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4 We shall be strong to run the race,
And climb the upper sky;
Christ will provide our souls with grace,
He owns a large supply.

5 Let us indulge a cheerful frame,
For joy becomes a feast;
We love the mem'ry of his name
Who gives the wine we taste.



1 TO Jesus, our exalted Lord,
Great name by heav'n and earth adored,
Fain would our hearts and voices raise
A cheerful song of sacred praise.

2 But all the notes which mortals know
Are weak, and languishing, and low;
Far, far above our humble songs,
The theme demands immortal tongues.

3 Yet while around his board we meet,
And humbly worship at his feet,
O let our warm affections move
In glad returns of grateful love!
4 Let faith our feeble senses aid,
To see thy wondrous love display'd,
Thy broken flesh, thy bleeding veins,
Thy dreadful agonising pains.

5 Let humble penitential woes
With painful, hopeful anguish, flow;
And thy forgiving grace impart
Life, joy, and peace, to ev'ry heart.


(From the Communion Service.)

1 TO God be glory-peace on earth,
Good-will to mortals shown!
We praise, we bless, we glorify,
We worship thee alone.

2 We thank thee for thy glorious grace,
That fills our souls with light;
Lord God! the King of heaven! the God
And Father of all might !

3 Thou too, Lord God! the Son of God,
That tak'st our sins away,
Have mercy, Saviour of mankind,
And hear us when we pray.

4 Thou who dost sit at God's right-hand,

Upon the Father's throne,
Have mercy, mercy, on us, Lord!
Who art the Holy One.

5 Thou, with the Holy Ghost, O Christ,
Whom heaven and earth adore,

High in the Father's glory art,
Most high for evermore.


1 HEAVEN hath confirm'd the great decree,
That Adam's race must die;
One gen'ral ruin sweeps them down,
And low in dust they lie.

2 Ye living men, survey the tomb,
Where you must quickly dwell;
Hark how the awful summons sounds
In ev'ry funeral knell !

3 Those eyes, though long in darkness veil'd,
Must wake the Judge to see;
And ev'ry deed, and word, and thought,
Must pass his scrutiny.

4 May we in thee, the Judge, behold
Our Saviour and our Friend;
And, far above the reach of death,
With all thy saints ascend.


1 AND will the Judge descend?
And must the dead arise ?
And not a single soul escape
His all-discerning eyes?

2 And from his righteous lips

Shall this dread sentence soundAnd through the num'rous guilty throng Spread black despair around?



"Depart from me, accursed,
To everlasting flame;
For rebel angels first prepared,
Where mercy never came."

How will my heart endure
The terrors of that day?

When earth and heav'n before his face,

Astonish'd, shrink away

5 But ere that trumpet shake
The mansions of the dead,
Hark! from the Gospel's cheering sound,
What joyful tidings spread!

6 Ye sinners, seek his grace,
Whose wrath ye cannot bear;
Fly to the shelter of his cross,
And find salvation there.


So shall that curse remove
For which the Saviour bled;
And the last awful day shall pour
Its blessings on your head.




AND am I born to die,
To lay this body down?
And must my trembling spirit fly
Into a world unknown?-

A land of deepest shade,
Unpierced by human thought;
The dreary regions of the dead,
Where all things are forgot?

3 Soon as from earth I go,
What will become of me?
Eternal happiness or woe
Must then my portion be.


Waked by the trumpet's sound,
I from my grave shall rise,
And see the Judge, with glory crown'd,
And see the flaming skies!

5 How shall I leave my tomb?
With triumph or regret ?
A fearful or a joyful doom,
A curse or blessing meet?




Will angel bands convey
Their brother to the bar ?
Or devils drag my soul away,
To meet its sentence there?

I must from God be driv'n,
Or with my Saviour dwell;
Must come at his command to heav'n,
Or else depart to hell.

O Thou, that would'st not have
One wretched sinner die,
Who diedst thyself, my soul to save,
From endless misery :

9 Shew me the way to shun

Thy dreadful wrath severe;
That, when thou comest on thy throne,
I may with joy appear.

10 Thou art thyself the way,
Thyself in me reveal;


So shall I spend my life's short day,

Obedient to thy will.

So shall I love my God,

Because he first loved me;

And praise thee, in thy bright abode,
To all eternity.


1 SEE! while the saint expiring lies,
Upward he lifts his longing eyes;
In praise he spends his latest breath,
Triumphs in pain, and sings in death.

2 Oh! who can tell what secret power
Supports him in the gloomy hour;
What unseen hand is with him there,
Or whence proceeds that cheerful air?

3 A smile upon his lips appears,
His face a heav'nly aspect wears;
Each grief removed, each sin forgiven,
On earth he feels the dawn of heaven.

4 Sinners behold, and wond'ring, cry,
"Thus, like the righteous, let me die;"
But such an end they'll never find
Who leave not such a life behind.


1 THOU God of truth and love,
We seek thy perfect way;

We seek thy will to prove,
Thy precepts to obey:
Show us thy Gospel's bright design,
And let our wills be lost in thine.

2 O that thou wouldst unite
Our kindred spirits here,
That all hereafter might

Before thy throne appear;
That all might meet before the Lamb,
And all thy glorious love proclaim.
3 O! may we ever bear

This blessed end in view;
And join, with earnest care,
To fight our passage through :
Let's kindly help each other on,
Till all receive the starry crown.
4 O may thy Spirit seal

Our souls unto that day;
With all thy fulness fill
And then transport away;

Away to our eternal rest,
Away to our Redeemer's breast.


1 WHY do we mourn departing friends, Or shake at death's alarms ? 'Tis but the voice that Jesus sends To call them to his arms

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