Worlds should not bribe me back to tread Again life's dreary waste, To see again my day o'erspread With all the gloomy past. My home henceforth is in the skies, So spake Aspasio, firm possessed He was a man among the few And all his strength from Scripture drew, That rule he prized, by that he feared, Nor ever frowned, or sad appeared, But when his heart had roved. For he was frail, as thou or I, But when he felt it, heaved a sigh, Such lived Aspasio: and at last His joys be mine, each Reader cries, They shall be yours, my Verse replies, ON A SIMILAR OCCASION, FOR THE YEAR 1790. Ne commonentem recta sperne. BUCHANAN. He who sits from day to day, Hardly knows that he has sung. Where the watchman in his round So your verse-man, I, and clerk, Duly at my time I come, Publishing to all aloud Soon the grave must be your home, And your only suit, a shroud. But the monitory strain, Oft repeated in your ears, Can a truth, by all confessed Pleasure's call attention wins, Though committed every day. Death and Judgment, Heaven and Hell- O then, ere the turf or tomb Make us learn that we must die. ON A SIMILAR OCCASION, FOR THE YEAR 1792. Felix, qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas, Subjecit pedibus, strepitumque Acherontis avari! VIRG. Happy the mortal, who has traced effects wwwww THANKLESS for favours from on high, But he not wise enough to scan Would gladly stretch life's little span To ages in a world of pain, To ages, where he goes Strange fondness of the human heart, Strange world, that costs it so much smart, Whence has the world her magic power? The cause is Conscience-Conscience oft Then anxious to be longer spared 'Tis judgment shakes him; there's the fear, And must despair to pay. Pay!-follow Christ, and all is paid; ON A SIMILAR OCCASION, FOR THE YEAR 1793. De sacris autem hæc sit una sententia, ut conserventur. CIC. DE LEG. But let us all concur in this one sentiment, that things sacred be inviolate. He lives, who lives to God alone, For other source than God is none To live to God is to requite But life, within a narrow ring Can life in them deserve the name, For what poor toys they can disclaim Who, much diseased, yet nothing feel; Have wounds, which only God can heal, |