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1 HOW large the promise, how divine,
To Abram and his seed-

I'll be a God to thee and thine,
Supplying all their need.

2 The words of his extensive love,
From age to age endure;
The angel of the covenant proves,
And seals the blessing sure.

3 Jesus the ancient faith confirms,
To our great fathers given;
He takes young children to his arms,
And calls them heirs of heaven.

4 Then let the children of the saints
Be dedicate to God;
Pour out thy Spirit on them, Lord,
And wash them in thy blood!

5 Thus to their parents and their seed
Shall thy salvation come;
And num'rous households meet at last,
In one eternal home.

[blocks in formation]

1 'TWAS the commission of our Lord,
Go teach the nations and baptize;
The nations have received the word,
Since He ascended to the skies.

2 He sits upon th' eternal hills,
With grace and pardon in his hands,
And sends his covenant with the seals,
To bless the distant British lands.

3 Repent and be baptized, he saith,
For the remission of your sins;
And thus our sense assists our faith,
And shews us what his Gospel means.

4 Our souls he washes in his blood,
As water makes the body clean;
And the good Spirit, from our God,
Descends like purifying rain.

5 Thus dost thou join our souls to thee,
And seal'st the covenant of thy Word;
() may the great eternal Three,
In heaven our solemn vows record.


(Baptism of several Children.)

1 O LORD, these children bless,
Thou callest such to thee,
With gladness may they press,
Thy glorious truths to see;
As now thy gates are open wide,
May they within thy Church abide.

2 O let them feel thy care,



Thy Spirit's healing grace,
And all thy blessings share,
Within this holy place;
That being thine on earth below,

In fruits of goodness they may grow.

From every subtle wile
Of Satan guard their heart,

From that which would defile,

O let them stand apart;
With early life, may they begin
To shun the ways and works of sin.

O guide them with thine eye,
Thou Lord of power and might,

And be thou ever nigh,

The source of perfect light;
That when all earthly scenes are past,
Their joys in heav'n may ever last.



1 THY promised help, O Lord, impart,
Bring these thy servants near;
Let thy good Spirit cleanse their heart,
And guide them in thy fear.

2 Lord, they are thine, redeem'd by thee,
Wash'd in the fountain pure;
From every danger keep them free,
And in thy Church secure.

3 Clothe them with armour from above,
To screen them from their foe;
With faith, and hope, and heav'nly love,
Through all their course below.

4 Their steps confirm, their hearts sustain,
And shield them by thy hand;
That near thy tents they may remain,
And by thy favour stand.

5 Beneath thy banners may they fight,
And every foe subdue;
Till they are crown'd before thy sight,
As soldiers good and true.


1 LOOK down, O Lord, and on our youth,
Bestow thy gifts of heav'nly grace,
And let the seed of sacred truth
Find in each mind a fruitful place.

2 Soon to appear before thy sight,
Their vow and promise to renew ;
Prepare them for the solemn rite,
Bid each his heart and life review.

3 The cross that mark'd their infant brow,
May it a faithful emblem prove,
That they shall keep that sacred vow,
And walk as children of thy love.

4 Lord, teach them to remember thee,
Their great Creator, from their youth;
Advancing to maturity,

In years, in knowledge, grace, and truth.

5 Now in the strength of power divine,
() may they all, with glad accord,
In holy covenant combine,

And join themselves to Christ, the Lord.
6 Thy sons and daughters may they be,
Confirm'd and strengthen'd by thy grace,
And safe through life, preserved by thee,
In heaven behold thee face to face.


1 O HAPPY is the man who hears
Instruction's sacred voice,
And who celestial wisdom makes
His early, only choice.

2 For she has treasures, greater far
Than east or west unfold,
And her reward is more secure,
Than is the gain of gold.

3 In her right hand she holds to view
A length of happy years,
And in her left, enduring wealth,
And honour bright appears.

4 She guides the young with innocence,
True pleasure's path to tread;

A crown of glory she bestows
Upon the hoary head.

5 And as her holy labours rise,
So her rewards increase;
Her ways are ways of pleasantness,
And all her paths are peace.



In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.-Rev. xxii. 2.


1 COME let us join a cheerful song,
To our exalted Lord,

Ye saints on high, around his throne,
And we around his board.

2 While once upon this lower ground,
Weary and faint ye stood,
What dear refreshments here ye found,
From this immortal food!

3 The tree of life, that near the throne,
In heaven's high garden grows,
Laden with grace, bends gently down
Its ever smiling boughs.

4 Hov'ring amongst the leaves, there stands The sweet celestial dove;

And Jesus on the branches, hangs
The banners of his love!

5 "Tis a young heaven of strange delight,
While in his shade we sit;

His fruit is pleasing to the sight,
And to the taste as sweet.

6 New life it spreads through dying hearts,
And cheers the drooping mind;
Vigour and joy the juice imparts,
Without a sting behind.

7 Infinite grace! our souls adore,

Whose wondrous hand has made
This living branch of sov'reign pow'r
To raise and heal the dead.



1 AND are we now brought near to God,
Who once at distance stood?
And to effect this blessed change
Did Jesus shed his blood?

2 Oh! for a song of ardent praise,
To bear our souls above;
What should allay our lively hope,
Or damp our flaming love?
3 Then let us join the heavenly choirs,
To praise our glorious king;
Oh may that love which spread this feast,
Inspire us while we sing.


After consecration of the elements.

1 BREAD of the world, in mercy broken,
Wine of the soul, in mercy shed!
By whom the words of life were spoken,
And in whose death our sins are dead.

2 Look on the heart by sorrow broken,
Look on the tears, by sinners shed;
And be thy feast to us the token,
That by thy grace our souls are fed.

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