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Egyptian Typhon with his conspirators, how they dealt with the good Osiris, took the virgin Truth, hewed her lovely form into a thousand pieces, and scattered them to the four winds. From that time ever since, the sad friends of Truth, such as durst appear, imitating the careful search that Isis made for the mangled body of Osiris, went up and down gathering up limb by limb still as they could find them. We have not yet found them all, nor ever shall do, till her master's second coming; he shall bring together every joint and member, and shall mould them into an immortal feature of loveliness and perfection.

2. Explain, as clearly and simply as possible, the central thought in the following poem :

King's College Chapel, Cambridge.

Tax not the royal saint with vain expense,

With ill-matched aims the architect who planned,
Albeit labouring for a scanty band

Of white-robed scholars only; this immense

And glorious work of fine intelligence!

Give all thou canst; high Heaven rejects the lore
Of nicely-calculated less or more;

So deemed the man who fashioned for the sense
These lofty pillars, spread that branching roof
Self-poised and scooped into ten thousand cells,
Where light and shade repose, where music dwells
Lingering and wandering on as loth to die;

Like thoughts whose very sweetness yieldeth proof
That they were born for immortality.

VII. 1. Explain the following terms: solecism, mixed metaphor, apostrophe, euphemism, barbarism, anapaestic, assonance.

2. Define accurately and illustrate the following: synecdoche, personification, metaphor, simile, blank verse, caesura, climax, alliteration.

3. Define accurately six of the following terms, and add illustrations provincialism, pleonasm, inversion, bombast, mixed metaphor, antithesis, Alexandrine, ballad stanza.


absolute construction, 13
absurdity, 51

abstruseness, 275

accent, metrical, 291, 294
Addison, 83 sq., 90, 154, 167, 178 sq.,
185, 193, 248 sq., 257, 269, 272,
279 sq., 314, 318

adjective, comparison, 1; comparative
or superlative, 4; or adverb, 4;
plural, 5

adverb, comparison, 1; or adjective,
4; use of, 17
aggravate, 38
alexandrine, 298 sq.
allegory, 83, 316, 318
alliteration, 103, 296

allusions, 53, 72, 273
Americanisms, 33
amphibrach, 292, 304
anapaest, 292, 303
anaphora, 92

and which, and who, 8

Andrew of Wyntoun, 315

animation, 276

anticipation, 93

anticlimax, 91

antithesis, 86, 115

[blocks in formation]

Ascham, 233

assonance, 296
asyndeton, 92
at least, 56

Austen, Miss, 50, 318
avocation, 38

Bacon, 154, 178, 193, 231, 273 sq.
balanced sentence, 114; style, 274
ballad, 296, 311; metre, 302
barbarisms, 31
Barbour, 311
Baring Gould, 33
Barrow, 319
bathos, 278

Beaconsfield, 257

Beattie, 299
Beowulf, 310

Berners, 235

Bible (A. V.), 32, 83, 90, 101 sqq.,

159, 231, 276, 278

biography, 319

Blackmore, 310

blank verse, 297
bombast, 277

Borrow, 33, 167, 174
Boswell, 167, 319
brackets, 146

brevity, 48, 51, 272

Brontë, Miss, 38, 318
Brown, Dr John, 175

Browne, Sir Thomas, 273; William,

Browning, Mrs E. B., 301; Robert,
168, 314
Buckingham, 317
bucolic poetry, 316

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

De Quincey, 39, 49, 101, 154, 165,
273, 275 sq., 278, 280

decasyllabic, 292, 297

Defoe, 167, 271, 273, 276, 318
Denham, 316

description, 160

descriptive poetry, 316

dialectic words, 32

Dickens, 38, 176, 275, 318

didactic poetry, 315

diffuseness, 50, 73, 271

digression, 124

dimeter, 292

directness, 53
distich, 296
do, 74
Donne, 279
Douglas, 316

drama, 310, 313 sq., 318
Drayton, 301, 315 sq.
Drummond, 267, 301

Dryden, 131, 154, 217, 276, 278,
297 sq., 311 sq., 315, 319
Dunbar, 316

Dyer, 315

Edgeworth, Miss, 33
Edward III, 260
elegance of style, 280
elegy, 312

Eliot, George, 318
emphasis, 75, 108, 138
end-stopt lines, 294
energetic style, 276

enjambement, 294

epanaphora, 92
epanorthosis, 93
epic poetry, 310
epigram, 86
epistrophe, 92

essay, definition, 154; choice of sub-
jects, 154; material, 155; planning,
156; unity, proportion, coherence,
156; beginning, 156; middle, 158,
160; end, 158; revising, 159;
models of style, 159; reproduction,
164; changing point of view, 169;
original work, 173; character-
sketching, 175; imaginative work,
176; abstract themes, 177; chria,
178; selections from the great
essayists, 179; model essays and
outlines, 195; themes, 207
euphemism, 90
euphuism, 274
Evelyn, 319

exclamation (figure), 89: (punctua-

tion), 138

[blocks in formation]

Hall, 319

Hardyng, 315

Havelok the Dane, 311
Hawes, 316

Hazlitt, 154, 319
head-rime, 296
Helps, 240, 253
heroic verse, 297
Herrick, 312

hexameter, 292, 298
historic present, 13, 89
historical play, 313
history, 319
Hobbes, 319
Hood, 87, 303
Hooker, 272
humour, 278
Hunt, 154, 194
hymn, 312

hyperbole, 87
hyphen, 147

iambus, 292, 297 sq., 301
idiom, 6, 15, 17 sq.
idyll, 316

ilk, 38

[blocks in formation]
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