D ON METHODISM; INTENDED TO SHEW ITS DISCORDANCE In certain Points, WITH THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST. By a Minister of the Church of England. "All Errors, Sects, and Heresies, as they are mixed with some inferior truths, to LONDON: PRINTED AND SOLD BY OTRIDGE AND SON, STRAND; F. AND J. RIVINGTON, SAINT PAUL'S CHURCH YARD; AND J. HATCHARD, PICCADILLY. 1813. THE following tract is not occasioned by the love of controversy, nor by any aversion to a single individual of the Methodistical persuasion; but solely by a desire of promoting the cause of true religion. Fanaticism and Infidelity are its most dangerous enemies: but in this nation, if the latter abound, the former does much more abound; and whether it be not the most dangerous of the two, let those who have considered its influence and effects determine. The reasoning unbeliever has been refuted time after time, and on the ground of fair argument, on which alone he affects to stand.-His cause is hopeless. The Fanatic corrupter of religion is not so easily corrected. He not only rejects argument on the plea of inspiration, but poisons the source of that pure stream, of which the other vainly attempts to resist the current. |