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5 Our bodies vile may he renew,
And in his image raise,
That we the realms of light may view,
And sing with endless praise.


1 O LORD, thy waiting people hear,
And all their sins remove,
When they in faith to thee draw near,
And seek thy grace and love.

2 From all the bands of guilt made free,
Thy goodness may we know,
That we may walk in peace with thee,
Through scenes of ill below.

3 With cheering hope our souls revive,
With joy our spirits fill,
That we in faith and love may strive,
To do thy righteous will.

4 Our weakness heal, our hearts console,
In all our grief and pain;
And by thy power may we be whole,
And life eternal gain.



1 O LORD, thy faithful people see,
While here before thy throne;
May they delight to worship thee,
And make thy goodness known.

2 Stir up our wills, our souls renew,
And heav'nly peace impart,
That all may thy blest image view,
Engraven on our heart.

3 In goodly fruits may we abound,
In works of faith and love,
That we may be with glory crown'd,
Among thy saints above.

4 Thee, righteous Lord, may we behold,
In all thy splendour bright,
Not pierced with thorns, nor basely sold,
But bless'd by sons of light.


5 Lord save us now, our wants supply,
The bread of life bestow,
And at thy coming, fix us nigh
Those streams which always flow.


1 WHAT is the voice which now we hear?
"Arise, repent, believe;
"The Son of God will soon appear,
"The Son of God receive!"

2 "The shades withdraw, the glorious sun
"Of righteousness shall rise,
"Through all the earth, his course to run,
"With healing from the skies!"

3 Ye sons of sorrow hear his voice,
The Saviour now embrace,
And like the bridegroom still rejoice,
And walk before his face.

4 O God of Might our souls renew,
Let all our works be pure;
Thy glorious kingdom may we view,
And by thy strength endure.

5 Through every hardship may we strive
To glorify thy name,
And dead to sin, by grace alive,
Thy truth may we proclaim.



1 O GOD, we hear thy voice Divine,
" From earthly cares your souls withdraw;
"My son receive, and be ye mine,
"Obedient to my Gospel-law."

2 O Lord, what goodness thou hast shown,
Through David's Son and Abraham's seed;
In making Christ the Saviour known,
Our griefs to bear in time of need.

3 Our earthly riches may we leave,
And poor in spirit now become;
For all our sins with sorrow grieve,
And seek with care our heav'nly home.

4 May we in faith our troubles bear,
And follow Christ through ev'ry loss;
Our goods with all our brethren share,
And glory in the Saviour's cross.

5 And when, with all the angelic train,
He calls the world before his throne,
May we the crown of life obtain,
And with glad songs his goodness own.



1 ALMIGHTY God, whose gracious power
Through all the earth is known,
Thy Church behold in ev'ry hour,
Her conflicts make thine own.

2 Endue our souls with vigour strong
When dangers press around,
That we may ne'er be borne along
By error's noxious sound.


With all thy people we confess

The Saviour's glorious name;
And thee, the spring of mercies, bless,
And all thy love proclaim.

4 As branches of the living vine,
May we thy grace display;
And with the fruits of goodness shine
In this thy Gospel-day.



1 ALMIGHTY God, we bless thy name
That we have heard those joyful strains
Which from the choirs of angels came,
That sang so sweet in Bethle'm's plains.

2 We thank thee for the healing balms
Which in thy Word are now reveal'd;
And sing thy praise in cheerful psalms,
That all our sores may now be heal'd.

3 O Great Physician, lend thine ear,
Raise up our souls from all their woe;
And when we fall, do thou appear;
Thy tender love and pity show.

4 Thus heal'd by thee, may we declare
Thy grace to all the sons of men;
Till distant lands thy blessings share,
And with their Saviour rise again.


1 LORD of mercy, source of light,
Cast on us thy beams so bright;
Let thy Church derive from thee
Life, and joy, and liberty.

2 With thy servant may we rise,
Loving thee, beyond the skies;
Once he, leaning on thy breast,
Was with heav'nly counsels blest.

3 Lessons of eternal truth,
Cheering age and guiding youth,
In his writings still are found,
And with words of life abound.

4 May we walk in truth below,
And in heav'nly virtues grow;
Till with Jesus we shall dwell,
And his grace and goodness tell :

5 Singing, with the saints above,
Praise to God, so full of love;
Praising his eternal Son,
And the Spirit, Three in One.


1 THY word of truth, O God, reveal
To all the earth around;
Our souls renew, our blindness heal,
And let thy grace abound.
2 Upon thy Gospel-chariot ride,
In glorious armour bright;
Subdue the strong, the sons of pride,
Before thy beams of light.

3 As once thy persecuting


Fell down in great dismay,
That he the Lord of life might know,
And see his peaceful way.

4 O may we learn with him to leave
Whate'er we prized before,
And unto Christ our Saviour cleave,
And love him more and more.

5 Through hostile bands and stormy waves,


Our course may we pursue;
By thee redeem'd, whose mercy saves,
And heavenward guides our view.


1 ALMIGHTY Lord, thy sov'reign power
Extends o'er all the earth around;
On us thy gracious influence shower,
And let thy heav'nly gifts abound.

2 Give all the pastors of thy fold
Wisdom, and grace, and ardent love;
That, while thy goodness they behold,
Their souls may rise to things above.

3 And if in evil hour they fall,
Restore them by thy gracious look;
And when with tears on thee they call,
Blot out their wand'rings from thy book.

4 O may they preach thy Word with zeal,
And shew thy flock the way of peace;
And by thy grace their message seal,
And let their fruits of love increase.

5 May all the world thy truth obey,
Thy Church with ev'ry virtue shine;
That we may see the perfect way
Which leads from death to life divine.


1 GREAT God, what hosts of angels stand,
In shining ranks at thy right hand !
Array'd in robes of dazzling light,
With pinions stretched for distant flight.

2 Immortal fires! seraphic flames !
Who can recount their various names!
In strength and beauty they excel,
For near the throne of God they dwell.

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