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3 With longing eyes thy creatures wait
On thee for daily food;
Thy lib'ral hand provides their meat,
And fills their mouth with good.

4 The dumb creation thee adore,
Each moves in his own sphere;
Man only, must we still deplore ?-
Man is a rebel here.

5 How kind are thy compassions, Lord,
How slow thine anger moves!
How soon he sends his pard'ning Word
To cheer the souls he loves.

6 Creatures, with all their endless race,
Thy pow'r and praise proclaim;
But saints, that taste thy richer grace,
Delight to bless thy name.

7 They, with the glorious prospect fired,
Shall of thy kingdom speak;

And thy great pow'r, by
Their lofty subject

all admired,



1 HAPPY the man whose hopes rely On Israel's God! He made the sky,

And earth and seas, with all their train;
His truth for ever stands secure,
He saves th' opprest, he feeds the poor,
And none shall find his promise vain.
2 The Lord gives eyesight to the blind,
The Lord supports the sinking mind,

He sends the lab'ring conscience peace;
He helps the stranger in distress,
The widow, and the fatherless,

And grants the pris'ner sweet release.
3 He loves his saints, he knows them well,
But turns the wicked down to hell;
Thy God, O Zion, ever reigns;
Let ev'ry tongue, let ev'ry age,
In this exalted work engage,

Praise him in everlasting strains.


4 I'll praise him while he lends me breath, And, when my voice is lost in death,

Praise shall employ my nobler powers; My days of praise shall ne'er he past While life, and thought, and being last, Or immortality endures.


1 PRAISE ye the Lord: 'tis good to raise
Our hearts and voices in his praise;
His nature and his works invite
To make our duty our delight.

2 The Lord his temple shall complete,
Gentile and Jew together meet †;
His mercy melts their stubborn soul,
And makes their broken spirit whole.

3 He form'd the stars, those heav'nly flames,
He counts their numbers, calls their names;
His wisdom's vast, and knows no bound,
A deep where all our thoughts are drown'd.

4 Great is our Lord, and great his might,
And all his glories infinite;
He crowns the meek, rewards the just,
And treads the wicked to the dust.

5 But saints are lovely in his sight,
He views his children with delight;
He sees their hope, he knows their fear,
Beholds, and loves his image there.


A Song of National Thanksgiving.
J. P.

1 O BRITAIN, praise thy mighty God,
And make his honours known abroad;
He bid the ocean round thee flow,

Not bars of brass could guard thee so.

+ Or, The Lord builds up Jerusalem, And gathers nations to his name.

St. Paul (Ephes. ii. 19-21) compares the Jewish Church to a temple or building finished for the present, but yet left in such a state as to indicate an intention of future addition and enlarge


2 Thy children are secure and blest,
Thy shores have peace, thy cities rest;
He feeds thy sons with finest wheat,
And adds his blessing to their meat.

3 Thy changing seasons he ordains,
Thine early and thy latter rains;
His flakes of snow like wool he sends,
And thus the springing corn defends.

4 With hoary frost he strews the ground,
His hail descends with clatt'ring sound;
Where is the man, so vainly bold,
That dares defy his dreadful cold?

5 He bids the southern breezes blow,
The ice dissolves, the waters flow;
But he hath nobler works and ways
To call us Britons to his praise.

6 To all the realm his laws are shown,
His Gospel through the nation known;
He hath not thus reveal'd his Word
To ev'ry land.-Praise ye the Lord.

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1 YE boundless realms of joy,
Exalt your Maker's name;
His praise your songs employ
Above the starry frame:
Your voices raise, ye Cherubim
And Seraphim, to sing his praise.

2 Let all adore the Lord,

And praise his holy name,
By whose Almighty word
They all from nothing came :
And all shall last, from changes free,
His firm decree stands ever fast.

ment. The old foundation of the Prophets is carried forward by the addition of that of the Apostles; and the Gentile Church, built upon this last, together with the Jewish, now form one complete building, as it were in two wings, both headed at their juncture bone uniting top-stone, and the party-wall thrown down.

3 To God, in pow'r supreme,

Let kings their thrones submit;
All nations fear his name,
And princes humbly sit:
All ye who bear th' avenging sword,
Adore the Lord, whose pow'r ye share.
4 Ye youths, the chorus lead,

Join'd with the virgin train;

Nor let the hoary head

From the high task refrain:
The infant race shall join the song,
And ev'ry tongue adore his grace.
5 United zeal be shewn

His wondrous fame to raise,
Whose glorious name alone

Deserves our endless praise:
Earth's utmost ends his pow'r obey,
His glorious sway the sky transcends.
6 His chosen saints to grace,
He sets them up on high;
And favours Israel's race,

Who still to him are nigh :
Oh, therefore, raise your grateful voice,
And still rejoice the Lord to praise.


1 O PRAISE ye the Lord, prepare your glad voice,
His praise in the great assembly to sing;
In God, our Creator, let Israel rejoice,
Through Christ, our Redeemer, their offerings


2 Wake early his name, to extol in your songs, When strength is renew'd by the sleep which he


He listens with pleasure to hear your glad


Whose bounteous provision your faintness relieves.


"Let them rejoice in their beds." Meaning, perhaps, the couches upon which the eastern nations reclined to take their meals. Warner. It has been also well applied to the dying bed of the Christian looking for the morning of the resurrection.

3 From sin and from hell redeem'd by his grace,
In sickness and death his praises express,
Who soon in his glory his servants will place,
And with his salvation the humble will bless.

4 Then let them declare, that sin to destroy,
And men to redeem, the Son of God came;
To sound his high praises their voices employ;
His Church, his delight is for ever the same.

5 With glory adorn'd, his people shall sing
To God, who their heads with safety does shield;
Such honour and triumph his favour shall bring,
O therefore, for ever, all praise to him yield.


1 HOSANNA! praise the Lord. O come!
With rev'rence to his hallow'd dome,
At each appointed hour :
There bless him, in sublimest strains,
For in the firmament he reigns
Of his exalted power.

2 The works of his Almighty hand,
Which on eternal record stand,

With thankful hymns review;
On his majestic glory dwell,
Whose rays all excellence excell,
And give the praises due.

3 Let all things that have life and breath,
In heav'n above, in earth beneath,
To Christ their tribute bring;
O praise him; for to him belongs
The breath which modulates your songs,
The heart inspired to sing.


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