cases; but it was thought better to give one general rule which would answer every purpose without unnecessarily incumbering the memory of the scholar. After becoming familiarly acquainted with the rule here given, the several contractions will readily suggest themselves in practice from what has been taught in Simple Division.

6. A horse is valued by A at $60, by B at $69 50, and by C at 872 25, what is the average judgment?

[blocks in formation]

The average in this and similar cases, is found by dividing the sum of the several judgments by the number of appraisers.

$67 25 Ans.

7. M, N, O, and P, appraised a ship as follows, viz. M at $6700, N at $9000, O at 88750, and Pat $7380; what is the average judgment? Ans. $7957 50.

8. A and B wishing to swap horses, and disagreeing as to the conditions, referred the matter to 3 disinterested persons, X, Y and Z, whose judgments were as follows, viz. X said A should pay B 88; and Y said A should pay B 86; but Z said B should pay A $5; what is the average judgment ?

[blocks in formation]

Ans. A must pay B 83.

In the exchange of articles, where the judgment of the referees is partly on one side of the equality between them, and partly on the other, subtract one side from the other, and divide the remainder by

the number of referees for the average judgment.

9. C and D wishing to swap farms, referred the subject to O, P, Q and R, and agreed to abide their judgment, which was as follows, viz. O said C should pay D870; Psaid C should pay D8100; and Q said C should pay D 855; but R said D should pay C $25; how was the matter settled ? Ans. C pays D $50.

10. What is the weight of 4hhd. of sugar, each weighing 7cwt. 4qrs. 19lb.? Ans. 31cwt. 2qrs. 20lb. 11. Three men and 2 boys hoed 30000 hills of corn, and each man hoed 2 hills while a boy hoed one; how many hills were hoed by each man, and how many by each boy ?

Ans. Each man hoed 7500 and each boy 3750 hills.

3x2+2=8 Divisor.

12. If $911.555 be divided among 5 men and 4 women, what is each man and woman's share P



865.111=1 woman's share. $130.222=1 man's share.

15. Two places differ in longitude 31° 37′ 3′′ what is their difference in reckoning time, allowing 15o to make an hour?

Ans. 2h. 6' 3". 14. How much wood in a load 6ft. 7' long, 3ft. 5' high and 3ft. 8′ wide ? Ans. 82ft. 5' 8" 4". 15. I bought a load of wood 8ft. long, 3ft. wide and 2ft. 8' high, how much did it cost at the rate of $1.75 per cord? Ans. 87 cents.


Fractions are parts of a unit.

Fractions are of two kinds, Vulgar and Decimal, which differ in the manner of expression and modes of operation.

A Vulgar Fraction is expressed by two numbers, written one over the other with a line between; as, 흉, and 흉숲.

The number below the line is called the denominator, and expresses the number of parts into which the unit is divided.

The number above the line is called the numerator, and shows how many of those parts are contained in the fraction; thus, the meaning of the expression, of a bushel, is, that a bushe) is divided into 8 equal parts, and that 3 of those parts are taken.

A Decimal Fraction is expressed by one number, which is distinguished from a whole number by a period at the left hand, called the separatrix, as .5, 45, the first denoting 5 tenth parts, and the second 45 hundredth parts.

A Decimal may be changed into a Vulgar Fraction by drawing a line under it, and writing under the line as many cyphers as there are figures in the decimal, with a 1 at the left hand. Thus .5 is .45 is and .005 is ᅮ어어어.




Vulgar Fractions are those whose numerators and denominators are both expressed.

A proper fraction is one whose numerator is less than its denominator; as,,, &c.

An improper fraction is one whose numerator is greater than its denominator; as &c.


A compound fraction is a fraction of a fraction, as of &, &c.

A mixed number consists of a whole number and a fraction, as 124, 6, &c.

A whole number is changed into an improper fraction by writing 1 under it, with a line between, as,, &c.

The common measure of two, or more numbers, is a number which will divide each of them without a remainder.

The greatest common measure of two, or more numbers, is the greatest number which will divide those numbers severally without a remainder.

The common multiple of two, or more numbers, is a number which may be divided by each of those numbers without a remainder.

* Fractions comes from the Latin word, Frango, to break, because the unit is considered as broken into several equal parts. Vulgar and Decimal Fractions differ in this; the denominator of the former may be any number whatever, but the denominator of the latter, when expressed, is always 10, 100, 1000, or 1 with as many ciphers annexed as there are figures in the decimal.

The least common multiple is the least number, which can be so divided without a remainder.

A prime number is one which can be measured only by itself or by

a unit.

A perfect number is one which is equal to the sum of all its aliquot parts.*


Reduction of Vulgar Fractions, is changing them from one form

into another without altering their value.

Case I.

To find the greatest common measure of two, or more numbers.


1. If two numbers only be given, divide the greater by the less, this divisor by the remainder, and so on till nothing remains, always dividing the last divisor by the last remainder; then will the last divisor be the common measure required.

2. If there be more than two numbers given, find the greatest common measure of two of them; then of that common measure and one of the others, and so on through all the numbers; the greatest common measure last found will be the answer.

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* The aliquot part of any number is such a part of it, as, being taken a certain number of times, exactly makes that number. The smallest perfect number is 6. Its aliquot parts are 3, 2 and 1, and 3+2+1=6. The next is 28, the next 496, and the next 8128. Only ten perfect numbers are yet known.

Case II.

To find the least common multiple of two, or more, numbers.


1. Arrange the numbers in a line, and divide by any number that will divide two, or more, of the given numbers without a remainder, and set the quotients together with the undivided numbers in a line below.

2. Divide the second line as before, and so on till there are no two numbers remaining that can be thus divided; then will the continued product of the several divisors, and the figures in the last line, be the multiple required.

[blocks in formation]

To reduce fractions to their lowest terms.

Divide both the terms of the fraction by their greatest common measure, and the quotient will be the fraction required.

* Dividing both terms of a fraction by the same number does not at all alter its value. If the greatest common measure of a fraction be 1, the fraction is already in its lowest terms.

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