6 To sin O never let me yield, Defended from above;
And kept and cover'd with the shield Of thy Almighty love.
1 IN mercy, not in wrath, rebuke Thy feeble worm, my God! My spirit dreads thine angry look, And trembles at thy rod.
2 Touch'd by thy Spirit's quick'ning power,
My load of guilt I feel; The wounds thy Spirit hath unclosed, Oh! let that Spirit heal.
3 Oppress'd with Satan's galling yoke, Must I for ever mourn ?
And wilt thou not at length, O God, In pitying love return?
4 O come, and show thy power to save, And spare my fainting breath, For who can praise thee in the grave, Or sing thy name in death?
5 Satan, my cruel, envious foe, Insults me in my pain, He smiles to see me brought so low, And tells me hope is vain :
6 But hence thou enemy depart, Nor tempt me to despair; My Saviour comes to cheer my heart, The Lord has heard my prayer.
1 THE Lord is Judge; before his throne All nations shall his justice own; O may my soul be found sincere, And stand approved with courage there! 2 The Lord, in righteousness array'd, Surveys the world his hands have made, Pierces the heart, and tries the reins, And judgment from on high ordains.
3 Rise then, O Lord, with just disdain, The anger of my foes restrain !
To judgment wake! on thy command, Justice and truth securely stand.
4 My God, my shield, around me place The shelter of the Saviour's grace; Then, when thine arm the just shall save, My life shall triumph o'er the grave!
5 Rise! and thy people round thy seat In crowds of holy joy, shall meet; And since on Thee our hopes rely, Return, and fix thy power on high.
Applied to Christ.
1 Ο LORD! our Lord, how wond'rous great Is thine exalted name;
The glories of thy heav'nly state Let men and babes proclaim.
2 When we behold thy works on high, The moon which rules the night; And stars which well adorn the sky, Those moving worlds of light.
3 Lord! what is man, or all his race, Who dwells so far below, That thou shouldst visit him with grace, And love his nature so?
4 That thine eternal Son should bear To take a mortal form, Made lower than his angels are, To save a dying worm !
5 Let him be crown'd with majesty Who bow'd his head to death, And be his honours sounded high By all things that have breath! 6 Jesus our Lord, how wond'rous great Is thine exalted name!
The glories of thy heavenly state Let the whole earth proclaim.
1 LORD, what was man when made at first, Adam the offspring of the dust, That thou shouldst set him and his race But just below an angel's place.
2 That thou shouldst raise his nature so, And make him lord of all below; Make every beast and bird submit, And lay the fishes at his feet ?
3 But, O what brighter glories wait To crown the second Adam's state! What honours shall thy Son adorn Who condescended to be born!
4 See him below his angels made, See him in dust among the dead, To save a ruin'd world from sin; But he shall reign with power divine.
5 The world to come, redeem'd from all The miseries that attend the fall, New made and glorious shall submit At our exalted Saviour's feet.
1 WITH heart and mouth, to thee, O Lord,
I will sing grateful praise, And speak of all thy wond'rous works, And them declare always.
2 I will be glad and much rejoice In thee, O God most high! - And make my songs extol thy name Above the starry sky.
3 By judgments great the Lord is known, Whilst wicked men are caught, And fast entangled in the work Which their own hands have wrought.
4 The wicked and deceitful men Go down to hell below, And all the people of the world Who God refuse to know.
5 But sure the Lord will not forget The poor man's grief and pain : The patient people never look For help of him in vain.
1 JEHOVAH reigns-Your tribute bring Proclaim the Lord th' eternal King : Crown him ye saints with holy joy, His arm shall all your foes destroy. 2 Thou Lord, ere yet the humble mind Had formed to prayer the wish design'd, Hast heard the secret sigh arise, While swift to aid thy mercy flies. 3 Thy Spirit shall their heart prepare, Thine ear shall listen to their prayer : Thou, righteous Judge! Thou, Power Divine ! On thee the fatherless recline.
4 The Lord shall save th' afflicted breast, His arm shall vindicate th' opprest; Earth's mightiest tyrants feel his power, Nor sin nor Satan grieve them more.
Trust in God, against the enemies of Church and State. 1 MY refuge is the God of love,
Why do my foes insult and cry,
Fly like a tim'rous trembling dove
To distant woods or mountains fly!
2 "If government be all destroy'd, That firm foundation of your peace, And violence make justice void, Where shall the righteous seek redress †?"
3 The Lord in heaven has fixed his throne, His eyes survey the world below, To him all mortal things are known, His eye-lids search our spirits through.
4 If he afflict his saints so far,
To prove their love and try their grace; What must the bold transgressors fear- His very soul abhors their ways.
+ V. 2. The wicked profanely boast that they will overturn the foundations of law and justice; and then say they, "What will the righteous do?"
5 The righteous Lord loves righteous souls Whose thoughts and actions are sincere; And with a gracious eye beholds The men that his own image bear,
1 LORD, when iniquities abound, And blasphemy grows bold; When faith is hardly to be found, And love is waxing cold :
2 Is not thy chariot hastening on? Hast thou not given this sign? May we not trust and live upon A promise so divine ?
3 Yes saith the Lord, now will I rise And make oppressors flee; I shall appear to their surprise, And set my servants free.
4 Thy word like silver seven times tried, Through ages shall endure : And they that in thy truth confide, Shall find thy promise sure.
1 HOW long wilt thou forget me, Lord;
Must I for ever mourn ?
How long wilt thou withdraw from me, Oh! never to return ?
2 How long shall anxious thoughts my soul, And grief my heart oppress? How long mine enemies insult, And I have no redress?
3 O hear, and to my longing eyes, Restore thy wonted light! And suddenly, or I shall sleep In everlasting night.
4 How would the tempter boast aloud
If I became his prey ! Behold the sons of hell grow proud,
At thy so long delay.
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