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[blocks in formation]

Ruskin, 101, 274, 276, 319

satiric poetry, 315; prose, 318
scansion, 293

Scott, 32 sq., 35, 60, 89, 167 sq.,
172 sq., 176, 213, 220, 228, 250,
258, 261, 264 sq., 276, 278, 296,
301, 311 sq., 318 sq.
semi-colon, 140
sentence, coherence, 108; emphasis,
108; unity, 108; long and short, 110;
loose and periodic, 112; balanced,
114; synthesis, 115; mutual relation,
sententious style, 273

sermons, 319
sextain, 298
Shaftesbury, 50

Shakespeare, 38, 87 sq., 92, 162, 173,
194, 215, 229, 264, 276 sq., 278,
296 sqq., 300, 304, 312 sqq., 318
shall, 14

Shelley, 226, 274, 296, 299, 312
Shenstone, 299

Sheridan, 37, 318
Shirley, 314

short words, 104; sentence, 110
Sidney, 232, 301

simile, 80

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

unique, 40

unities, the three, 314

unity, of sentence, 108; of paragraph,
123; of the whole composition,
156; of expression, 314
unstopt lines, 294

verb, preterite, 2; -est, -eth, 2;
number, 10; participle, II, 15;
sequence of tenses, 13; infinitive,
14; subjunctive, 14; shall and
will, 14; gerund, 15
verbal, 40

verbosity, 48, 50, 272
verse, 289, 292, 297
vision, 89
vivacity, 276

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Wilkie, 310

will, 14

wit, 279
Wolfe, 167

words, arrangement of, 54, 75, 290;
choice of, 71; number of, 73; re-
petition of, 103; long and short,

[blocks in formation]

Tusser, 289


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